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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

December 12

Actually, no one has got any philosophy nowadays, everyone is acting according to his own whims. Therefore there is no security, no peace, everything is unpredictable and dangerous. Therefore all the young boys and girls in your country - and all over the world - are fed up with this lack of philosophy and they have taken to the philosophy of hopelessness: Everything is empty, therefore let me enjoy, it doesn't matter. But this philosophy is also useless. Because if you want to enjoy and I also want to enjoy, there will be clash, fighting. And we have seen in Moscow that Marx and Lenin philosophy is no better. God is dead, the State is God: this philosophy has killed the spirit, and the Russian people are very morose and unhappy. They want to join us, that is a fact.

Letter to Danavir, 12 December, 1971

December 11

It is the most important preaching work, to train our children in Krishna Consciousness education of life. And I think that you are just the right man to do it. Krishna has given you the right idea, just see! I was also at Dallas school last summer and I was very much impressed with these children, how nicely they are becoming preachers and kirtana men and girls. If we can develop properly, one day they will turn the world by their preaching.

Letter to Mohanananda, 11 December, 1972

December 10

Regarding your question should force be used on children, no, there shall be no forcing the children to do anything. Child should not be forced. This is all nonsense. Who has devised these things? If we want them to become great devotees, then we must educate the children with love, not in a negative way. Of course, if they become naughty we may show the stick but we should never use it. Child is nonsense, so you can trick him to obey you by making some little story and the child will become cheated in the proper behavior. But never apply force, especially to his chanting and other matters of spiritual training. That will spoil him and in the future he will not like to do it if he forced.

Letter to Brahmanya Tirtha, 10 December, 1972

December 9

Even amongst the Gopis there is competition to please Krishna, and there is envy also. But this envy is not material, it is transcendental. They are thinking, Oh, she has done something more wonderful than me, that is very nice, but now let me do something even more wonderful, like that.

Letter to Jayatirtha, 9 December, 1971

December 8

It is described by Krishna how the soul becomes embodied according to his desire. So there are 8,400,000 types of bodies eternally existing. Not that the appearance of a new form in this world means that form has never existed previously. No, as conditions change on this earth planet, the living entities here desire to enjoy in a different way, so they take a different type of body. Even that body may be new here, it has always existed also somewhere else. So if a man qualifies for that body, he may be rewarded the body of superman, as he desires. So if someone wants such body, he must learn the process for acquiring it, that is Bhagavad-gita.

Letter to Upendra, 8 December, 1971

December 7

Please go on with the school course. That is a very nice program. In Hawaii also they are doing that, and also in Seattle, Los Angeles, etc. this program is going on. So it is a good opportunity. Sankirtana Party on the streets, selling our literature, taking some opportunity for teaching students, and giving them nice Prasadam: This program should be followed very rigidly and things will come out very successful without fail.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 7 December, 1969

December 5

Now it is understood that you are taking charge of Girish and I think that you may teach him very nicely the principles of Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Then, when this is learned you may go on to Srimad-Bhagavatam. In this way we wish to train all of the boys of his age who come to our temples. If you can take charge of this teaching, we can immediately open a teaching department where such instructions can go on.

Letter to Aniruddha, 5 December, 1968

December 3

You mention ghosts. So far I have experience, the best way to remove them is to chant Hare Krishna very loudly and have jubilant kirtana until they leave. In England, on Mr. John Lennon's house where I was staying in 1969, there was one ghost. But as soon as the devotees began chanting very loudly, he went away immediately.

Letter to Damodara, 3 December, 1971

December 2

I have also noted that you write to say that you are having trouble with sex agitation. Why you do not marry then? Either you become grhastha or what other choice is there? Either you train yourself and pray to Krishna, begging that you may remain brahmacari or else get yourself married.

Letter to Upendra, 2 December, 1968

November 30

Now I see that in England things are going very nicely, and Hamsaduta writes me that everything is improving in Germany, and I hear that new centers are being opened. This is all very good news to me, because I consider that these western countries are the most important field for our work. So now do this work in a gradually progressive manner, and do not be concerned too much even there may be some temporary setbacks. Because we are in this material world we are not perfect, and so these setbacks are natural occurrences and we should not be too much disturbed by them.

Letter to Krishna das, 30 November, 1971
