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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

May 5

You have done right by attaching a lace on the mrdanga just to make it convenient playing while dancing. I request you to get more mrdangas, of course the first consignment of mrdangas and the cymbals I sent money from my personal book account but if you want more mrdangas you will have to arrange to pay. A first class mrdanga available in India is about ten dollars. I think you should get at least 4 mrdangas and teach, so that other students also can play on it, so if there are 3 or 4 mrdangas played at the park and there are about 20 pairs of cymbals then the kirtana will be more beautiful.

Letter to Mukunda, 5 May, 1967

May 4

You cannot paint the Deity with paint to make bluish. Don't manufacture ideas. What is standard you must follow. Don't make it a farce.

Letter to Nityananda das, 4 May, 1976

May 3

Rukmini devi wants to install Caitanya Mahaprabhu, so Caitanya Mahaprabhu can be installed on the right side of Krishna, as you have seen in pictures from our Gaudiya Math temples. Nityananda there is no need. Simply three compartments, Gauranga and Spiritual masters in the first compartment, Radha and Krishna in the central compartment, and Lord Jagannatha in the third compartment. But if there is no room for three, then Radha-Krishna with Lord Caitanya on the right side with them, pictures of Spiritual Masters below.

Letter to Rupanuga, 3 May, 1972

May 2

I have got some reports that the deities in Bombay are being much neglected. This is most abominable affair. Radha and Krishna should not ever be neglected or left unprotected, so I am wondering what you have done to rectify this situation. I have heard that Madhudvisa intervened to get the deities a better place, so he has done nicely.

Letter to Giriraja, 2 May, 1972

May 1

Acyutananda has given publicity in an important newspaper that next year I am going to India with forty students, so for the next year we have got sufficient margin of time - eight months - so what do you think? Shall we be able to have our World Sankirtana by that time? That will be very nice. All our selected students like yourself, Hamsaduta, Mukunda, Syamasundara, Umapati, etc. along with their wives, and some of the students from here may join, then we can go to India via Africa, and then after a few days in India, we can come back via Japan, So you have to consult over this matter also because it is already advertised in India.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, 1 May, 1970

April 30

"Even if a devotee commits the most abominable actions, he is to be considered saintly because he is properly situated'' [BG 9.30]. As you will say, "To err is human'', so in the neophyte stage we may always expect some discrepancies are there. Kindly see the things in this light and forgive their small mistakes. The big thing is they have given their life, everything to Krishna - that is never a mistake.

Letter to Lynne Ludwig, 30 April, 1973

April 29

Preach on the basis of the division of the society into four orders, as without this the society is useless and people cannot be happy or even have the necessities of life.

Letter to Amarendra, 29 April, 1974

April 27

According to Canakya Pandita one who has no mother and the wife is not obedient, such a home is as good as living in the desert.

Letter to Mukunda Das, 27 April, 1973

April 26

I am so glad to hear of Hamsaduta's determination to become Krsna Conscious. The determination is difficult, Krsna Consciousness is not difficult - Krsna Consciousness is natural. One knows how to love another, so instead of loving so many others, one can very easily take to the business of loving Krsna - this is determination. That much is required, otherwise Krsna Consciousness is not difficult.

Letter to Himavati, 26 April, 1970

April 25

Worship of Radha and Krishna is no cheap thing. It cannot be done whimsically, but it must be very carefully executed under strict regulation.

Letter to Caitanya Dasi, 25 April, 1973
