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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

March 27

I am in Hawaii for the last one month, then on the 31st of March I shall go to San Francisco, then to L.A., and then to N.Y. and then to Buffalo, then Boston, and then New Vrindaban. This is my present program up to the end of May. And in June I may be called by London. And if you are by that time in Germany it is possible that I shall go to see you there…

Letter to Jaya Govinda, 27 March 1969

March 26

As you stated, that you simply want to leave the material world and be with Krishna, that is the best solution, rather than taking account of how things happened that you came here. Like that our best occupation is to get out of the scene by constantly chanting Hare Krishna, and be engaged in the transcendental service of Lord Krishna.

Letter to Yadunandana, 26 March, 1968

March 25

These books are so nice that anyone who reads them is sure to become Krishna Conscious. You can show them Krsna books and ask them to read any part and if they like what they have read they should purchase, and if not you will walk away. Who could resist? Krsna book is so nice that everyone will like it, either as a story book or history or philosophy or whatever, they are sure to be attracted. Simply it depends on your presentation. So do it nicely and Krsna will help you.

Letter to Sukadeva, 25 March, 1971

March 24

It is very satisfying that you have introduced Sankirtana Party procession in the public streets and parks on the occasion of Lord Caitanya's Birthday. It is a good addition to my missionary activities, and I thank you very much.

Letter to Mukunda, 24 March, 1970

March 23

A neophyte should always be careful. One should not discuss about such great devotees' apparent fall-down. Just like one should not discuss about the sun who evaporates urine from the earth; it is possible for the sun to do it, and still remain the sun, but for ordinary man if he lives in a filthy place he will be infected. So Lord Siva or Lord Brahma, they are highly elevated devotees, and we should not try to criticize about their behavior even though it appears against the rules. These things are very nicely explained in Srimad-Bhagavatam in course of discussion between Maharaja Pariksit and Sukadeva Goswami, in the 10th canto.

Letter to Himavati, 23 March, 1969

March 21

These students cannot be called for fighting. By temperament they are unfit for fighting, because they are being trained to become perfect Brahmins. The business of the Brahmins is to teach people spiritual education. Fighting is means for the Ksatriyas. Therefore, we must find out some means for protecting our students in future to save them from this unnecessary botheration. You should consult a suitable lawyer in connection with this matter, and do the needful. We can submit a copy of the remark made by a judge of a court here, in relation to the imprisonment of one of our students, Upendra das, in which the man said, "Be lenient with this boy, as he belongs to an established religious organization, which is doing much to combat against drug-addiction, and to promote the general health and welfare of the young people.''

Letter to Brahmananda, 21 March, 1968

March 20

I do not know whether it is Krishna's desire that we should start our press immediately - but the circumstances give me to understand that we must start our press immediately.

Letter to Rayarama, 20 March, 1969

March 19

I am glad to note your arguments with the Yoga meeting people. Actually this so-called yoga system and meditation that is so much popular in your country is bogus. But if we speak the naked truth to the people, sometimes they may get angry. Because unpalatable truth is not tolerated. If we call a black man black, he will be angry because it is unpalatable. So we have to present our case very carefully. The best way of presentation will be like this: (1) Yoga system is recommended in the Bhagavad-gita, (2) It is approved system, (3) But it is not suitable for ordinary man, especially in this age of Kali, (4) The so-called yoga system practiced by the people of this age is not bona fide. They cannot follow all the rules and regulations of yoga practice, (5) Therefore it is conclusive that so called yoga followers are simply cheated and they are wasting their time.

Letter to, 19 March, 1969

March 18

If one attains perfection in Deity worship, that is called Arcana Siddhi. Arcana Siddhi means simply by Deity worship one goes back to Godhead, immediately after this life. So this Arcana Siddhi program is given in the Narada Pancaratra especially for the householders. Householders cannot undergo strict disciplinary activities of austerity, therefore for every householder the path of Arcana Siddhi is very much recommended. According to Vedic system, all householders are ordered to keep Deity at home and follow strictly the worshipment process. That makes the home pure, body pure, mind pure, and quickly promotes one to the pure platform of spiritual life. The temple is also specially meant for the householders.

Letter to Himavati, 18 March, 1969

March 17

We must be fully equipped, and the preaching work by pairs of husband and wife will be an unique example to the world. Formerly the Acaryas were generally all Sannyasis, but Lord Caitanya, in His instruction to Roy Ramananda, who was a confidential devotee of Lord Caitanya, but a householder and responsible government official, Governor of Madras, has given open instruction that it does not matter what is the social or ecclesiastical order, if one is fully in Krishna Consciousness, he can act as Acarya. So all you boys and girls who are now married, follow this instruction of Lord Caitanya, and show vivid example to the world how man and woman can be united, not for sense gratification but for the service of the Lord.

Letter to Suridas, 17 March, 1970
