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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

March 21

Those leaves are nim leaves; keep them and when I come there I shall make a preparation of tooth paste. Neem tree is very antiseptic.

Letter to Brahmananda, 21 March, 1968

March 20

...We shall overflood the market with Krishna Conscious literature. That will create our prestige, and being cheap distribution, many people will learn our philosophy.

Letter to Brahmananda, 20 March, 1970

March 18

As you always desire to help me in my missionary ambition, so also I am praying always to Krishna that the boys and girls who have stretched their helping hand in this country in this connection may always be in good health and continue to assist me in my missionary activities. I am so glad to learn that you are prepared to work even harder, as a forward soldier, to fight the Maya. May Krishna give you more and more strength.

Letter to Tamala Krishna, 18 March, 1969

March 15

You should continue your painting, then with love and devotional practice your pictures will become all attractive because of the bona fide transcendental subject matter. However, in the meantime, you write to say that you have painted Mother Yasoda light blue color. Please let me know where you have received this information. Yasoda and Nanda Maharaja should be colored as Indians are generally of a light brown, tan like wheat.

Letter to Ekayani, 15 March, 1970

March 11

Please therefore chant very sincerely with your present aptitude of mind and Krishna will bless you more and more in understanding this secret of transcendental vibration. Of course, sometimes the public may misunderstand such tears of bliss, so we may better have to check it from the vision of ordinary persons. So far the strange colors, etc., better when you see all these things that you chant and hear; that will help you to understand what they are.

Letter to Jayapataka, 11 March, 1969

March 7

At the meeting everyone should try to speak something on Caitanya Mahaprabhu's life, teachings, and philosophy. You can take quotations from the above mentioned books, and have discussions. Fasting should be continued up to evening, then you may have food like on Ekadasi, fruits, milk, etc. On the next day you may observe festival. Janardana consulted me and said he thinks Sunday feasting would be best, so you may do that if you like. Or you may do both days, as you feel best.

Letter to Mahapurusa, 7 March, 1968

March 5

When we think of superior person, we think he is superior because he knows something more than I, superiority means more knowledge. Krishna knows everything, and He claims that if anyone knows Him, then he also knows everything. So knowledge means to know only that Krishna is the Proprietor of everything that Krishna is the Friend of everyone, and that Krishna is the Enjoyer of everything. These three things: Proprietor, Friend, and Enjoyer. If somebody knows this, he is actually wise. Therefore because the devotee always knows this, he is more superior person because he has got all knowledge. But even more important than the knowledge of Krishna is the acting upon that knowledge, or devotional service. By the acting he realizes his knowledge and becomes complete.

Letter to Sri Govinda, 5 March, 1972

March 3

It is only by spiritually trained vibration can implement spiritual seeds in the heart of the audience, not otherwise.

Letter to Sri Harikrishnadas Aggarwal, 3 March, 1968

March 2

Leaving aside the too grossly materialistic persons, who are without any moral principles or social conventions, if we take the right type of civilized man, then we find that he is engaged in some type of religious principle. It doesn't matter if he is Christian, Moslem or Jew, the symptom of a civilized man is that he must have the recognition of religious principles; that is required for civilized man.

Letter to Janardana, 2 March, 1969

February 29

If you are an animal of the land and you are thrown into the water, you cannot be happy in water in any condition. When you are again taken up a the land, then you'll be happy. Similarly, we are part and parcel of Krsna. We cannot be happy without being part and parcel of Krsna. The same example: the machine part, without the machine, has no value, but when it is again put into the machine it has value. We are part of Krsna; we must join Krsna. And you can join Krsna immediately by your consciousness, simply by thinking, "I am Krsna 's, Krsna is mine:' That's all.

Talk on “Becoming Pure”, February 29, 1972
