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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

June 29

You say that your mind unfortunately runs away now and then. That is the business of the mind, but if you simply fix up your mind on the Lotus Feet of Krishna, the rascal mind cannot disturb you anymore. My Guru Maharaja used to say that just rise early in the morning and then kick the mind with a shoe one hundred times. Then while going to sleep, one should take a broomstick and strike the mind another hundred times. The mind is so restless, that it can be brought to tameness only by the process suggested by Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. So you should try this process and stop the mind from running away now and then. If you follow the process of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, naturally He will help you in controlling the mind and bestow all His blessings upon you.

Letter to Rayarama, 29 June, 1969

June 28

No, Haridasa Pandit is not the namacarya Haridasa Thakura. Haridasa Pandit was the pujari of the temple.

Letter to Jadurani, 28 June, 1973

June 27

Unnecessarily you should not cut. When it is necessary for Krsna, then you cut. This is also living entity. We cannot kill them without any sufficient reason... Agriculture is the noblest profession. Give him some land, he cuts the wood, makes cottages. The land is clear, now till it, keep cows and grow food grains.

Prabhupada Visits Palace And Garden, New Vrindaban, 27 June, 1976

June 26

Sources (of funds) means we get contributions from all over the world. All of our branches will gladly contribute. Practically this institution is the real U.N. We have the co-operation from all nations, all religions, all communities, etc. It will be an international institute. To see the planetarium and how things are universally situated has nothing to do with sectarian ideas. It is a scientific presentation of spiritual life.

Letter to Jayapataka Maharaja, 26 June, 1976

June 25

You write he is chanting 14 rounds daily; so you are experienced and know what to do in this case, simply encourage him to chant 16 rounds. The injunction is kirtaniya sada hari, one should always be chanting all day. The 16 rounds is just a minimum 1 set for my disciples so they will chant at least that much. Actually chanting should always be going on. So I will be anxious to hear that Govardhana has returned and is chanting more seriously, aware that he must do so to remain free from the clutches of maya.

Letter to Jagadisa, 25 June, 1974

June 24

According to Vedic system there is restriction that boys and girls should not freely mix, the brahmacaris are strictly prohibited to talk with young women, but in the Western countries this rule is not valid. As such, we have to accept both boys and girls in the same standard. But if each of us follow the regulative principles and chanting of the mantras hardly there will be any chance for sex indulgence. So we have to be little careful about it and Krsna will help us.

Letter to Upendra, 24 June, 1970

June 23

The fact is that each and every living entity is covered by two kinds of bodies, one subtle and one gross. So the subtle body causes the living entity to take another gross body. We have got experience that in dreaming the gross body is inactive while the subtle body is continuing activities; and again in deep sleep the subtle body is continuing activities. The living entity after being carried by the subtle body to another gross body, it sometimes remains in deep sleep in the womb of the mother. Then gradually the subtle body begins to act within another gross body. When this gross body is fully developed befitting to come out of the mother's body, that is called another birth. Again he changes to another gross body imperceptibly. Just like in the film thousands of pictures are moved imperceptibly. It looks that the body in the picture is moving, but the audience cannot understand that there are so many pictures in the spool. They think that the picture is moving. Similarly every second every moment we are changing the body.

Letter to Svarupa Damodara dasa, 23 June, 1975

June 21

Money making schemes should be easy; we cannot divert our attention for money making activities. We require some money for prosecuting our activities, and if we get that money by contribution that is best, otherwise, we can sell our literature and books, etc. But if we direct our attention like others, then it becomes karma. And karma is very dangerous for persons who want to go back to Godhead. Therefore, in Bhagavad-gita karma yoga is advised.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 21 June, 1968

June 20

The material world is of three modes of material nature, goodness, passion and ignorance. So if we acquire the quality of goodness, there is chance of enlightenment, knowledge, so that again fire can be generated. But if we fall down on the water, practically it is finished. Ignorance. So sattva-guтa, rajo-guтa, tamo-guтa. So in our fallen condition, mostly the rajo-guna and tamo-guna is very prominent, in our fallen condition, in this material condition. So symptoms of rajo-guna and tamo-guna means material desires and greediness. And sattva-guna means enlightenment. If we cultivate the sattva-guna quality, just means, if we cultivate the brahminical qualification, that is the platform of sattva-guna. So that is described in the Bhagavad-gita, satyam samo damas titiksa arjavam jnanam vijnanam astikyam brahma-karma svabhava-jam [Bg. 18.42]. If we cultivate this kind of life, to be truthful, to be peaceful, to be tolerant, to be men of wisdom, knowledge, faith in God and the sastras, in this way there are nine to twelve qualities. If we acquire that qualities, then we become brahmana.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 9.3, Toronto, 20 June, 1976

June 19

Women, girls, until married, must be under the guidance and protection of the father. That is Vedic civilization. Under the circumstances, I request you both to go back to your father immediately. If there is any disagreement, you can settle up personally, but you cannot disobey your father. The Nairobi Temple is there, you can attend all the aratis and kirtanas there and assist if there is deity worship going on, so there is no difficulty. It is not good if there is family disturbance in this way, so best thing is you shall go there at once and live peacefully and think always of Krishna under all circumstances.

Letter to Misses Sarna daughters, 19 June, 1972
