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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

April 15

So long we are on the platform of mental speculation, we should understand that we are on the material plane, because mind is material. Mind is not spiritual. So mano-gatan. The special word is used here, mano-gatan. Whatever we create in our mind, that is material, all creations. Mind is the leader of the senses. So the activities of the mind - thinking, feeling and willing - are expressed through our senses. And these sensual activities are known as our living condition. Therefore the Lord says, "When one shall be free from mental speculation, then he's to be understood that he is in the perfect stage of spiritual consciousness."

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 2.55-58, New York, April 15, 1966

April 14

The second important program is this distribution of prasadam, without any discrimination, so that everyone will get equal portion, no matter how little or how much is there.

Letter to Bhavananda, 14 April, 1972

April 13

If artistic pictures as they are approved by the people in general in this country can be sold quickly, I have not any objection to present our pictures in such a way. But I know that pictures in this country are sold not on the merit of the picture, but on the reputation of the artist. That system is also current in India. But to come to the point of a reputed artist will require long duration of time. And our time is very short.

Letter to Jadurani, 13 April, 1968

April 12

Try to introduce immediately KC instruction to the students through English medium. I know many parents are eager to educate their wards through English medium. If we can introduce this system, our girl disciples may be engaged for teaching them: a little English grammar, reading and writing, geography, arithmetic, history, sanskrit, but all of them should be Krishna Conscious - that is Bhagavata program: kaumaram acarer prajno dharman bhagavatan iha.

Letter to Giriraja, 12 April, 1972

April 11

I think also that you are the right man to be in charge of our school. It is especially nice to hear that the boys are becoming first class preachers; that is especially needed. Without preaching, our institution becomes all rubbish. So it is very good they are becoming good preachers. So along with Jagadisa you investigate the practical aspects of expanding by purchasing new buildings. Expand, develop and make it a unique institution.

Letter to Dayananda, 11 April, 1974

April 10

Just like a madman, he forgets his relationship with the family. He loiters in the street. He eats anywhere and everywhere and all rubbish things. Although he may have a very rich father, well-to-do family, but forgetting.... Madness means forgetfulness of his real life. So we are now forgetful of our real life... So nirasih, now, to go to our original position, that is called tapasya. Tapasya means to revive our original normal life of Krsna consciousness. That is called tapasya. This tapasya is not possible by the cats and dogs or animals.Tapasya is meant for the human being.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 4.21, Bombay, 10 April, 1974

April 8

Regarding Bhumata devi dasi's affliction, she should simply take the proper treatment. Make the best out of a bad bargain. This material body is a bad bargain because it is always miserable. So, to make the best out of this bad bargain means to render devotional service in any circumstance. The dust from the lotus feet of the spiritual master is never to be used for material benefit. That is a great misconception. The best thing is that the girl tries her best to chant 16 rounds daily and to follow all of the rules and regulations even if she is afflicted with something, and in this way, she willfully understand the mercy of Krishna and the spiritual master.

Letter to Krsnanandini devi dasi, 8 April, 1975

April 7

The report of book distribution going on in Chicago is very pleasing to me. As you know, our Chicago center is one of the most important. Please continue to use your intelligence to find out how to distribute my books more and more. I am especially pleased to learn that you are introducing my books as textbooks in the colleges.

Letter to Govinda dasa, 7 April, 1973

April 5

Now Lord Sri Krsna is just trying to place Arjuna in the platform of working on pure consciousness. We have already discussed for so many days that we are not this dull body, but we are consciousness. Now, some way or other, we are in contact with this matter. Therefore our freedom is checked. As spiritual beings, we are free, free to act, free to have anything, pure, no contamination, no disease, no birth, no death, no old age, and besides that, we have got many, many other qualifications in our spiritual life. So unfortunately, because we are in contact with this matter, we are hampered in so many ways. This we should understand, and this is the opportunity; this human life is the only opportunity. If we miss this opportunity, then it may be that in our next life we may not have again this nice, civilized human form of life according to our karma. But one thing is sure. You'll be glad to hear that once begun, this process of spiritual realization, one is guaranteed to have next life as human being.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 2.49-51, New York, 5 April, 1966

April 4

Please stay on the purity platform; chant 16 rounds daily and without fail, follow all the regulative principles, and read all our books and your life is sure to be successful. Unless one is sufficiently empowered, one cannot preach Krishna Consciousness. So the fact that you are preaching so nicely is proof that you are already benedicted by Krishna. So preach Krishna Consciousness and be happy.

Letter to Vaikunthanatha and Saradia, 4 April, 1971
