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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

June 13

I have received your pictures and the Deity's pictures look very nice, but I think you should decorate the Deities with more flowers. Krsna belongs to the village atmosphere of Vrndavana and He is very fond of flowers. I think in Germany the flowers are very expensive, so as far as possible try to increase the quantity of flowers.

Letter to Himavati, 13 June, 1970

June 12

I understand from Yamuna that our Gauracand Goswami feels still that we are unfit to render service to the Deity, so let him think like that, we don't care. We are worshiping Deity in 100 places and we become unfit in Radha Damodara? Why we are unfit. If you are beautiful Americans with good education and very pious and pure, and if you have got all qualities of Vaisnava, why you are not fit? We think we are quite fit.

Letter to Gurudasa, 12 June, 1972

June 11

Now that you have come to Krishna Consciousness, your spiritual life, the real life, has begun. First birth is from your parents but real birth, real life, begins when one accepts a bona fide spiritual master and renders service onto him. Then the path is open for going back to home, back to Godhead, to live eternally in full knowledge and full bliss and in association with the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, Lord Krishna. That is the goal, and the means to attain it are simple. You should strictly follow the regulative principles, chant at least 16 rounds of beads daily, read and study all our books, attend aratis and go for street Sankirtana, etc. In this way be engaged in Krishna's business 24 hours and your rapid advancement in Krishna Consciousness will be certain.

Letter to Narayani, 11 June, 1971

June 9

I am sorry to hear of your wife's poor health. You have tried so many treatments, pills and better climates and visits to doctors, but there is no improvement. I think you can admit her to the hospital on a longer term basis for recooping her health. You should not expect to have children until she is in good health.

Letter to Muralidhara, 9 June, 1974

June 8

Your unhappiness in the absence of sufficient engagement is a good sign. This is called abertya kalatyum. When a person is advanced in Krishna Consciousness he should always think that my time may not go in vain without being engaged in Krishna's service.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 8 June, 1969

June 7

Even in ordinary family affairs there is sometimes disagreement, but that does not mean immediately the disagreeing members shall leave the family. Similarly our Krishna Consciousness Movement means we are all gathering together in families of Krishna. Actually we are eternal family members of the Lord, but due to our misuse of independence we have now forgotten our eternal relationship with Krishna, exactly like a man who is mad forgets his family relationship and loiters in the street. But when he is again in his normal mental condition, he remembers his family members and goes back to them. Similarly this Krishna Consciousness Movement is a treatment for reviving the memory that we all belong to Krishna's family. So we are trying to establish a replica of Krishna's family in this material world wherein there is no material activities.

Letter to Uttama Sloka, 7 June, 1969

June 6

I am in due receipt of your letter from Bombay dated May 24, 1972, along with the very nice article, Prabhupada: India's National Hero. I am very grateful to you for your kind words about me, but I do not think that I have done anything, but I am only delivering the best message as it is. Actually, anyone who is a sincere devotee of Krishna and who is rendering service by preaching His message is to be considered as hero.

Letter to Visakha, 6 June, 1972

June 5

I am concerned more about my disciples. I want to see them quite able to preach this sublime doctrine of Krishna Consciousness, and therefore I wish to stay [in USA]. Otherwise, I'm not attracted for any place, either hell or heaven. Anyway, if some lawyer assures that this religious ministership which is so bona fide, can be established, then you can promise him some sum of money after completion of the attempt [to get visa]. But I do not advise you to appeal for the last decision.

Letter to Brahmananda, 5 June, 1968

June 4

As GBC your first responsibility is to keep yourself spiritually fit and see that all the devotees in your zone of management are chanting 16 rounds, rising early and strictly avoiding the sinful activities. If they are doing this, then management will be at your finger's end.

Letter to Hrdayananda Maharaj, 4 June, 1974

June 3

The transcendental ecstatic symptoms certainly become manifested in a devotee's body, but they should not be exhibited amongst common men. When Lord Caitanya met Ramananda Roy, both of them felt this ecstasy by embracing one another. But as soon as Lord Caitanya saw that Ramananda Roy was in the company of some outsider brahmanas, He checked Himself.

Letter to Makhanlal, 3 June, 1970
