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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

April 26

If you have no time, you are not required to go with the Sankirtana Party. Your first business is to take care of the Deities. Practically you see that everyone is appreciating your Deity worship and Srimati Radharani is smiling, so it is a great credit for you, so continue this engagement.

Letter to Himavati, 26 April, 1970

April 24

When we speak, "Krsna," you should understand " Krsna " means God, the Supreme Being. " Krsna," the etymological meaning is "the all-attractive." Without being all-attractive there is no meaning of God. It is not that God is attractive only to certain class of men. No. God is attractive for all classes of men, unless he is animal. Animal does not know what is God and what is the attraction of God. He does not know. But human being, in the human society, at least in the civilized human society there is a certain idea of God. Either you follow Christianity or Vedic principle of Mohammedan religion or even Buddha religion, there is conception of God. There is an attempt to understand God. That is human society.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 9.5, Melbourne, April 24, 1976

April 23

So far the sign is concerned, why should we make such an expenditure of so many thousands of dollars for a sign... what benefit shall we derive? Whether it will be beneficial or not? Everyone knows that it is Hare Krishna Centre so why should you spend some thousands of dollars? One thing, however, I can suggest. If we display there a new picture or painting of our Hare Krishna Movement regularly, very nicely painted. Also, you can have a book display, with pictures and paintings also. That will be good advertisement.

Letter to Ramesvara das Maharaja and Ranadhira das, 23 April, 1976

April 22

I am very glad to learn also that you are feeling joy while chanting the mantra Hare Krishna. Yes, it is exactly like this. If anyone chants this mantra in good faith and in simple understanding, then surely this transcendental vibration will act immediately in spiritual bliss. Please therefore continue to chant this mantra as many times as possible throughout the day and night. I do not think there is any inconvenience or loss on your part if you do so all the time.

Letter to Sriman Minoru and Kenji, 22 April, 1970

April 21

I am here in your temple, I'm feeling your separation. But, I'm seeing everything is going nicely, the same as when it was under your management. The devotees here, they are jumping and dancing very nicely. You can also establish the kirtana hall on the farm and install Gaura Nitai Deities. Gaura Nitai can be established anywhere, and it is simple to worship Them simply chant before Their Lordships. He doesn't mind that you have not decorated very nicely, but if you chant and dance He is very pleased.

Letter to Madhudvisa Maharaja, 21 April, 1976

April 20

Your report of your visit to Pakistan is very very encouraging. Why not develop this center and take the help of these men? The temple is already there and the men are willing to help. Simply we have to explain our philosophy to the learned circles. Generally our program should be to hold kirtana and give very nice sumptuous prasadam, and if the opportunity arises we can speak some philosophy. If you invite everyone, and the Hindus and Muslims come and take prasadam, that will unify the whole country.

Letter to Atreya Rsi, 20 April, 1977

April 19

Regarding Gurukula, it is not required that parents live there with there children. We can take care of the children, but not the parents. Any parents there must be engaged preaching and selling books, and going on the Sankirtana party. Mohanananda Prabhu has agreed to fully cooperate, now you just direct him. I just want that the children learn English and Sanskrit nicely, that's all. I want that things go on there nicely, it is so important work.

Letter to Satsvarupa Maharaja, 19 April, 1973

April 18

Regarding jobs for householders, there is no confusion. If your whole time is needed for Sankirtana Party there is no need of working in a Karmi firm. Actually all our devotees are supposed to be brahmanas. A brahmana's business is to preach the glories of the Lord, to learn the essence of Vedic knowledge - Krsna Consciousness - and to teach others of the same knowledge. And for living condition, whatever they get in the form of contribution from others, they can they can live barely to keep the body and soul together, and the balance spend for Krsna.

Letter to Jaya Govinda, 18 April, 1970

April 17

The best thing for your wife is to try and tolerate the pains and to execute her devotional service to the best of her capacity. If this is difficult, then she should try to get the proper treatment for her problem. And in this case, you may consult with Jagadisa dasa for advice. Under any circumstances, she should follow all the rules and regulations and chant at least 16 good rounds daily.

Letter to Jitasvara dasa, 17 April, 1975

April 16

I started this magazine in 1947 in my householder life. I was spending Rs. 300 to 400 at the time ($300 to 400 in your exchange), and I was distributing this magazine without any consideration how much I was getting in return. Practically the whole money was spent without any return. But ten years after, from 1954 to 1959, the struggle was very hard because at that time I had no money and alone I was editing, publishing, and securing money for publication. So it was a great struggle. My ambition was that I would publish BTG in huge quantity so that people may understand transcendental blessings of Lord Caitanya. Now, since I have come to your country, I have entrusted the matter to my beloved American boys and girls.

Letter to Gurudasa, 16 April, 1970
