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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

August 17

I was very glad to learn from Upendra's letter that you have lectured nicely, and improve this preaching habit. Kirtana means whatever we hear from the Spiritual Master we repeat it again nicely. One who can reproduce the sound vibration heard from the Spiritual Master, he will be a good preacher.

Letter to Mahapurusa, 17 August, 1969

August 16

I appreciate your sentiments for your spiritual master, and I will pray to Krsna for your continued spiritual advancement. You simply have to keep yourself always in the fire of Krishna consciousness. Read my books daily, chant 16 rounds, and worship Lord Caitanya in your home. If you do this maya will never touch you.

Letter to Sama Priya devi dasi, 16 August, 1975

August 15

So if you are afraid of your husband's taking sannyasa, I shall not give him sannyasa order at any time. Be rest assured. Your husband is already a householder sannyasi because he has no other business than to serve Krishna. You can be living peacefully with husband and children and always engaged in Krishna Consciousness. One should become sannyasa by action, not by dress. In Bhagavad-gita it is said that any person who doesn't work for himself but for Krishna only is a perfect sannyasa and perfect yogi, never mind what order he lives in. That is the opinion of Lord Caitanya also.

Letter to Indira, 15 August, 1971

August 14

The process recommended by the Lord is very simple and plain. It is just to create a favorable condition for hearing only the message of Krishna (Bhagavad-gita) or the messages about Krishna (The spiritual Bhagavatam) or both combined in the message of Sri Caitanya Caritamrta.
The hearing tendency is made easy and still more favorable by songs and music of spiritual value to be equally shared by all classes of men namely the highest educated and the lowest illiterate,. The movement is sublime and easy at the sometime. The League of Devotees is registered to make this movement in an organized way and I wish to enquire if any co-operation and help can be expected from your honour.

Letter to Dr. B.L. Atreya, 14 August, 1958

August 13

Regarding the worship of our Gaura Nitai by women pujaris, we worship Lord Caitanya in His householder life when He was with His wife, and not as a sannyasi. So, it is alright for women to do this service. But, besides this, service is spiritual and there can be no material designation. In Bhagavad-gita it is stated by Lord Krishna: striyo vaisyas tatha sudras te'pi yanti param gatim. The principle is that everyone who is properly initiated and following the rules and regulations can worship. This activity can not on the material platform.

Letter to Amsu das, 13 August, 1974

August 12

GBC does not mean to control a center. GBC means to see that the activities of a center go on nicely. I do not know why Tamala is exercising his absolute authority. That is not the business of GBC. The president, treasurer and secretary are responsible for managing the center. GBC is to see that things are going nicely but not to exert absolute authority.

Letter to Giriraja, 12 August, 1971

August 11

Knowledge means when we can understand that it is "my body," not "I body." Not this nonsense. Nobody says, "I body." Everyone says "my body." This is knowledge. But these rascals, these rascals of modern age, they are saying "I body." "I am this body." What you are? "I am this body." What is your interest? "Now anything which is interested with my body." He's not "I body," still he's interested with everything with this bodily relation. There are thousands of girls, women, but a particular woman with whom I have got my bodily relation, that is my wife. That is mine. And combination, the child comes out, "my child." In this way, "my house," "my property," "my body," "my relative," "my friend," "my brother," "my nation," my, my, my, my. But the rascal does not understand that the beginning of "my" philosophy has begun from this body, which I am not. This is knowledge. This is called brahma-jnana. If anyone understands the simple thing, that "I am not this body..."

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 13.3, Paris, 11 August, 1973

August 10

If we analytically study how water can be energy of Krsna... We should study Krsna and Krsna's energies very intelligently. Wherefrom this vast water of ocean came into existence? But we can understand from Bhagavad-gita that this vast water has come from Krsna's energy. Now, try to understand how Krsna's energy can produce so large amount of water. So far I am concerned, I study in this way, that we produce perspiration from our body. That perspiration may be one ounce of water, but that is produced from my body. And Krsna has got inconceivable energy. I have got also inconceivable energy. How the water is coming out, I do not know. It is inconceivable. But it is coming out. That's a fact. So I am a very small, teeny living entity. If I can produce... Because I am always limited, therefore my energy is also limited. But Krsna is unlimited, so He can produce water from the perspiration of His body unlimitedly. We have to understand like that. Otherwise it is not possible to understand how apah, water, came from the energy of Krsna. It is coming from the living entity. Water is not coming from matter. Just like your perspiration is not coming... When the body is dead, the water is not coming, but so long you are living, the perspiration is there.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 7.4, Vrindavana, August 10, 1974

August 9

Brahmarpanam brahma havir. And the thing which we are sacrificing, we have to understand that the things belong to the Supreme Brahman. Brahmarpanam brahma havir brahmagnau. And the fire which is on the altar, that is to be understood as the energy of the Supreme Brahman. And brahmana hutam. And the person who is offering the sacrifice, he is also part and parcel of the Supreme Brahman. In this way, if we offer sacrifice, then brahmaiva tena gantavyam. The person who is offering such sacrifice is sure to attain spiritual salvation. This is brahma-karma-samadhina. And the performance is just according to the Vedic injunction. So in this way, if we, I mean to say, execute the duties of our living condition, then the result will be that at the end we shall be attaining Brahman. And the whole process is called Krsna consciousness.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 4.20-24, New York, August 9, 1966

August 8

So far as your getting yourself married, I have no objection provided you agree to some points. First of all you must promise that you will not separate under any circumstances. This marriage is serious business and not to be taken lightly. There is no question of separation in Krishna Conscious marriages. Therefore I am asking all those who want to be married that they sign one paper promising that there will be no separation. Karandhara Prabhu can be consulted in this connection and he should draw up such document in the manner Rupanuga has done in N.Y. Then, if you are feeling able to handle the responsibilities of grhastha life, you can go ahead with the ceremony immediately and with my blessings.

Letter to Madhukantha, 8 August, 1971
