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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

October 4

Please guide your innocent God-sisters who have come to our shelter. Girls are more susceptible to the finer attack of maya. Boys are a little stronger in getting out of the intricacies of Maya. Mrinalini, Jadurani & all other girls who are so qualified, good-looking, intelligent, educated & seriously engaged in Krishna Consciousness, should always be give protection from the attack of maya.

Letter to Rayarama, 4 October, 1967

October 3

Regarding details of the universe, be satisfied by reading only Bhagavatam. What is the use of reading other books - you are not going there. Some portion of the earth is flat. When you stand in any place you see flat, so for us to some extent it appears flat, but it is round.
Simply keep faith that whatever we describe, that is a fact. After all, we are an insignificant creature in the universe, so whether you take the modern scientists or Sukadeva Goswami, it is inconceivable. It is best to keep faith in Sukadeva Goswami, because actually our only business is to go back to home, back to Godhead. So whether Sukadeva Goswami or the modern scientists are right or wrong, it is nothing interesting to us. We want to go back to home, back to Godhead - yanti mad-yajino'pi mam.

Letter to Madhava, 3 October, 1976

October 2

Acaryas such as Ramanuja, Madhva etc and lately Sri Caitanya - all belong to the original Vedantist school by direct disciplic succession. According to these Acaryas Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam are, in their original stand, the real commentaries of the Vedanta Sutras. The Mayavadins who do not actually belong to the Vedanta school have overcast a cloud unnecessarily over the Bhagavad-gita and therefore common people are misled by them. In other words they have no entrance in the Vedanta Darsana so to say. It is not at all necessary that an ailing person shall oblige all classes of physicians for the sake of their being medical practitioners only. The patient must be treated by such physician only who is able to cure him.

Letter to Mr. Bailey, 2 October, 1951

September 30

The purpose of the Institute is to achieve the distinction of human life. The human being is meant for understanding his real identity. If a human being becomes entrapped with this body which may be American, Indian, brahmana, ksatriya, and so many other designations, then he remains on the platform of cats and dogs. A dog or a cat is thinking he is such and such. Similarly a human being thinks he is this and that designation, then he remains in the dog and cat category.

Letter to Svarupa Damodara das, 30 September, 1975

September 29

Regarding the International Publishing House under one roof, the principle of management is that everything will be managed by BBT. We have so many centers but the management is done by the GBC and myself. So what is the difficulty? It is a question of management, but not that all staff come together. Any big establishment has got different works and staff in different place. Recently I met one big manufacturer from Kannauj. He has got his factories in Orissa, Mysore, etc., but the whole thing is being managed from Kannauj. What is being manufactured in Orissa cannot be brought to Mysore. It is the capacity of management, but not that we bring everyone together.

Letter to Hamsaduta das, September 29, 1974

September 28

Regarding your question about the difference between the mind and the soul, in the Bhagavad-gita it is directly said that the mind is inferior energy in a subtle form, and soul, jiva, is superior energy. So they are completely distinct. Mind is not spiritual, but mind is a subtle material form. When the soul becomes captivated for enjoying the material world instead of rendering service to Krishna, that is the beginning of his falldown. When the living being thinks himself to be the enjoyer, that is called false ego. His constitutional position is to serve Krishna. So this false egotism degrades him to pollute the intelligence and the mind.

Letter to Prem J. Batra, 28 September, 1975

September 27

Your plan for starting an Indian philosophical society amongst your students is very good for propagating Krishna consciousness. Wherever you may remain please do not forget Krishna Kirtana and it will do good to you and your friends.

Letter to Hayagriva, 27 September, 1967

September 26

Tennyson may have felt something when he chanted Tennyson, but does anyone else? Does Mr. Ginsberg want to chant Tennyson, Tennyson? But everyone enjoys chanting Krishna. That means there is something different about His name. He is the center of everyone and everything.

Letter to Hayagriva, 26 September, 1970

September 25

Krishna has blessed you with a very nice child, Ananga dasi, and I am very much pleased to note how she has got some affection for Lord Jagannatha. That is very nice. And actually there is no harm in her playing with Jagannatha but how the Deity will be kept from being mishandled or kept in a dirty place or even thrown away at the whim of the child? You cannot always check her. Therefore to such a small child the Deity of Lord Jagannatha should not be given. Let her grow up a little so that she can follow some instruction in this connection and then you can give her.

Letter to Saradia devi, 25 September, 1971

September 24

Supersoul is sitting in everyone's heart, so when He hears the effect of hearing is there. So it is to be understood that the Spiritual Master is also hearing.

Letter to Makhanlal and Tilaka Devi, 24 September, 1971
