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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

April 3

Your statement that my visit in New York for only eight days causes you sadness causes me sadness also. When Rupanuga wanted me in Buffalo, I did not directly confirm it, but I asked him to consult with you. So after his consultation, you have agreed to his proposal and should not be sad at all. But I know the cause of your sadness, that you want me for a longer time there in New York, and similarly, I also want to stay there for a long time because I like New York more than all other cities. This is because my first attempt was begun there, so I have got some affection for your great city.

Letter to Brahmananda, 3 April, 1969

March 31

Why we take care of our body? Because I, the spirit soul, part and parcel of Krsna, I am living in this body. Therefore I take care of my body. Nobody takes care of the dead body. This is a fact. Either I take care of my body, or my family's body, or my wife's body, or my children's body. Why? Because the part and parcel of Krsna is there. The soul is there. And as soon as the soul is gone, the part and parcel is gone from the body, the body has no value. Throw it away. The same body. This is practical. Therefore I love my body because the part and parcel of Krsna is there. Or you love your body. I love your body. Only for the reason, jivanа sarva-bhutanam - the part and parcel of Krsna is there. Then why the part and parcel of Krsna is taken care of? Because it is part and parcel of Krsna. Therefore ultimately, my love goes to Krsna, all-attractive.

Lecture Bhagavad-Gita 4.11, Bombay, March 31, 1974

March 30

Your proposal for arranging a Gita on tapes in different languages for distributing all over the world is very good. You may contact my representative, His Holiness Harikesa Swami... and arrange everything with him.

Letter to, 30 March, 1977

March 29

If you can establish a strong center in Taiwan as it is described in Sri Ballavh das' letter it will be a great idea. We have one branch in Moscow, if we get a branch in China, on the mainland, it will be a great achievement.

Letter to Trivikrama Maharaja, 29 March, 1974

March 28

So far preaching work is concerned, I am expecting both you and Janardana to be very powerful preachers in the near future. Both of you are sincere souls, sincere servitors of Lord Krishna, and He will be very kind to bestow His Blessings upon you. As you go on preaching you will become expert. In every sphere of activity the more a man becomes active, he becomes more and more expert.

Letter to Mahapurusa, 28 March, 1968

March 27

Because every one of us, we have surrendered to somebody. Analyze everyone. He has somebody superior where he has surrendered. It may be his family, his wife, or his government, his community, his society, his political party. Anywhere you go, the characteristic is to surrender. That you cannot avoid. That was the talk with Professor Kotovsky in Moscow. I asked him, "Now, you have got your Communist philosophy. We have got our Krsna philosophy. Where is the difference in philosophy? You have surrendered to Lenin, and we have surrendered to Krsna. Where is the difference?" Everyone has to surrender. It doesn't matter where he is surrendering. If the surrendering is correct, then the things are correct. If the surrendering is not correct, then things are not correct.

Lecture on Bhagavad-Gita 4.7, Bombay, March 27, 1974

March 25

Yes, if Karandhara has recommended it, both you and Narada Muni Das may get yourselves married. I have no objection. But you must be sure that you can meet all the responsibilities of household life; then it is all right.

Letter to Sukadeva, 25 March, 1971

March 23

So far discussions political affairs in BTG, it is not a very good suggestion. But if you can present political affairs in spiritual light, as I wrote some articles in the original BTG in the matter of political divisions of India, and catastrophes thereof. That requires a very thorough understanding of the whole situation, and if you can do this, it will be a great service.

Letter to Rayarama, 23 March, 1968

March 22

The things which are being spoken by Krsna, they are not ordinary language. Had it been ordinary language, how...? Because it was written five thousand years ago. How it is still going on? There are many literatures written by great, great poets within two thousand, two hundred years, three hundred years, or, say, thousands of years. But they are being forgotten. But therefore the character of the Vedic knowledge, they are not material things. They're all spiritual. Why we are giving so much importance to the words of Krsna? Because this language is absolute. Krsna and Krsna's words, Krsna and Krsna's language, or Krsna's words, they are the same... This science is unknown to the atheist class of men. The atheist class of men, they do not know the absolute nature of Krsna. Krsna, His name, His form, His quality, His pastimes, His instruction - anything of Krsna - that is Krsna. That is not different from Krsna.

Lecture on Bhagavad-Gita 4.2, Bombay, March 22, 1974

March 21

Regarding your question about the inhabitants of Vrajabhumi or Vrindaban it is to be understood that Vrindaban is the original abode of Lord Krishna as He is the original Personality of Godhead. In that transcendental plane He has His transcendental associates in different exchange of humor.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 21 March, 1967
