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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

January 28

Everyone has got some propensity. The art of preaching is to engage that propensity in the service of Krsna. Whatever we have got, our mind, our intelligence, our possessions, our time, our energies, let them all be used in Krsna's service. So by training people in this way, this will be the success of your preaching work.

Letter to Kirtanananda Swami, 28 January, 1973

January 27

When a Krishna Conscious person is elevated to a responsible position, he never becomes puffed up. Just like a tree when overladen with fruits becomes humble and lower down; similarly, a great soul in Krishna Consciousness becomes humbler than the grass and bowed down like the fruitful trees because a Krishna Conscious person acts as the agent of Krishna, therefore he discharges his duty with great responsibility.

Letter to Gajendra das, 27 January, 1970

January 26

In London, the six couples who are working very hard there have been very much appreciated by the people of London, and their character, behavior, and devotion are attracting sincere people to our movement. I want similar thousands of couples for my disciples to propagate our movement throughout the world.

Letter to Govinda Devi, 26 January, 1969

January 25

I have got a very ambitious program to organize a nice Sankirtana Party both in Oriental and Occidental style, so that we can thus attract all classes of people in the world to Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Mr. Levine, 25 January, 1969

January 24

I have also heard that you are making plans for a very large order of my books from the BBT to be sold on a door to door basis on the style of the encyclopedia sales. If you can do this it will revolutionize our book distribution and afford greater spreading of Krsna Consciousness than any book distribution thus far.

Letter to Alex, Bob, Drdhavrata, Gupta, Rsabhadeva and Stan, 24 January, 1977

January 23

We have to receive transcendental sound through the transcendental channel, therefore, Vedas are called Sruti. That means transcendental sound can be received through the ear. And by hearing this transcendental sound through the ear our heart becomes spiritually purified, and we can realize at that stage the transcendental Name, transcendental Qualities, transcendental Form, transcendental Pastimes etc. That is the way of descending process.
Because everything manifested is creation of the original transcendental Sound, therefore, factually everything is spiritual.

Letter to Hamsaduta dasa, 23 January, 1970

January 22

Cow protection means good food and good trade.

Letter to Jayatirtha, 22 January, 1976

January 21

You have to accept the experience of spirit soul from Vedic literature. If one tries to understand otherwise they will remain in confusion. Subject which is beyond their understanding by experimental knowledge, and if they try to understand it by the same experimental knowledge, that means confusion.

Letter to Janardana, 21 January, 1968

January 20

Regarding salesmanship, it is a great art. It can be used for selling KC also. I am very much engladdened that you are so much enthusiastic, and you may know it that Krishna will help such enthusiastic devotees. May Krishna bless you all round.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 20 January, 1972

January 19

Everyone should feel proud of becoming sincere servant of Krishna, but the pure devotee never minimizes the importance of other devotees. Krishna is the enjoyer of varieties of service. It is not stuck up with any particular type of service. Krishna takes pleasure with devotees even by fighting service.

Letter to Satsvarupa Maharaja, 19 January, 1975
