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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

June 19

In the meantime, I shall request you to open correspondence with Mr. Marcial Tamayo, or Mr. David J. Exley, chief of the NGO section of U.N., to get some appointment for meeting so that we can furthermore impress them about the importance of this movement, and thereby seeking cooperation from the U.N. for disseminating our great philosophy to the responsible personalities of each and every nation. They have not yet come to understand the importance of this movement, but if they kindly hear patiently about the basic principles of the movement, they will feel obliged to get this enlightenment.

Letter to Purusottama, 19 June, 1968

June 18

Brahma-bhuyaya is the immune stage or Krishna Conscious stage when one is always fixed in Krishna. When one reaches this perfectional stage he no longer has to accept these different types of diseases, or bodies.

Letter to Dr. W.H. Wolf-Rottkay, 18 June, 1975

June 15

I don't know who has given you this idea of shaving your head and wearing white garments. In India only the widows are allowed to shave head. I have never suggested your husband to take to Sannyas, but we can discuss this matter further when we shall meet again in London for Rathayatra.

Letter to Himavati, 15 June, 1972

June 14

Because we have to keep our body and soul together to execute our mission, we must have sufficient (not extravagant) food to eat, and that will be supplied by grains, fruits, and milk. So if you can develop this place to that ideal life and the residents become ideal Krishna Conscious men, in that part of your country, I think not only many philosophically minded people will be attracted, but they will be benefited also.

Letter to Hayagriva, 14 June, 1968

June 13

The real identity of the living entity is that he is eternally servant of God. We should not understand this word servant in the meaning of materialistic servant. To become servant of God is a great position. That is not ordinary position. Just like people try to get some government servitorship. Government service. That is also servant, to become servant. Why? Or people try to get some service in some established firm, well-reputed business firm. Why? That service is comfortable, there is great profit in such kind of service. So if people are satisfied by getting a government service or service in some good establishment, then just think over if you become servant of God then what is your position?

Lecture on Bhagavat-Gita 4.7, Montreal, 13 June, 1968

June 12

During the time of my Guru Maharaja's passing away, His last instruction was to me that "You try to preach whatever you have learned from me in English, and that will do good to you and the people who will hear you.'' This instruction was given to me in 1936, and I started this paper in 1944.

Letter to Rayarama, 12 June, 1968

June 11

Those who have no taste of Krsna consciousness, they are trying to be happy by unnecessarily increasing the material demands because they have no other information. But as soon as one is engaged in devotional service of Krsna, paresanubhuti, he relishes some transcendental pleasure, and, as a result of that, this nonsensical pleasure becomes insignificant. That is the test.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.5.12-13, New Vrindaban, June 11, 1969

June 9

So far as your distress is concerned, it is not new: it is the general condition of living entities who are distressed for want of sense gratification. Unless one is related with Sri Krishna, The Reservoir of All Pleasures, it is very difficult to have complete pleasures perception in this material world.

Letter to Mr. Taber, 9 June, 1967

June 8

Yes, I could observe that your mind was disturbed on account of meeting your wife privately. There is no need of hide and seek. Better live as husband and wife as householders and in great enthusiasm execute the Krishna Consciousness movement. There are many GBC who are grhastha. you can remain for management of the temples and also work in the schools and colleges for introducing our books in the libraries. The recent reports of this work have been very favorable. Take up this line more seriously helped by your good wife and that will be nice.

Letter to Rupanuga, 8 June, 1974

June 7

For serving the Lord, we require to sacrifice our life, our wealth, our intelligence, and our words. One can serve the Lord with these four possessions; if not, with three, if not, then with two or even one, and that is sufficient to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Letter to Gargamuni, 7 June, 1968
