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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

February 6

We are discussing about the characteristics of the demons. So they have lost their intelligence. Etam drstim avastabhya nastatmanah alpa-buddhayah. Nastatmanah. Atmanah means spirit soul. So they have lost the sense of spirit soul. They do not know that "I am not this body, I am spirit soul. Aham brahmasmi." So therefore they do not know this. Therefore they are called nastatmanah. They have lost their spiritual sense. Why? Alpa-buddhayah, not very intelligent.

Lectur on Bhagavad-Gita 16.10, Hawaii, 6 February, 1975

February 5

The Kazi's men were breaking up the Kirtana parties of the Lord, and in mockery some of them chanted Hare Krishna, and thereafter, their tongues would not stop singing Hare Krishna. Our tongues should be like that, unable to ever stop singing the Glories of the Lord. We practice, and someday it will be like that.

Letter to Upendra, 5 February, 1968

February 4

In Madras we have to construct a very gorgeous temple. In Nellore the owners of the land are putting so many impossible conditions that we cannot construct. So that foundation stone can be brought to Madras and used for the Madras temple. Now immediately find out some land and begin the construction. Never mind what the cost will be. We are not concerned with the amount of money, but we want a very attractive temple.

Letter to Sravanananda and Bhava Bhuti, 4 February 1976

February 3

If we therefore sincerely engage our selves in Krishna Consciousness activities, certainly we will advance more and more by the causeless Mercy of the Lord.

Letter to Mandali Bhadra, 3 February, 1970

January 31

If we push this propaganda very strongly and at the same time remain completely pure by following all of the regulative principles very strictly, by chanting sixteen rounds, reading the books, attending mangala aratrika, etc., then everything will be all right.

Letter to Amarendra das, January 31, 1972

January 30

If we can work on our publications, all of our poverty shall immediately be subdued.

Letter to Brahmananda, 30 January, 1969

January 29

The photos of my murti are very nice. The murti of the Spiritual Master should be treated as good as the Deity. Saksad-dharitvena samasta-sastrair, uktas tatha bhavyata eva sadbhih/kintu prabhor yah priya eva tasya, The guru should be treated as good as God. This is stated in all the sastras. The difference is that God is master-God and guru is servant-God. So the installation ceremony for such a murti should be similar to that done for other Deities. All Temples can have this Deity if they like. But Temples which have only Panca-tattva painting worship should not be given this Deity.
You should make a murti of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati and then they may be worshiped together as is now being done in our Krishna Balarama Temple. They should be placed with Gaura Nitai - Guru Gauranga.

Letter to Karandhara, 29 January, 1976

January 28

I am very much encouraged to learn that you are bold enough to challenge any nondevotee as you did with that impersonalist yoga student. That should be the temperament of all our preachers. We should not be aggressive, but we should not tolerate any sort of nonsense. One who says that God is not merciful because He has made one person happy and one distressed is most nonsensical. This very statement affirms that man as a godless rascal. All of these so-called yogis are therefore rascals because they have no actual realization of God. Falsely they think themselves as God, and their association should be avoided as far as possible.

Letter to Malati, 28 January, 1969

January 27

Regarding making a movie to help people become Krishna Conscious. If we show such devotional activities as worshiping the Deity, the karmis will think it is some sentiment, people worshiping a statue. Unless they hear from devotees and then practically perform devotional service themselves, what benefit will there be?

Letter to Jnanagamya, 27 January, 1976

January 26

You have my sanction to take with you Gaura Nitai deities. Carefully worship Them, attending to Them with regular aratis and bhoga offerings. Be very careful to maintain a strict standard of worship, and whenever you arrive at a temple you can place the Deity on the altar.

Letter to Sudama, 26 January, 1973
