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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

February 12

Actually, in our present status, we can not worship Radha-Krishna. But as all the Visnu Murtis are situated in Krishna, therefore, our Radha-Krishna worship is transferred to Visnu, Lord Narayana. Visnu worship is the regulative devotional principles, and Radha-Krishna worship is spontaneous service of eternal feelings. Therefore, as Laksmi-Narayana is the Deity of great opulences, similarly our Radha-Krishna Murtis also should be worshiped with great pomp and dignity. Krishna will give you the proper intelligence to do this very nicely. So far as prayers, you may sing Hare Krishna, Govinda Jaya Jaya, and Govindam Adi purusam.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 12 February, 1969

February 8

I do not mean a concert party or musical party that may go to a city, have some performances and collect some money without any permanent effect. For this purpose the World Sankirtana Party should consist of members who can impress spiritual ecstasy in the hearts of the people so that some of them may come forward and agree to establish a center where the Sankirtana party may go on continually.

Letter to Mukunda, 8 February, 1970

February 7

One thing is, however, clear, that the Western people are searching after some spiritual enlightenment in the real sense of the term. Bhagavad-gita with the right presentation and the program of Krishna Consciousness is the right prescription, simply we have to administer them with cool head and solid program. I think by the Grace of Krishna my working has produced some sincere souls like yourself, Brahmananda, Hamsaduta, and others. Now we have to chalk out a solid program by consulting together. In the Western countries, there is no dearth of men and money, as well as intelligence, simply to get them together and our program will be successful.

Letter to Janardana, 7 February, 1968

January 31

I have received your letter dated January 28, 1969 regarding Jadurani's sick health. She requires complete rest. All of her work should be suspended, and she should be given liquid foods, just like barley water mixed with milk. Purchase pearl barley from the market, and the recipe is 1 cup of barley and four cups of water to be boiled for at least 1/2 hour. That liquid preparation may be mixed with milk and sugar, and she may take. Jadurani must not exert herself in any way. She should take complete rest and chant Hare Krishna. When she next wants to begin work, she must take my permission. For the time being, all work must be suspended.

Letter to, January 31, 1969

January 30

So you can see the great necessity of following the prescribed duties of chanting regularly and following strictly the instructions of the Spiritual Master and the regulative principles. In addition to this everyone should go on the streets with Sankirtana Party as much as possible and preach this Krishna Consciousness Movement to his best ability for the benefit of all people.

Letter to Madhusudana, 30 January, 1970

January 29

In the Bhagavad-gita it is always stressed to Krishna by the words aham and mam. Similarly in the Srimad-Bhagavatam the same stress is give from the very beginning - Param satyam, the Supreme Truth. If we divert our attention to worship other demigods, then our faith in Krishna will be flickering. We Gaudiya Vaisnavas, under the guidance of Lord Caitanya, want steady attention for Krishna, not flickering. Therefore, in our line of thoughts and action there is no scope for worshiping any other demigods.

Letter to Ksirodakasayi, 29 January, 1970

January 28

The sales of Back To Godhead should be divided more evenly amongst our centers. Not that one or two temples do all of the selling and all of the others should simply sleep.

Letter to Rayarama, 28 January, 1969

January 27

Napoleon, Mussolini, Churchill - they all made so much propaganda - but the French, Italian, British, and German empires are all lost now. Our real propaganda is to chant the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra, and let the mass of people chant and dance with us. If this movie induces people to chant and dance it is O.K. If it aids our cause then it is welcome.

Letter to Jnanagamya, 27 January, 1976

January 26

Those who take Indian philosophy and scripture as mythological are not at all intelligent. They have been described in the Bhagavad-gita as "sinful'', "rascals'', "lowest of mankind'', "bereft of all knowledge'', and "atheistic''.

Letter to Sri Batraji, 26 January, 1976

January 25

Regarding householders living in the temple; in India no woman is allowed to stay in the temple at night. But for our preaching work I have permitted women to stay in the temple. But, in the temple, husband and wife should live separately. There are many young brahmacaris and Sannyasis in the temple and men and women living together is simply a source of agitation, so therefore this is my order; ideally the husband and wife can live separately in the temple. If this is not possible they should live together close to the temple and attend temple arati etc... and if this is not possible the last alternative is to live away from the Temple and conduct your own deity worship etc. It is best to do the most ideal thing but whatever mode of living you chose the most important thing is to always remain one hundred percent in service of Radha-Krishna.

Letter to Ravindra Svarupa, 25 January, 1972
