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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

October 7

How to think of Krishna that I have given, following the devotional practices and chanting 16 rounds minimum. We have also established worship of the Deity in our temple so that all day long one will automatically think of Krishna, He is so kind.

Letter to Vajresvari devi dasi, 7 October, 1974

October 6

It is very dangerous to live outside the association of devotees. If you must live a more solitary life for some time, then you can go to our temple in Mayapur or Vrindaban, and they can give one small room there and you can chant and read. I can advise the temple authorities there to permit you to do so without disturbance. In either case you can take boiled vegetables, boiled rice, a little milk, once a day, and this is very easily digestible. I am also taking like this. Living outside the association of devotees is dangerous and unnecessary.

Letter to Revatinandana Maharaja, 6 October, 1975

October 4

Regarding the Lord Jagannatha deities, if They cannot be worshiped, They should be thrown in the sea.

Letter to Balavanta, 4 October, 1976

October 3

Piece of Govardhana Hill cannot be taken from Vrindaban.

Letter to Karandhara, 3 October, 1971

October 2

Indian philosophies mean generally the Sada Darsana or the six different schools of philosophers namely, 1. the Mimamsa, 2. Sankhya, 3. Nyaya, 4. Mayavada, 5. Patanjal and 6. the Vedanta. The last named Vedanta Darsana was compiled by Sri Vyasa after a thorough refutation of all other five Darsanas and therefore Vedanta is accepted by all Indian scholars and no body is recognized as bona fide who has no interpretation of this Vedanta Darsana.
The Western philosophers mostly of the Sankhya school have less aquaintance with the Vedanta Darsana and philosophers like Kant, Mill, Aristotle or Schopenhauer etc all belong to either of the above five Darsanas except Vedanta because limited human thinking power cannot go beyond that stage. But Vedanta Darsana is far beyond the limited mental speculation of the human brain conditioned by material nature.

Letter to Mr. Bailey, 2 October, 1951

October 1

It is the Vedic system that after 50 years of life one has to take to Vanaprastha, then take to Sannyasa.

Letter to Dr. Dave, 1 October, 1976

September 30

The real preaching is selling books. You should know the tactic how to sell without irritating. What your lecture will do for three minutes, but if he reads one page his life may be turned. We don't want to irritate anyone, however. If he goes away by your aggressive tactics, then you are nonsense and it is your failure. Neither you could sell a book, neither he would remain. But if he buys a book that is the real successful preaching.

Letter to Bali-Mardana, 30 September, 1972

September 29

Now, because you are on the field work, you have to meet so many opposite elements. And you have to satisfy them or fight with them with conclusive statements from Bhagavad-gita, and Srimad-Bhagavatam, and as such, it is needed that you should be thoroughly conversant with the truth.

Letter to Guru dasa, September 29, 1968

September 28

You are a very intelligent devotee of Lord Krsna and if you turn over your intelligence to Him, He will bestow upon you more and more intelligence how to serve the Spiritual Master and Krsna in full Krsna Consciousness. That is the perfection of your life. So please use your good intelligence for serving Krsna only and do not be misled to divert your attention elsewhere.

Letter to Damodara, 28 September, 1970

September 27

This engladdens me when I see our literature very widely distributed. This was the subject matter of my Guru Maharaja's satisfaction. He liked to distribute books more than constructing temples. He personally advised me to print books if I have got some money. So by His mercy we are printing books and constructing temples, as well.

Letter to Karandhara das, 27 September, 1973
