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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

December 4

This is our duty to remember Krishna's Pastimes. One who cannot remember Krishna, let him always hear Hare Krishna and then when he has perfected this art, then always he will remember Krishna, His Activities, His Qualities, etc.

Letter to Sivananda, 4 December, 1968

December 1

Yes, you should use your scientific credentials to present this Krsna Conscious philosophy. Everything may be used in Krsna's service.

Letter to Bhakta Don, 1 December, 1973

November 30

Continue placing my books in libraries, colleges, bookstores, etc. and gradually the public will learn to appreciate this stock of transcendental literature. People are accustomed to read all kinds of rubbish literatures. The principle is there - reading. We simply have to direct their attention to Krishna.

Letter to Bhagavan das, 30 November, 1970

November 29

Ask any student who are practicing yoga, so-called meditation, they are inclined to this body. They are trying to exercise this body and they think that this is the final. No. Simple truth, very simple truth. Krsna, as the supreme authority, presenting very simply, that dehino 'smin yatha dehe kaumaram yauvanam jara [Bg. 2.13]. As in this body there are different changes, similarly the ultimate change is called death. But the spirit soul, as he's existing within this body in spite of all changes, similarly the spirit soul will continue to exist even after the final change of this body. This simple truth. Try to understand this. This is the basic principle of further progress. If one does not understand this point of view, there is no progress. This is ABCD, that "I am not this body."

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 2.13-17, Los Angeles, 29 November, 1968

November 28

Where there is agriculture there must be cows. That is our mission: Cow protection and agriculture and if there is excess, trade. This is a no-profit scheme. For the agriculture we want to produce our own food and we want to keep cows for our own milk. The whole idea is that we are Iskcon, a community to be independent from outside help. This farm project is especially for the devotees to grow their own food. Cotton also, to make their own clothes. And keeping cows for milk and fatty products.

Letter to Yasomatinandana, 28 November, 1976

November 27

I am very pleased that you have taken over responsibility for our ISKCON books mail-order department. I consider it one of the most important posts in our Society, so you must be very diligent to perform very nicely this immense work. I especially want that my books and literatures should be distributed profusely, but so far I understand this is not being done very perfectly. So I want that you all my students shall very vigorously try for this book distribution. Do not hesitate to use your American and European brains to increase, that is Krishna's special gift to you, now use it. Any activity which will please Krishna should be accepted favorably, this is our guiding principle.

Letter to Kirtiraja das, 27 November, 1971

November 26

The reason men are suffering and frustrated is because they are accepting the sinful reactions from their sinful activities, so in Krishna Consciousness we are free from all such botheration because we have donated all of our fruits and reactions to the service of the Lord. When we keep our association with Krishna every activity is proper and liberating but if we should dissociate ourselves from the Lord's Mercy then like a hand which is severed from the body we become ugly and useless.

Letter to Hrsikesa, 26 November, 1968

November 25

In the Bhagavad-gita we understand from the 16th Chapter that when a living entity becomes envious of Krishna, he is put into the darkest region of material existence, exactly in the same way as when a citizen is disobedient, lawbreaker, he is put into the prison cells. So this is nature's way beginning from Krishna, and one has to undergo such stringent regulative principles of material nature in such disobedient position.

Letter to Brahmananda, 25 November, 1969

25 ноября

Из 16-й главы Бхагавад-гиты мы узнаем, что если живое существо начинает завидовать Кришне, оно падает в темнейшие области материального существования, точно так же, как гражданин, не повинующийся законам, попадает в тюремную камеру. Таков закон природы, он идет от Кришны, и если человек мятежен, ему придется испытать на себе действие этого строгого закона.

Письмо Брахмананде, 25 ноября 1969

November 24

No, devotees are not allowed more than one wife. Devotees should have no wife if possible, but those who cannot maintain celibacy, they can marry one wife. At the present moment people are so unfortunate they cannot maintain even one wife. First of all at the present moment they are not married and remain mostly unmarried. So for such persons even one wife is a great burden. Under the circumstances how one can think of more than one wife? This is stupidity.

Letter to Sukadeva das, 24 November, 1974
