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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

April 26

I understand that Krishna has helped you with some source of income. All the money we require is simply to meet our necessities, and we do not require any more for the purpose of sense gratification. But for our necessities we can always know that Krishna will help us with all facilities.

Letter to Vrndavanesvari, 26 April, 1969

April 25

I have made it a point that unless one is able to keep to the same standard that is kept here at the temple, he should not worship the Deity separately.

Letter to Caitanya Dasi, 25 April, 1973

April 24

Yes, akshar means that which does not fall down, and kshar means that which falls down. The living entity is kshar; that is, prone to fall down into material existence. But the Supreme Brahman is akshar, or does not fall down. The material energy is under the control of the akshar brahman. Another meaning of the akshar brahman is the inhabitants of the spiritual world. They are eternally existing and never fall down. In other words they are called Nitya-Mukti and the kshar brahman is called Nitya Bhadda, or eternally conditioned.

Letter to Sri Shresthaji, 24 April, 1971

April 23

Your endeavors to spread Krishna consciousness by means of radio and television is very encouraging to me, and I am looking forward to participating in this program when I return to Los Angeles soon.

Letter to Krsnakanti, 23 April, 1972

April 22

Please therefore continue to chant this mantra as many times as possible throughout the day and night. I do not think there is any inconvenience or loss on your part if you do so all the time. Even when you are walking, you can softly chant Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, or even when you are on the bus going to somewhere you can also chant. When you are working with your hands you can also chant and when you are resting or going to take rest you can also chant. Even in your toilet room while taking bath you can also chant. In this way there is no limitation or restriction for chanting this Holy Name of God, Krishna, and His Energy, Hara. In doing this business there is no loss, but there is very great gain which is transcendental realization.

Letter to Sriman Minoru and Kenji, 22 April, 1970

April 21

My Guru Maharaja used to say that in a foreign land where you cannot speak the language with the natives very nicely, what do you do when there is a fire in your house just to get their help? In such emergency one has to express himself somehow or other to his foreign friends and get their help to extinguish the fire. But if he wants to learn the language first and then talk with the foreign friends to get help, then everything in the meantime would be finished. Similarly if we have to learn and then paint, it will be a long-term affair. But immediately we want so many pictures for all of our books, so all the artists may always be engaged in painting works and that painting itself will gradually teach them how to make things nice.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 21 April, 1970

April 20

I am very keen on the distribution of my books and I am very indebted to all of you for your untiring efforts to see that every man and woman in America get one of my books. If they simply read one page, even if they do nothing else, they can become perfect. I have read the plans of Ramesvara and Tripurari to attend the fair and distribute to the thousands of people who are coming; whatever transcendental tactics you leaders think best for distributing the books you can employ.

Letter to Hari basara, 20 April, 1974

April 19

I hope that you are finding the time to visit our Montreal temple frequently, and that you are finding our books interesting to read. By associating and rendering service to the Vaisnavas and hearing the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-bhagavatam as well as chanting Hare Krishna, your life will become perfect.

Letter to Mr. Ramanbhai M. Patel, 19 April, 1975

April 18

Regarding Paramatma Das, I think he should simply push on with his school work as much as it may be necessary and the remainder of the time he may spend with the devotees in our Krsna Conscious activities. Certainly he is feeling some inconvenience due to the poor association at the karmi school but this is not a permanent situation. In the past many of our devotees like Lilasukha, Kancanbala, Indira, etc. in New York, Saradia in Boston, some others in Buffalo, and in other places also have finished up their required education in the public schools in spite of continuous feeling of disturbance by the nondevotee students and faculty. So if he finishes up his education in this way remaining under your care at the temple, then the unwanted association will not be harmful, just see that he is strictly executing his prescribed duties and that will keep him strong in spiritual life.

Letter to Bahulasva, 18 April, 1970

April 17

Looking on women is not an impediment to spiritual progress, but looking on women with a view of sense gratification is detrimental. The actual fact is that attachment for sense gratification is not at all congenial for spiritual progress. In this country intermingling with women is very easy, and sometimes our mind becomes agitated. Therefore we have to take little precaution and the best precaution is to raise oneself in Krsna Consciousness. Lord Caitanya said that His mind becomes agitated even by seeing a wooden model. By seeing women, if one's mind is agitated, that is quite natural. If you take the words of Lord Caitanya that His mind is agitated by seeing a wooden model, then what to speak of us by seeing actual women.
The real fact is therefore that we have to check ourself by advancement of Krishna Consciousness. But if it becomes too difficult for us, then one should get himself married and thus check his sex disturbance, and peacefully prosecute Krishna Consciousness. But if one can avoid sex life and the attachment is overturned for Krishna Consciousness, his position is very laudable. So there is no need of becoming hypocritical; better one can get himself married and be peaceful.

Letter to Jayapataka, 17 April, 1970
