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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

June 6

I have received one reply from Mr. Bajaj of the Gita Pratisthan dated May 25, 1976, and it is not feasible for me to attend this meeting so if appears wise you can go as my disciples on my behalf, both yourself and Gopala Krishna. This is the line that you should adopt: We are already propagating Gita, but "As It Is,'' without changing. This should be the method. Krishna is not going to flatter the politicians and learned scholars, rather Krishna is teaching them how to flatter Krishna. Na mam duskrtino mudhah prapadyante naradhamah, etc [Bg. 7.15]. If one is not prepared to surrender to Krishna, then what is the meaning of preaching Gita. If one has got their own philosophy, then let them preach their own philosophy, but do not do it in the name of the Gita. This is our protest to all of the interpreters of the Bhagavad-gita.

Letter to Giriraja dasa, 6 June, 1976

June 5

My other point is that my permanent vise in U.S.A. is not so important, as is the publication of books, and circulating them as widely as possible. I think therefore that you should give more attention to the publication department. Even if I do not get permanent visa, it is not very harmful. I understand that the government of the U.S.A. is disgusted with the so-called Swamis because they have exploited the people in so many ways. That is a fact. And if I would have been in the government, I would have also considered like that.

Letter to Brahmananda, 5 June, 1968

June 3

The transcendental symptoms of ecstasy certainly are auspicious, but they are not for advertising to others. One should not advertise directly or indirectly that one is feeling like this. They should be checked. Otherwise one will gradually become sahajiya or one who takes spiritual advancement as something materially manifest.

Letter to Makhanlal, 3 June, 1970

May 29

Simply by bhakti, devotional service, one can become liberated from all contamination. That's a fact, especially in this age. Otherwise why the Europeans and Americans, they will join this movement and chant if there is no effective measure? Why? They are not fools, rascals; they are educated. They're coming from respectable family. It is not that we are befooling them to chant Hare Krsna and dance. No. They are feeling ecstasy. It's a fact. Not blindly they are doing. Not only in one place, hundreds of centers. Why? That is the effect of chanting. If you chant, you get the effect, because the holy name and the Supreme Lord, there is no difference.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.1.30, Honolulu, 29 May, 1976

May 28

There is no question of animal bone. As I have already told you, Ivory Jewels, conchshell and cow dung are all pure. Everything is pure when employed in the service of the Lord. Just like the mrdanga kohl is made of skin and still it is held as pure. If you want more karatalas and mrdangas, you can contact Jayapataka Swami here in Calcutta (3, Albert Road; Calcutta-17, INDIA). So coral and mother of pearl are all right. Many Deities are made of coral.

Letter to Govinda Dasi, 28 May, 1971

May 26

Requirements for Jagannatha worship is that four qualified Brahmins must be on hand to tend to Lord Jagannatha's needs. Unless there are sufficient men and Brahmins, how can such worship go on?

Letter to, 26 May, 1971

May 24

God has actually no name, but His name is designated according to His activities and action. Just like Partha-sarathi. Partha-sarathi, the name is given to Krsna because He acted as the chariot driver of Partha. He is addressed as Devaki-nandana. So Devaki-nandana is not His name, but because He acted, He appeared as the son of Devaki, He is called Devaki-nandana. He is called Yasoda-nandana. Actually, what you say, that there is no name of God, but He has His name, but the name is designated according to His activities. That means that God has His activities, and according to the different types of activities, He has got millions and trillions of name.

Lecture on Bhagavad-Gita 7.1, Fiji, 24 May 1975

May 23

A pure devotee is always free from the four principle restrictions, and he has a tilaka on his forehead. At least these symptoms indicate one's purity in Krishna Consciousness. If one is not following these principles, he is not considered to be a pure devotee.

Letter to Gurudasa, 23 May, 1968

May 20

You go to those rascals and they will convert you. You are not so strong that you can convince them and convert them from their foolishness. It is distinctly said in the Bhagavad-gita that the purpose of Vedic knowledge is to understand Krishna, vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyo, [Bg. 15.15]. So, we are presenting Krishna in so many ways, politically, socially, economically, philosophically, and religiously, etc. We are describing Him in 75 books of 400 pages each. Better read these books thoroughly and be firmly convinced yourself before going to these demons for convincing them.

Letter to Madhava dasa, 20 May, 1975

May 19

Yes, do not take too much foodstuffs; take so that no remnants are left. Immediately after, the dishes should be washed, or paper dishes thrown away. But do not throw away prasadam. Better to take a little less than to have leftover for saving. That is not good.

Letter to, 19 May, 1971
