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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

April 6

Regarding your question, you may refer to Adi-lila, Chapter 6, Text 79 along with the purport, (Caitanya-caritamrta). The answer is there. The basic understanding is that Sada-Siva is an expansion of Maha-Visnu and that same Sada-Siva incarnates as Advaitacarya. Therefore, since Advaitacarya is an incarnation of Sada-Siva who is non-different from Maha-Visnu, we can say that Advaitacarya is an incarnation of Maha-Visnu. It can be said both ways, that He is an incarnation of Sada-Siva or Maha-Visnu.

Letter to Mr. Karl, 6 April, 1975

April 5

You are giving your forefather's hard-earned money and I don't want to see it spoiled in any way. In a year or so you can turn the property over to: A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. You are sincerely trying to please Krishna, and therefore He is giving you all intelligence - how to do it.

Letter to Alfred Ford, 5 April, 1975

April 4

Actually we should give more stress in worshiping the incarnation of sound vibration but whenever there is possibility of installing Deities and strictly following the regulations of worship, we shall do this, but the essential part of our activities is to worship the sound incarnation.

Letter to Visnujana Maharaja, 4 April, 1971

April 3

As for your eye trouble, you need not take to an operation for your sickness. Doctors are not the Ultimate Healer. This is Krishna's position. In your Western countries, the doctors are very much fond of surgical operations. When there is no other alternative, of course we have to take shelter of such demonic treatment, but as far as possible try to avoid that, and depend on Krishna.

Letter to Krishna das, 3 April, 1969

March 31

I beg to inform you that you agreed to give me 50% concession from India to U.S.A. and I had to postpone my journey for not being able to pay you even 50% charges. I am a Sannyasi and my expenses for propagting the transcendental message is borne by the philanthrophist every where. Recently I have been invited by the Japanese friends to attend an international Congress for Cultivating Human spirit and the copy of the invitation certificate will speak for itself.
I shall therefore request you to give me full concession for going and coming back from Japan. India has to teach the world for cultivating human spirit and we are meant for this purpose.

Letter to Scindia Steam Navigation Company Ltd, 31 March, 1961

March 29

Therefore in the Bhagavad-gita there is the essence of Vedic instructions. The plan is that the conditioned soul may fulfill his desire for material enjoyment and at the same time be trained up in spiritual identity to come back to Godhead, back to home. As such, Bhagavad-gita contains the solution of all problems of the material world.

Letter to Dr. Ghosh, 29 March, 1974

March 28

So far the Advent Day of Lord Rama Candra, it should be celebrated as Lord Caitanya's Birthday was done. Fasting up to evening, and then take prasadam, and chant Hare Krishna whole day, and be engaged in reading and chanting off and on, chant for some time, then read for some time, then again have Kirtana and so on, throughout the day. If you have not got a Ramayana, then you can read Bhagavad-gita or Srimad-Bhagavatam, that is all right.

Letter to Mahapurusa, 28 March, 1968

March 27

Because we are not pure, these thoughts of sense gratification are bound to come into our mind, but if we do not act on them and keep ourselves always engaged in Krishna conscious activities, they will have no effect. Maya is always placing the memories of our past sinful activities before us, and encouraging us to come once again into her clutches, but by always chanting Hare Krishna and keeping our mind fixed on Krishna, he will give us the strength to resist her demands, and gradually they will diminish.

Letter to Koumadaki, 27 March 1972

March 26

The suffering of the man and the sympathy of the other man, both are centered on the body. But this we have to understand by knowledge. Then such horrible condition of body won't be disturbing to us. That is the position of liberation. It doesn't mean that we shall not be sympathetic with one who is suffering, but we should always remember that such sufferings are due to the bodily concept of life.

Letter to Yadunandana, 26 March, 1968

March 24

In the London streets, introduction of Rathayatra procession, as well as Lord Caitanya's Birthday ceremony procession, and in the most important part of the city, a Radha Krsna Temple - all these things are great achievement of your London Yatra party, and personally I feel a great credit for me because by such activities my Guru Maharaja is certainly very pleased upon us. So whatever progress we are making by the grace of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaja, we must stick to them and make further progress.

Letter to Mukunda, 24 March, 1970
