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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

March 20

Deity worship means to be very, very clean. You should try to bathe twice daily. The Deities should never be approached without having bathed first and changed to clean cloths after passing stool, etc. Keep teeth brushed after each meal, fingernails clean and trim. Be sure that your hands are clean before touching anything on the altar or the Deities. And cleanse the Deity room, altar and floor daily thoroughly. Shine the various Aratrik paraphernalia after Aratrik. This is described in the booklet for pujaris written by Silavati Dasi. The idea is summit cleanliness - that will satisfy Krsna.

Letter to Rukmini, 20 March, 1970

March 19

Our program is sublime. Our philosophy is practical and authorized; our character, the purest; our program, the simplest; but our ultimate goal is the highest. Similarly, we have to convince people of your country. They are intelligent, well to do, and receptive.

Letter to Hayagriva, 19 March, 1970

March 18

The Krishna conscious Katha contest and the workshops appear to be very nice. This is our only business - to endeavor to serve Krishna at every moment. The whole world is busy for sense gratification, it is anthill civilization. So much endeavor for what? We also work hard because we know the goal of life - to please Krishna. So if by these workshops service to Krishna has been increased in everyone, then they are very nice.

Letter to Gurudasa Maharaja, 18 March, 1977

March 17

I am also very glad to hear you want to retire completely from materialistic life and devote yourself fully to the service of the Lord. The service of the Lord can be done directly as Krsna says, Sarva dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja [Bg. 18.66].

Letter to Dr. Ghosh, 17 March, 1974

March 11

In the absence of BTG printing, the machine is being used for some other purposes. Of course, when I was in Montreal, I think I gave permission to print some outside work, to get some money, but that does not mean that we should stop our own work, and print something in our press which is against our principles. Please try to convey this news to both Janardana and Dayala Nitai and they may please give attention.

Letter to Jayapataka, 11 March, 1969

March 10

I hope by this time, by serving this Krishna Consciousness movement for the last two years you must have gotten some taste of the nectarine. Now you must be fixed up and execute your specified duty as ordered by me, and then I am sure there will be no difficulty.

Letter to Madhusudana, 10 March, 1969

March 9

Perhaps it may be known to you that in the Western world I am preaching the cult of Krishna Consciousness strictly on the Vaisnava principles, and I have established already 26 centers as listed on enclosed sheet. I want to establish many Radha Krishna Temples in all important towns and countries of the Western World. I am not only establishing Temples, but I am creating the devotees of the Temples. There are many thousands of disciples in America, Europe, Canada, Japan, and Australia. So I am in need of many pairs of Radha Krishna Murtis, and from the letter of Sri Balmukund Parikh I learn that you are interested to donate such Murtis for being installed in different parts of the Western countries. I understand that four pairs of Murtis have already been donated by your Trust through correspondence with the Secretary of the Dalmia Jayan Trust. But I want many hundreds of pairs of such Murtis.

Letter to R. D. Birla, 9 March, 1970

March 8

Actually, everyone is trying to enjoy Laksmi without Narayana. Ultimately, the Mayavadi is envious of Krsna and wants to enjoy the original Laksmi, therefore they call each other "namo Narayana'', they sit around and address each other as Narayana. This is the greatest offense, and they are actually unfortunate because they do not engage in devotional service. The Goddess of Fortune Laksmi is fickle towards the materialist, sometimes he is prince and sometimes he is pauper. But Laksmi cannot leave the side of Lord Narayana and wherever Lord Narayana is worshiped with care, good fortune and opulence is there. Therefore, the devotee is known as the most fortunate.

Letter to Vijitatma, 8 March, 1973

March 7

Actually one can be perfectly Krishna-Conscious without being literate. Education is not necessary. Simply it is required to accept the fact, that we are the eternal servants of Krishna, and engage in some tangible service.

Letter to Dr. Aggarwal, 7 March, 1973

February 28

So far the spirit soul is concerned, if conditions are for some reason not favorable in some place, he is forced to leave that womb and take shelter in another. And if there is chanting of Hare Krishna, even the soul is there for a short time, oh, he will hear and become advanced. This sound vibration is not material, it is spiritual, and powerful beyond our conception. So it cannot be hindered in any way by something material; it surpasses all these material barriers. So you can know it that when you are chanting, you are also giving benefit to even the child in the womb.

Letter to Mukunda and Janaki, 28 February, 1968
