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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

May 29

Our religion is not a part time transcendental recreation. We live in God. Of course, "Hare Krishna'' is there on all these newspaper reports, that I want, that somehow or other hundreds and thousands of men will chant Hare Krishna. They have made all plans to avoid God, and our plan is that they accept God. The struggle will become acute, because formerly they thought we were simply hippies, but now they see our books, that we are here to stay. The professors are writing books, like Hare Krishna and Counter Culture, beginning to realize that Hare Krishna is here to stay. So, now the people are becoming envious that in such a short time we are so well known. Do not be discouraged by these fools and rascals, and simply push on sincerely and Krishna will save you.

Letter to Balavanta das, 29 May, 1976

May 28

Regarding sending books freely to any library. The system that you can adopt is to send the books and tell them to read them over for one week's time. If they do not like the book, they should send it back at our cost. If they like it and want it, then they can send the amount of money to us (whatever the book sells for). But, we cannot give books away free to anyone. They must be paid for.

Letter to Kirtiraja dasa, 28 May, 1975

May 27

You don't worry about my health. I am quite fit now, and in New Vrindaban I am walking on the hills daily. In Boston for three or four days I had some acute backache pain, but by the Grace of Krishna it was made all right very soon. This body is called the temple of diseases.

Letter to Mukunda, 27 May, 1969

May 26

The personified Vedas are just like great sages in appearance. Some of them may be looking like Vyasadeva, Valmiki, Narada, etc. Some of them are older and some of them are younger, some of them have full hair like Vyasa because they are householders and others are brahmacari - but they are all great souls, highly elevated in transcendental science, or Paramahamsas.

Letter to Jadurani, 26 May, 1970

May 25

At present I am living in New Vrindaban. It is a very nice place, but there is no facility of modern amenities. It is completely aloof from city life, and we have to adopt so many things. In comparison to city life it is very inconvenient. But still the atmosphere here is very pleasant.

Letter to Ananda, 25 May, 1972

May 24

So far the temples in India are concerned, the independent and self supporting method does not apply in India. In India Bombay is the headquarters and all other centers shall send their funds for centralizing in Bombay. In return you shall supply everyone with enough books and you shall pay construction bills as required by them.

Letter to Giriraja, 24 May 1972

May 23

I am very much pleased to receive your daily reports, and you are one of the best students who follows the regulative principles rigidly for enhancing the devotional service. Rupa Goswami has recommended that for enhancing this spirit of devotional service one should be very enthusiastic, one should be patient, one should be firmly convinced, one should follow the regulative principles rigidly, one's occupation should be very honest and straightforward, and one should keep company with devotees. Anyone who follows these six principles of devotional life is sure to achieve success.

Letter to Isana das, 23 May, 1969

May 22

As far as possible though, you all should try to learn a little German. One should learn the local native language if one desires to live there. For the present, even though some people may think that our translation work is terrible, there is nothing to lament. After all, German language is a foreign language for us, and our main business is to present our thoughts to the German people.

Letter to Jayagovinda, 22 May, 1969

May 21

And if there is nothing else, you can always sit down and chant Hare Krishna Mantra. 16 rounds daily is the minimal requirement, but you should chant Hare Krishna as much as possible. And follow all the regulative principles strictly. Read all our books, attend classes and go for street Sankirtana. In this way be engaged in Krishna's business 24 hours and you will be happy and in the end you will go back home, back to Godhead.

Letter to Kirtika (Judith Cornell), 21 May, 1971

May 20

Why should our temples support or denounce Hitler. If somebody says something in this connection it must simply be some sentiment. We have nothing to do with politics. It is after all sentiment, you say something and I say something. In this material world, to say this is good and this is bad has no value. To us, everything material is bad as it is lacking Krsna Consciousness.

Letter to Dr. Wolf, 20 May, 1976
