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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

May 7

Rama dies, Syama dies, father dies, mother dies, he dies, she dies, etc. all these experiences may help us in the conclusion that after all man dies and therefore the conclusion man is mortal made. But the defect of this process of knowledge is that it may be that we have not seen a person who is still living even after some thousands of years. As soon as we get this information the whole conclusion that a man is mortal - is at once changed and we have to say that some men are mortal. In this way the research work of scientific thought are constantly changing because the very research work is done by person who is himself a condition by the four principles of mistake, illusion, cheating and imperfection. Therefore, the Deductive Process is more effective. Man is mortal we have heard it from very authoritative sources like the Vedas and we have accepted it.

Letter to Sri Padampat Ji, 7 May, 1957

May 6

You have got the right idea when you say that, "I am always very anxious to know if I am pleasing you or not.'' Lord Caitanya set the example when he said that "I don't have any love for Krsna. If I had any love for Krsna, I would have died long ago from the separation.'' So one should always think of himself as unqualified.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 6 May, 1973

May 4

We are putting these books for deliberation before the topmost thinkers of human society. Therefore, I have to see that in all languages all of our books are published. If we strain, and if he takes one book home, some day people will come to understand what valuable knowledge they have received.

Letter to Puranjana das, 4 May, 1976

May 3

Your idea to recruit many brahmacaris is nice. We need a class of men purely brahmanas. The whole world is full of sudras. The Krishna Consciousness movement is meant for re-establishing the system of four varnas and asramas, then there will be progress of civilization. We have got such a nice process that even from the base sudras we can create brahmanas of highest calibre.

Letter to Rupanuga, 3 May, 1972

May 2

Yes, that is a nice proposal if you speak like a learned scholar. Everything is there in our books; so learn it and put in your own way by reproducing. You are also materially well-educated so reproduce what I have taught in your own language.

Letter to Kirtanananda, 2 May, 1972

May 1

At least once daily the Deity's clothes must be changed, in the morning. If the Deities are small, as they appear to be from the photograph, then they can be laid down in a bed at night. And they can be given nightgowns to wear before taking rest. That is nice. If there is time and facility then these things can be implemented. So far as bathing is concerned, it requires two hands and one tongue. In your left hand be ringing a bell and simultaneously with your right hand pour water. Chant Hare Krishna, Cintamani, Govinda Jaya Jaya, etc., like that.

Letter to Daughter Laksmimoni, 1 May, 1971

April 30

The devotee, one whose life is surrendered to Krishna, is always enjoying "great satisfaction and bliss'' and he is constantly "enlightened'', always positive, not negative as you say. The advanced devotee is the friend of everyone: yoga-yukto visuddhatma, purified soul engaged in loving devotional service to Krishna, sarvabhutatmabhutatma, he is dear to everyone and everyone is dear to him; and in another place Krishna claims that: yo mad bhakta sa me priya, that His devotee who is very dear to Him, advesta sarva-bhutanam, maitah karuna eva ca, is not envious but is the kind friend to all living entities.

Letter to Lynne Ludwig, 30 April, 1973

April 29

Scientists are constantly doing research, and if you ask them what they are doing, they say, "Oh, it is for the next generation, for the future." But I say, "What about you? What about your skyscraper? If in your next life you are going to be a tree, what will you do with your next generation then?" But he is an ass. He does not know that he is going to stand before his skyscraper for ten thousand years. And what about the next generation? If there is no petrol, what will the next generation do? And how will the next generation help him if he is going to be a cat, a dog or a tree?

The Fourth Morning Walk: the shores of the Pacific Ocean Near Los Angeles April, 29, 1973

April 28

So far we are concerned we shall keep ourselves in ideal brahminical position and if need be if no ksatriya or Vaisya is here we can take up their work as emergency. Our business is to create ideal ksatriyas and vaisyas but beyond that our real business is to keep ourselves as ideal Brahmins. If we are not ideal we cannot create others as ideal. Training is required for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes of social constitution. Persons who are not fit for being advanced by training are sudras or less than that. At the present moment in the world state, there are sudras and less than that. There are no ideal brahmanas or ksatriyas. But these four divisions are imperative. So our business is to keep fit as brahmanas and to train others to be ideal ksatriyas and vaisyas for advancing the whole society.

Letter to Rupanuga Maharaja, 28 April, 1974

April 27

These man made borders of land are disturbances in the Law of the Lord. All lands belong to Krishna and as servant of Krishna we have every right to enter any land but artificial man made civilization has created so many nonsense and these are the conditions of material existence. Sometimes we have to place ourselves under such conditions to make the best use of a bad bargain, but rest assured in the discharge of Krishna conscious duties Krishna will always give us His protection and we may discharge our duties unhesitatingly.

Letter to Pradyumna dasa Brahmacari, 27 April, 1967
