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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

August 13

Regarding your accepting a job in the Graphics profession, I think you can accept this job because it is paying, as well as you can get experience in the profession. So as Krishna Das has advised you, I confirm it.

Letter to Jaya Govinda, 13 August, 1969

August 12

I want also that they shall practice rehearsal of your play, about Lord Caitanya's activities. So if you can send a copy of your drama as soon as possible, they will begin rehearsing how to do it.

Letter to Hayagriva, 12 August, 1968

August 10

I rejoined Srila Prabhupada on July 24 after being away for 7 months. While away I was married and increased my possessions. I brought one of my new acquisitions to India. It was an electric razor. While giving Srimad Bhagavatam Class one morning, Srila Prabhupada started talking about 'ugra karma'. He said, "One can shave very simply with a blade. There is no difficulty, but now it becomes complicated. One must use electricity. Noise is there and when it breaks then you can not shave. By trying to solve a small problem, so many other problems are made." He never said anything to me directly but I know that he was referring to the fact that I had been shaving in my servant quarters only an hour earlier, and this created a disturbance for him.

Srila Prabhupada Uvaca 70
August, 1974; Vrindaban, India;
Camp: Krishna Balarama Mandir

August 9

...at every offering of bhoga to the Deities there must be one Tulasi leaf on the plate.

Letter to Indira, 9 August, 1971

August 8

Your program of adding six more men to your party is approved by me. Yes, the advanced men can distribute the big books, and the new men the smaller ones. Your entire program is approved by me. By the grace of Krsna, you can teach others at the temples to distribute the books and perform Deity worship, and distributing prasadam. You do this work with my full sanction.

Letter to Tripurari das, 8 August, 1974

August 7

To begin eager to serve Krishna is the greatest achievement after many many duration of pious life.

Letter to Nathan Baruch, 7 August, 1968

August 6

I am enclosing several documents relating to our food distribution program in India, and I have advised Rupanuga Goswami and Atreya Rsi to consult with you and the three of you shall approach important leaders there in Washington D.C. for getting foodstuffs and other substantial aid from your government. As I will be in that vicinity in September, if you arrange some meetings with some big government leaders there in Washington, I shall be happy to come down there from New Vrindaban.

Letter to Damodara, 6 August, 1972

August 1

Regarding Jhulanayatra Ceremony, during these five days the Deities' clothings should be changed everyday, and there should be nice Prasadam distribution and Sankirtana as far as possible. If you are able to do it, a nice throne may be constructed on which the Deities can be placed. This throne may be swung gently during Kirtana. That will be very good, and surely the Deities will enjoy the function.

Letter to Jayapataka, 1 August, 1969

July 31

Please offer all the devotees my blessings. Their enthusiasm for distributing my books will please me very much. Not only will I be pleased, but my guru maharaja will also be pleased and they will all be blessed. This is very good news, prithivite ache yato nagaradi grama sarvatra pracara hoibe mora nama, this is the way of preaching, to spread the news of Krsna in every town and village all over the world. Thank you very much.

Letter to Hrdayananda Maharaja, 31 July, 1976

July 29

I, the undersigned, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, presently author of the following books: Krsna; Nectar of Devotion; Easy Journey to Other Planets; Isopanisad; Bhagavad-gita As It Is; Srimad-Bhagavatam; Teachings of Lord Caitanya; Krsna Consciousness: The Topmost Yoga System, do hereby appoint Rupanuga das Adhikari, Bhagavan das Adhikari, and Karandhara das Adhikari for the purpose of the publishing of manuscripts and literatures made by me, distribution and collection and all other necessary paraphernalia in this connection. This trust is called the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. Out of the three trustees, the majority decision will be carried...

Letter to BBT trustees, 29 July, 1970
