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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

January 5

Please take quotation for the printing of a Bengali book—page 5" x 3 1/2", with very nice paper and softbound, about 100 pages long. When I receive the quotation I will send you a Bengali poem that I have written on the Bhagavad-gita called "Gitargan.''

Letter to Jayapataka Maharaja, 5 January, 1972

January 4

You have asked me several questions about the deity worship in Los Angeles, so I shall answer them one after another: Your first question, shall Srimati Radharani's feet be showing, the answer is no, they should never be seen. Krsna's feet, however, should be showing.

Letter to Dhruvananda, 4 January, 1973

January 3

The idea is that by the profit out of BTG and Book Sales if you can maintain the establishment and meet the expenses, then I have no objection. From Book sales at least 50% of the face value of the book has to go to the book fund. And from the sales of the BTG at least one rupee per magazine should be paid to the book fund. So whatever remains after this can be utilized by you to do the publishing. But I cannot pay you Rs. 1000/- per month from here, that is not possible. So somehow arrange for the publishing of all our literatures. I have got full faith in you, I know you are sincere and a hard worker, so I have got confidence in you to do this.

Letter to Ksirodakasayi, 3 January, 1972

January 2

Should the devotee always speak the truth to everyone in all circumstances? The answer is yes, one should always speak the truth, but qualified devotee will be able to speak the truth always very palatable to everyone so that it will sound pleasing even to his enemy, that is the art of speaking truth. It is certainly so that we must speak the truth to all people, but how you say it that is another thing: satyam bruyat, priyam briya. When you become yourself little more experienced in Krishna Consciousness by preaching work and if you are sincere and serious to make progress in spiritual understanding, you need not have to worry yourself further because the truth will always be spoken by you in the proper manner. Krishna will give you that intelligence, you need not be concerned for it. Simply try to please Him always by your sincere service and chanting, that's all.

Letter to Yajnesvara, 2 January, 1972

December 31

One thing is, you were spending $900 monthly for deity expenses, and still you are spending $900, so if total income is increasing more than double, why not increase also expense for the deity? We may spend anything and everything for the deity, as long as there is no scarcity, and by that lavish spending to glorify Radha and Krsna, they will become very much pleased upon you and bless you more and more.

Letter to Bali Mardan, 31 December, 1972

December 30

That is our test - you have to develop love for God. We don't say that you must follow Christianity or Mohammedanism or Judaism or Hinduism. We simply look to see whether you are developing your love of Godhead.

An interview of a CBS television news reporter, Los Angeles, December 30, 1968

December 29

You have written at length in apologizing for your difficulty in English language, but we are not concerned with language but with the heart. But at the same time, our language must be elegant to deal with the public. Anyway, you are entrusted with the French edition of Back to Godhead and this is nothing to do with the English language. Your sincere devotional service will surely help you more and more in improving your fluency with English, you need have no doubt about this. But even if our language is broken we must speak of Krishna Consciousness without caring for literary or grammatical style. English is a foreign language to me also, but I try to speak it, not to be a big scholar, but to be a servant of Krishna.

Letter to Dayala Nitai, 29 December, 1968

December 28

That will be noticed eventually and appreciated, as long as we do not diminish or neglect the highest standard of purity in performing our routine work, not that we require to display or announce ourselves in very clever ways to get attention. No, our pure standard is enough. Let us stand on that basis.

Letter to Yogesvara, 28 December, 1971

December 27

I am in due receipt of your telegram as follows: Christmas week book distribution in Los Angeles despite closed airport better than ever by your grace 112000 BTGS 8000 Gitas sold stop on invitation of governor Brown of California 50 devotees visited State mental institutions to help improve conditions and morale by giving religious message publicity very good Hare Krishna. Thank you very much. This is very good. Fight and depend on Krsna, that will bring you victory.

Letter to Ramesvara, 27 December, 1976

December 26

Mangala arati must be done in nightgown. After Mangala arati, then bathing is done and dressing. 3:30 is too early for holding Mangala arati. The deities should be given sufficient rest. The standard time is 1 1/2 hours before sunrise, so we may say 5 am is a good time for holding arati.

Letter to Himavati, 26 December, 1971
