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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

October 23

Simply a little high standard of living, and they think this is advancement. And the Western civilization is influencing all other parts of the world in that way - "Improve the standard of living." There is no improvement, but it is maya; they are thinking, "This is improvement." The progress is that they have got motorcar, and they have progressed how to die quickly. This is the progress. At any moment he can die. As soon as he on the car, 70 miles speed, that means taking the risk of dying at any moment. This is the progress. Formerly people were going in bullock cart or horse carriage from one village to another. "That was primitive. Now we can go hundred miles away from home for earning money and taking risk to die at any moment. That is progress."

Morning walk, Mauritius, 23 October, 1975

October 22

I have marked how you are making mrdangas. Make many mrdangas. It will solve a great problem.

Letter to Tulsi das, 22 October, 1975

October 21

To follow in the footsteps of the Mahatmas means to give submissive aural reception to the words and instructions of the bona fide Spiritual Master in the line of disciplic succession from the Lord Himself. When the Lord appeared on this earth 5,000 years ago, He instructed Bhagavad-gita to Arjuna, and this purely transcendental message of Krishna has been passed down for the past 5,000 years by the media of sincere disciples giving submissive aural reception to the words of Krishna via the medium of the bona fide Spiritual Master. This acts like electricity, and if you touch a wire anywhere which is connected to the powerhouse, then you will be in contact with the electric current. But if the wire is broken or separated from the powerhouse, then there will be no electric current. Similarly, if we hear the unadulterated message of Lord Krishna from the authorized source, we will immediately be in contact with the transcendental atmosphere; but if we listen to someone who is presenting a broken, concocted version of Bhagavad-gita, that will be useless. So try to understand our philosophy very sincerely and carefully.

Letter to Yamunacarya, 21 October, 1969

October 20

In the spiritual world the only enjoyer is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. All others are enjoyed. But here in this material world everyone is trying to become the Supreme, and others, to be enjoyed. Everyone is trying to become God, and the last snare of maya is that one is claiming that "I am God." When he tries to become big businessman, big zamindar, big minister, big president, or in the society, big rich man, big, big always. And when he fails to become all kinds of "bigs," he wants to become one with God. By mixing, by merging into God, he will be the biggest. That is the philosophy. So basic principle is how to become big. Otherwise... Because unless I become very big, I cannot enjoy.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita, Bombay, 20 October, 1973

October 19

Regarding your dancing in the middle of the kirtana, it is not wrong. It is completely right. If in your kirtana everyone dances in ecstasy it is perfectly all right. That is spiritual enthusiasm.

Letter to Hamsaduta das, 19 October, 1974

October 18

You are writing your letter from hospital, and I thank you very much that you are so much enthusiastic that even in hospital bed, you are thinking of serving Krishna in different ways. When I received the news sent me by your husband to Jayananda that you are going to be operated, I was little bit perturbed, but immediately I submitted my prayer to Krishna, and I am so glad that Krishna is so merciful. He has saved your life and your baby, it is very much pleasing to me. So I am so much grateful to Krishna, and you should also know that how much grateful we should all be to Krishna. Actually, your case was life and death, without Krishna's Mercy you could not be saved. At least one life was at risk, either your baby's life, or your life. But Krishna is so kind that He has saved both of you.

Letter to Krishna devi, 18 October, 1968

October 17

The defect of the modern civilization that everyone is earning money undoubtedly in large volumes, but he does not know how to spend. He is spending simply for sense gratification and the last word of sense gratification is sex, therefore all money is being spent up for intoxication and sexual life, nudey dance, nudey theater, in so many ways. That means they are spoiling their human source of energy.

Letter to Rayarama, 17 October, 1968

October 16

I see in the photos of Gaura Nitai they are wearing lungis, but They wear dhotis. You have made it become a lungi.

Letter to Pusta Krishna Swami, 16 October, 1974

October 16

I see in the photos of Gaura Nitai they are wearing lungis, but They wear dhotis. You have made it become a lungi.

Letter to Pusta Krishna Swami, 16 October, 1974

October 15

So far your Buffalo center is concerned, you are trying your best, and Krishna will help you. Go on doing like that, and our business is to try our best. Result we leave it for consideration of Krishna, and we shall not be disappointed whether the result is favorable or unfavorable. Actually there cannot be any unfavorable result, because we are serving Krishna. One person may be or may not be inclined to accept Krishna Consciousness, but that doesn't matter, but if we try our best to make one person Krishna Conscious, then our duty is carried nicely. That is recognized by Krishna.

Letter to Rupanuga, 15 October, 1968
