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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

May 19

Our real business is to print and distribute books. By doing this business, you are all becoming recognized by Krishna. Please try to continue working so nicely for Krishna, following the rules and regulations, chanting 16 rounds, and studying my books and you will finish your business in this material world in this life and enter into the spiritual world to live with Krishna eternally. Don't become discouraged by an so-called problems. Make your program simple, that is to say, always make sure that you are somehow or other engaged in Krishna's service, and the best service is preaching or engaging others in Krishna's service.

Letter to Srutadeva dasa, 19 May, 1975

May 18

Presently in Calcutta we are holding a huge "Hare Krishna Festival'' in which 35,000 to 40,000 people are attending daily for hearing discourses on Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita. We are distributing prasadam also. It is so much enlivening to see how the people are being so receptive to this message. It is all Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mercy.

Letter to Dinesh Candra, 18 May, 1971

May 17

That is the immediate important business - how to distribute these books all over the world. So far as the per cent of discount, that will depend on your discretion. But quickly distribute all the books as soon as they are received.

Letter to Karandhara, 17 May, 1971

May 16

As regards your desire for Sadbhuja Deity, if your divert your attention to worship, that will not be good. Time is short. You can keep one picture for your darsana.

Letter to Yasodanandana Maharaj, 16 May, 1976

May 15

You mention that in the picture where Lord Caitanya is discussing with the Kazi about cow killing, Lord Nityananda is there with a drum. No, there is no mention of Him being with a mrdanga. He should not have a shaved head as a brahmacari but in the same feature as we always see the two, Gaura Nitai. Nityananda was brahmacari and became grhastha but you should always paint them in the Gaura Nitai style and feature you are already accustomed to doing.

Letter to Jadurani dasi, 15 May, 1974

May 14

The teachings of the Bhagavad-gita are so potential that if it is practiced seriously, it can bring in a new life and civilization. Now you have established a Gita Pratisthan, so do it very seriously.

Letter to Sriman RamаKrishnaji, 14 May, 1976

May 13

It appears that you have good talent for writing, so kindly continue to develop in this way and write more and more of your realizations based upon our books. There is no need to concoct anything new. You simply have to study carefully our books and then in your own words try to express what you have read. This will automatically make you a very successful preacher.

Letter to Dasanudasa, 13 May, 1977

May 12

That is our real business, travel and preach, distribute literature and prasadam. I want now that all of my GBC secretaries do my work. Let me sit tight in Los Angeles and write my books. Now you be always travelling here and there, visiting the centers in your zone, seeing how things are going on and how the students are making spiritual progress. That is our real concern, the spiritual progress of life. That is duty of GBC.

Letter to Bhagavan das, 12 May, 1972

May 11

From now on, include one chapter from Srimad-bhagavatam in every issue of Back to Godhead magazine. You can start with the 1st chapter of the 1st canto and continue. You should reproduce the chapter as it is in the book, in other words, with the devanagari script, word meanings, transliteration, etc. If a chapter is very very big, it can be given in two issues.

Letter to Jayadvaita dasa, 11 May, 1975

May 10

Your plan to get a large vehicle for traveling with built in shower, kitchen etc. is approved by me. But you should try to get new, because the old ones are always needing repair. We have seen by practical experience.

Letter to Hrdayananda, 10 May 1973
