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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

May 6

The college courses and university courses should be very carefully taken because there is very, very great hope from those quarters. In Buffalo I have seen Rupanuga has done wonderfully, and some of the students are already attracted to this Krishna Consciousness Movement. Similarly, Pradyumna is also doing in Columbus, and I shall see personally when I go there on the 9th of May.
So we have to train preachers, and they will go to the students in public institutions to educate them in Krishna Consciousness. So if our men simply study our books and magazines, and assimilate them nicely and clarify as soon as there is some doubt, then surely we shall drive out all these so-called yogis and propagandists who are simply cheating the innocent people to solve their pecuniary problems.

Letter to Tamala Krishna, 6 May, 1969

May 5

I think some of you like yourself, Satsvarupa, Brahmananda and Mukunda and Gargamuni, Acyutananda and all of you had already cultivated this Krishna Consciousness in your past lives, now Lord Caitanya wants that this movement should be spread in the western countries, so most probably in your previous births you were all Indians and cultivated this Krishna Consciousness. Now Lord Caitanya has placed you in the western part of the world so that you can now combine together and broadcast the holy message all over the world.

Letter to Kirtanananda, 5 May, 1967

May 4

Regarding your desire to improve your singing voice, by singing you will become an expert singer. Anything you practice regularly you become expert in.

Letter to Sivananda, 4 May, 1969

May 3

It [your booklet] is very nice, I have enjoyed it very much, but there are some direct criticisms and that we are not going to do. These men are not so important than our institution, so we shall not give them unnecessary publicity by criticizing.

Letter to Patita Uddharana, 3 May, 1970

May 2

So far the meaning of the word "cheating,'' there are only three things to be known, that Krishna is the Supreme Enjoyer, the Supreme Proprietor of everything, and the Supreme Friend of everyone, and we say that honesty is acting upon the knowledge of these three facts. So if one is always acting under these three facts, knowing Krishna to be the Supreme Proprietor, Enjoyer, and Friend, then he is truly honest, and if one is not acting in this knowledge, then he is always cheating or being dishonest. So if you apply this to your techniques for selling literature to persons in the Sankirtana party, then you will understand what is the meaning of the word "cheating.''

Letter to Bhakta dasa, 2 May, 1972

April 30

Lord Ramacandra once said that wife can be found in every country. Deshe deshe kalatratrani. Deshe deshe means in every country, and kalatratrani means wives. So all the ksatriyas married in different countries. Of course you are not expected to have many wives in different countries, but if you have one wife in one country that does not hamper. But I recommend you to marry one Krishna Conscious girl from our group. Then you will be happy.

Letter to Gopala Krishna, 30 April, 1969

April 29

You are very intelligent and nice boy and girl, and trying to understand Krishna Consciousness, and I can simply pray that you shall try to understand more and more about this transcendental science, and whenever possible, try to talk about Krishna Consciousness to your friends or whomever you may meet. Simply by this attempt you will get superior strength and knowledge about Krishna Consciousness. It doesn't matter whether a man is convinced or not, but your sincere attempts to convince others will help you progress. Nandarani is very intelligent girl, both of you execute nicely and try to bring up your daughter in the same spirit, and live nicely in Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Nandarani and Dayananda, 29 April, 1968

April 28

Yes inflation is due to paper currency. As for land ownership, in the Vedic civilization the land was given to the people for cultivation not for ownership, and a tax was collected which was 25% of the person's income. The land belonged to the state and the man would cultivate it and pay 25% to the state. If he has no income then he doesn't have to pay. If he doesn't pay tax he may be disowned of the land. One cannot get land from the government unless he agrees to produce something and if everyone produces food then there is no scarcity. At least he has his own food produced by himself. Now people are educated as sudras. They are going to work to produce what is not urgently needed by society.

Letter to Balavanta, 28 April, 1974

April 27

Now you are placed in some awkward circumstances for rendering devotional service as you have mentioned in your letter to me. Devotional service is so powerful that it cannot be stopped in any circumstance. There are histories of many great devotees, like Prahlada Maharaja, who was living in the house of his demon father, Hiranyakasipu. Hiranyakasipu did not even like to hear the name of Krishna, but Prahlada had perfect faith in chanting the Holy Names of the Mahamantra, Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare, and in this way Krishna saved Prahlada in the end. So please be patient and go on chanting Hare Krishna and try to visit the temple as much as possible. Krishna will offer you all protection and make all suitable arrangements for His devotees to engage in His service. Thank you for your keen interest.

Letter to Mrs. Perera, 27 April, 1976

April 27

Now you are placed in some awkward circumstances for rendering devotional service as you have mentioned in your letter to me. Devotional service is so powerful that it cannot be stopped in any circumstance. There are histories of many great devotees, like Prahlada Maharaja, who was living in the house of his demon father, Hiranyakasipu. Hiranyakasipu did not even like to hear the name of Krishna, but Prahlada had perfect faith in chanting the Holy Names of the Mahamantra, Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare, and in this way Krishna saved Prahlada in the end. So please be patient and go on chanting Hare Krishna and try to visit the temple as much as possible. Krishna will offer you all protection and make all suitable arrangements for His devotees to engage in His service. Thank you for your keen interest.

Letter to Mrs. Perera, 27 April, 1976
