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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

May 19

Yes, do not take too much foodstuffs; take so that no remnants are left. Immediately after, the dishes should be washed, or paper dishes thrown away. But do not throw away prasadam. Better to take a little less than to have leftover for saving. That is not good.

Letter to, 19 May, 1971

May 18

Jail life is not for happiness. That is, everyone knows. Jail life is for punishment. Similarly, in this material world everything is punishment, but by the illusory energy you are thinking, "This is all right."

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.1.18, Honolulu, May 18, 1976

May 17

It is good news that Sriman Tirthapada has also engaged one carpenter to help rebuilding our London Temple house. As he is giving service, gradually he will come to Krsna Consciousness. His giving service is his qualification. As we accept valuable metal like gold from a filthy place, similarly we should allow any Karmi to work for Krsna.

Letter to Yamuna, 17 May, 1970

May 16

Your first question about the jiva's form with particular reference to Bhagavad-gita 8/18 purport "during the nighttime they have no form.'' "During the nightime they have no form'' means there is no material form. The simple understanding is as we are transmigrating from one material form to another, so actually in this material world we have no fixed form. Similarly when we are spiritually perfect we develop the spiritual form to live eternally in the spiritual world.

Letter to Gurudasa, 16 May, 1970

May 15

Krsna, after returning to His father's home at Dvaraka, came to see Kuruksetra during some solar eclipse. At that time His sister Subhadra and brother Balarama also came in a chariot, and this incident is worshiped as Jagannatha Rathayatra. The conclusion is that Jagannatha and Krsna is the same.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, 15 May, 1970

May 14

Try to understand: darkness comes from light. When no light is visible, then we are in darkness. Clouds are not to be found in the sun; that would be against the nature of the sun. But by the energy of the sun other things are temporarily created, such as mist, clouds or darkness. These creations are temporary, but the sun remains. Similarly, material nature is temporary, but spiritual nature is permanent.

The Tenth Morning Walk, May 14, 1973, Recorded In Cheviot Hills Park, Los Angeles

May 12

Krsna says who is devotee, real devotee. And not only real devotee, "Who is very dear to Me." Devotion means the activities.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 12.13-14, Bombay, May 12, 1974

May 11

Living beings move from one bodily form to another. The forms already exist. The living entity simply transfers himself, just as a man transfers himself from one apartment to another. One apartment is first class, another is second class and another is third class. Suppose a person comes from a lower-class apartment to a first-class apartment. The person is the same, but now, according to his capacity for payment, or karma, he is able to occupy a higher-class apartment. Real evolution does not mean physical development, but development of consciousness.

The Eighth Morning Walk: On the shores of the Pacific Ocean, near Los Angeles, May 11, 1973

May 9

Our main business is to become Krishna Conscious and to convince others through preaching work.

Letter to Amogha, 9 May, 1972

May 8

The law is cheating, medical science is cheating, and the government is cheating. Top government officials are charged with taking bribes. If the governor takes bribes and the constable takes bribes, then where is the good society? People elect the leader who promises them happiness. But since that happiness is maya [or illusion], he can never deliver it, and society simply becomes filled with cheaters. Since people are actually after this illusory happiness, however, they continue to elect such unscrupulous leaders time and time again.

The Seventh Morning Walk: On the shores of the Pacific Ocean, on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, near Los Angeles May 8, 1973
