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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

March 15

Yes, you may perform the marriages in the Temple room, but after the legal marriage has lasted at least 6 months to a year. Then we can know they are faithful and serious.

Letter to Jayatirtha, 15 March, 1973

March 14

The original words of Lord Krishna have unrivalled potency and anyone who is fortunate enough to hear those words and tries to apply them to his life becomes perfect.

Letter to Mr. Dennany, 14 March, 1975

March 13

Indra, the king of heaven, he ruled over this planet as perfectly as the heavenly king Indra does. How? Ajitasrayah, completely being devotee. So the king can rule over the country... Why country? The world, world over. If he takes shelter of Krsna, Ajita means Krsna conscious, God conscious, such person, as they are advised in the sastra, then they can rule over the any part of the world or the whole world exactly like Indra, the king of heaven. He is ruling over perfectly.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhдgavatam 1.10.3-4, Tehran, March 13, 1975

March 12

A child does not want to go to school, but it is the duty of the parent to send him to the school by some way or other. So that is government's duty, that a man should be employed according to his capacity. There should be no unemployment. That is very dangerous position of the society. Now this unemployment question is very strong all over the world. They'll plan that "This government is not good. That system is not good. He's not good." And he'll do nothing. He'll personally do nothing. Just like the hippies, they criticize everyone, but he'll not do anything. These descriptions are there in the Srimad-Bhagavatam

Varnasrama walk, Vrndavana, 12 March, 1974

March 11

Dhira means that one who is undisturbed in mind. And our disturbance of the mind is due to our ignorance. Suppose I want to go somewhere. Now I am in the station. Actually, it so happened when I came to New York first from India. I was to be dispatched to Butler by the bus station, but I was a new man. I did not know the rules and regulation. Of course, somebody was guiding me. Still, I was very much in disturbed condition, how to get on the bus, how to get the ticket, how... All these. So disturbance of mind is due to our ignorance. So here, a very nice word is used: dhira. Dhira means undisturbed. Undisturbed. So this we should carefully note, that our mind in the material condition is always disturbed.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 2.13, New York, March 11, 1966

March 10

Krsna has His weapon, sudarsana-cakra. Lord Ramacandra has His weapon, bow and arrow. What is the weapon of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu? Sangopangastra-parsadam. His associates are His weapons. This is astra. Because in the Kali-yuga they are so fallen, even they are demons, they are third-class, fourth-class demons. (laughter) So they need not be killed. They are already killed. Their mode of life, their atmosphere, they are always dead. Just like we see so many demons. So what is there to kill them? They are already killed. They have no life. So this killing process in Kali-yuga is to kill their demonic propensities. And how to kill that demonic propensities? By spreading Hare Krsna movement. This is astra.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 7.2, London, 10 March 1975

March 9

Because of land being merged into water, it is natural to conclude that the beginning of life was aquatic. This is confirmed in Padma Purana that the species of life evolved from aquatics to plants, vegetables, trees; thereafter insects, reptiles, flies, birds, then beasts, and then human kind. This is the gradual process of evolution of species of life. But we do not accept Darwin's theory. According to Darwin's theory, homo sapiens came later on, but we see that the most intelligent personality, Brahma, is born first. So according to Vedic knowledge, Darwin or similar mental speculators are rejected so far the fact is concerned.

Letter to Hayagriva, 9 March, 1970

March 8

Krsna comes, therefore, because we are sinful, and at the same time we are part and parcel of Krsna. Therefore Krsna is more anxious for us than we are anxious for Krsna. This is the position. Krsna..., just like father. A spoiled child... The father is more anxious for the spoiled child, and the spoiled child does not care for the father. This is the position. We are all spoiled children, anyone who is in this material world. We are all spoiled children. We are all children of Krsna.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 9.2, Calcutta, 8 March, 1972

March 7

Simply follow the program of the elders, let the children associate as much as possible with the routine KC program, and when the others go out for working and business matters, the children can be given classes as you describe. They can learn our method of Krishna Consciousness by rising early, cleansing, plus knowledge of Sanskrit, English, a little Mathematics, history, geography, that's all.

Letter to Aniruddha, 7 March, 1972

March 6

You write that you are becoming very involved in Krsna Consciousness but your wife is not very interested and you want to know from me whether you should leave her. It is not necessary to leave your wife. The important thing is that you yourself become Krsna Consciousness, she cannot check you one way or another, but you must yourself surrender to Krsna and be engaged in devotional service. We do not say that one has to leave home. Either you leave home or remain there, and whether or not she becomes Krsna Conciousness, you go on with your progressive interest and participation in this great movement. By and by if you are strong in your determination, she may also follow you.

Letter to Brian Fleming, 6 March, 1974
