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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

January 18

I am glad to hear that you are helping out in tending the Deities. This is very spiritually beneficial engagement and, along with chanting the required number of rounds of Hare Krishna, Krishna is sure to give you all facilities to perfect your life in full Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Syama Dasi, 18 January, 1969

January 17

I thank you very much for your kind words, and you can pray to Krishna that I may be for some time with you. That is my desire. I have no objection to death, I am old man; still I wish to live because I want to see that the mission and missionaries I have started may be still more stronger before I leave. So pray to Krishna for this.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 17 January, 1968

January 16

So far as the devotees at our Montreal center working at regular jobs during the winter months, that is not very good, but if there is no other way what can be done? If they can pull on without work, then they can chant Hare Krishna day and night inside. For a Vaisnava to work for a karmi is not very good.

Letter to Jagadisa, 16 January, 1971

January 15

Rayarama may not be as qualified as you are, but his one qualification that he is fully surrendered to Krishna and his Spiritual Master is the first class recommendation for his editing any one of our literatures, because editing of Vedic literatures does not depend on academic education. It is clearly stated in the Upanisads that one who has implicit faith in God as well as in the Spiritual Master, to him only the import of Vedic literature is revealed.

Letter to Hayagriva, 15 January, 1968

January 14

There are two gurus - one internal and the other external. The internal Guru is Krishna Himself seated in everyone's heart, and the external Guru is the Spiritual Master. So a sincere devotee is helped both externally and internally. To the sincere devotee the internal Guru Krishna dictates, but the thing has to be conformed by the external Guru then it is all right.

Letter to Kancanbala dasi, 14 January, 1968

January 13

Our movement is so large it requires expert management and strong vigilence. Now you are finding out so many things were mismanaged, but why didn't you find out before? What is the use of complaining now? It is your fault that you remained absent for so long. The GBC's first business is to manage their zones. You said you were training Cyavana. Anyway, just try to mend things and restore it to its original position.

Letter to Brahmananda, 13 January, 1976

January 12

Any householder devotee who is working full-time (with his wife) as a sankirtana book distributer, of temple managerial duties, artist, cook, etc. shall be provided food, shelter, and other bare minimum necessities by the temple itself. They should not cook their own meals separate from the temple meals. If they have children, then some minimal allowance may be given according to the number of children. If they want anything extra or over and above what the temple president sees as absolute necessity, then they should work.

Letter to Kirtiraja das, 12 January, 1975

January 11

All the leaders should tax their brains for increasing the sales of our books. I have always said that if we simply rely on book distribution all our needs will be met.

Letter to Rupanuga, 11 January, 1976

January 10

The analysis you have given in the section "What is the Bhaktivedanta Institute'', regarding the scientists, technologists, and other so-called authorities is most accurate. According to Bhagavatam, they are all asses and cows, sa eva gokhara.

Letter to Svarupa Damodara, 10 January, 1976

January 9

The devotees' principle is, let there happen anything as Krishna desires. Let me remain sincere devotee, that's all. Pure devotee is never interested in this astrology.

Letter to Devamaya devi dasi, 9 January, 1975
