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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

June 18

From your report it appears that the transfer of the older Gurukula boys above ten years old has proven successful. I am glad to hear they are housed in a clean building with electricity and hot and cold water and that their teacher from Dallas is with them instructing them just as before. I am always eager to hear that Gurukula is going well so be very vigilant that this program with the older boys in New Vrindaban as well as all levels of teaching at Dallas are just to the standard as I introduced it. There is no more important school in the world, so it requires careful guidance.

Letter to Jagadisa, 18 June, 1974

June 17

I thank you very much for the nice flower garland you have sent, and the nice fragrance is very pleasing. Beautiful flowers are compared to Krishna smiling.

Letter to Balavanta, 17 June, 1972

June 16

The actual fact is that worshiping the Deity and chanting the glories of the Lord are both within the nine processes of devotional service recommended by Rupa Goswami. Besides chanting and hearing and remembering there are six other recommended activities in devotional service. So if we are able to practice even only one of these activities perfectly, the result will be the same. Or we may execute more than one, we may execute several or even all nine activities in devotional service, but even if we execute one perfectly we shall be completely successful in devotional service.

Letter to Prajapati, 16 June, 1972

June 14

I have advised Kirtanananda and yourself to convert West Virginia into New Vrindaban. I understand the spot is very beautiful, and the hills may be renamed as New Govardhana. And if there are lakes, they can be renamed as Syamakunda and Radhakunda. Vrindaban does not require to be modernized because Krishna's Vrindaban is transcendental village. They completely depend on nature's beauty and nature's protection. 

Letter to Hayagriva, 14 June, 1968

June 13

People are thinking that "God is dead. We have no obligation to God. There is no God." This sort of thinking will never make the people happy. And actually, it is happening. They have become atheistic. The modern civilization is Godless, but people are not happy. Therefore God or His representative comes when people forget his relationship with God.

Lecture on Bhagavat-Gita 4.7, Montreal, 13 June, 1968

June 12

It is all right to make up the plates for the feast as you have suggested so the guests will not have so long a wait after the offering. The the first plate made up, Krishna's plate, should be kept in a high place, a separate place, and covered. Then it is all right.

Letter to Tamala Krishna, 12 June, 1969

June 9

I don't believe in medicine or doctors, but I am practically perceiving that the massaging is helping me beyond expectation.

Letter to Nandarani, 9 June, 1967

June 8

If you have a crown dipped in gold for the Bombay Deities, you must keep them very carefully. I understand that sometime ago one crown was stolen from Krishna's Head despite the presence of one brahmacari who was sleeping there and did not even hear the thief coming. So we must take very great precaution to always protect the Deities from all kinds of danger. One thing is, if we make our Deity worship program extremely opulent and gorgeous, and if all of the devotees are always attending arati and holding kirtana in front of the Deities, that will be the best program for attracting the Indian people to Krishna Consciousness Movement. So you try to give the pujaris all assistance to improve the standard of Deity worship and always render Radha and Krishna the most sincere attention.

Letter to Giriraja, 8 June, 1972

June 7

For worshiping the Deities in Bombay, including Sita-Rama, there is absolutely no change in worship. Adopt the same method as in our Vrindaban centre, simply with 3 pujaris just like in Vrindaban. They are all Visnu-tattva, Ramacandra, Radha-Krsna, Gaura-Nitai. No additional kirtanas, simply do exactly as in Vrindaban.

Letter to Saurabha, 7 June, 1976

June 5

One of my toenails has come off due to infection, but now my body is replacing that nail with another one of the exact size and shape as the one I have lost. If I have got such a potency to create, then what to speak of the Supreme Living Being lord Sri Krsna. If the sub-living entities can produce so much chemicals then what to speak of the Supreme living entity. This is called inconceivable potency. The living being has got an inconceivable potency to create. I do not know how my nail is coming. And the Supreme Living Entity or God, has got unlimited potency to create. I do not think that any reasonable intelligent man or scientist can deny. Aham sarvasya prabhavo, I am the source of everything, [Bg. 10.8].

Letter to Revatinandana, 5 June, 1973
