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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

April 28

The regulative principles are a device how to overcome the influence of maya and come to the platform of spontaneous love of Krsna. If we want to exist as first class men in society all our students must be induced to following the regulative principles. One shouldn't think artificially he has come to the spontaneous platform. That is sahajiyaism.

Letter to Rupanuga Maharaja, 28 April, 1974

April 27

I am asking Pradyumna to send you a list of Vaisnava functions which you can give to the Indians who are inquiring about it at the New York temple. Other than the bona fide Vaisnava functions we cannot divert our devotees' attention to such participation in so called religious functions. This has spoiled the Hindu religion into a hodge podge pseudo religion. For advancement in Krsna Consciousness we should simply concentrate on Krsna; therefore we can help them but the function has to be in connection with Krsna.

Letter to Gopala Krsna, 27 April, 1974

April 26

You have inquired about how we leave our body and enter into the Spiritual Sky. This information is very nicely explained in the Second Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, First Chapter. The idea is that this universe is just like a coconut fruit, and exactly like the coconut fruit there is covering of several layers. Each layer is said to be ten times more than the other. So when a living entity is eligible and fully prepared to enter into the Spiritual Sky, he merges his different bodily elements which are called earth, fire, water, air, and ether. In those covering layers these bodily elements return, and the living entity goes back to the Spiritual Sky.

Letter to Vrndavanesvari, 26 April, 1969

April 25

Regarding Brijbasi posters, just take out pictures portraying Krishna with cows, with Gopis - just Krishna pictures, no pictures of demigods. Those pictures are alright.

Letter to Jagadisa, 25 April, 1970

April 24

This program to make each and every center spiritually strong should be the duty of the GBC. So far financing, let them do in their own way, and you can simply advise them. Don't bother too much about financial matters, but your first concern should be book and magazine distribution. We have to increase our preaching propensity. That is our main business.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 24 April, 1972

April 23

You are asking what should your preaching work be now that you are attending the university. So the first preaching work is that yourself should become an ideal devotee. Lord Caitanya said that one should first make himself perfect and then attempt to instruct others.

Letter to Niranjana, 23 April, 1974

April 22

Yes, incense distribution has been very helpful in many centers for maintaining financially, but we are not businessmen. So producing candles for distribution is not at all necessary. We do not want to increase factories. We want to increase Krishna Consciousness and this can be done best by distributing our books and preaching. So in that way you can make your program.

Letter to John Milner, 22 April, 1971

April 21

Yes, by all means you may print my morning walk speaking about "Life comes from Life'' into a small book; this argument should be spread, as any intelligent man will be convinced that our discussion is thoroughly scientific and exposes the so called materialistic scientists as rascals. So go on printing and distributing as many books as possible; this is your real work and your personal success.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 21 April, 1974

April 20

Please go on preaching Krishna Consciousness amongst the students because they are our best clients.

Letter to Govinda Dasi (Gaurasundara das Adhikari), 20 April, 1973

April 19

I am pleased that you are working for our activities in Japan, and in three months you should be able to gather at least $1,500.00 together. Don't spend money needlessly. Try to save as much as possible, because you have very important work to do for the service of Lord Caitanya.

Letter to Sudama and Karatieya, 19 April, 1969
