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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

April 4

This is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission. He says, "You become a spiritual master." "How? I have no qualification." "No. You just accept my order." "So what is your order, sir?" Yare dekha, tare kaha 'krsna'-upadesa: [Cc. Madhya 7.128] "You simply speak the instruction of Krsna whoever you meet. Then you become a spiritual master."

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 4.15, Bombay, April 4, 1974

April 3

One thing you may inform all devotees that Maya cannot touch a pure devotee: When you find a devotee is supposed in difficulty it is not the work of Maya but it is the work of the Lord by His Personal internal energy. The Pandava's tribulation in so many ways, Lord Ramacandra's departure to the forest, His wife the Goddess of Fortune's being kidnapped by Ravana, Lord Krishna's death being caused by the arrow of a hunter, Thakura Haridasa's being caned in 22 market or Lord Jesus Christ being crucified are all acts of the Lord personally. We cannot always understand the intricacies of such incidences. Sometimes they are enacted to bewilder persons who demons.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 3 April, 1968

April 2

Concerning your questions raised, the process is simply to hear from authority and accept it. From the Bhagavad-gita we can understand Krishna because He is explaining Himself. What is the difficulty to understand? There is somebody Superior in all aspects of material activities. The sun rises exactly on time, the seasons changing, fruits appearing, and flowers. There is no change in the law of nature. Don't you think that there is a Superior Being managing these things? Why not accept this proposal. It is no explanation that it is simply accident that all these things are going on so nicely.

Letter to Mr. Prem J. Batra, 2 April, 1976

April 1

Now, from studying Bhagavad-gita or deeply thinking over the matter, I come to understand that I am not this body. That is settled. That's all right. But actually I am working on bodily plane. This adjustment is required, that yes, you, for the present moment, because you are entangled or enwrapped within this, encaged within this body, so you cannot say that "I will work without this body." But you can work in such a way that even without this body, even with this body you can work in your spiritual platform. Although I am in this bodily conception of life, still, I can work from the spiritual platform. That technical knowledge is instructed by Lord Krsna to Arjuna, that "You are not this body, but you have to work at the same time."

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita, New York, April 1, 1966

March 31

We want to keep body very fit, healthy and beautiful, very nicely kept. Why? Why we take care of our body? Because I, the spirit soul, part and parcel of Krsna, I am living in this body. Therefore I take care of my body. Nobody takes care of the dead body. This is a fact. Either I take care of my body, or my family's body, or my wife's body, or my children's body.
Why? Because the part and parcel of Krsna is there. The soul is there.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 4.11, Bombay, March 31, 1974

March 30

If we are serious student of Krsna, then in the sastras everything is there. So when we understand the greatness of Krsna, then we become more attached. The greatness attracts.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 4.10, Bombay, March 30, 1974

March 29

Our propaganda is to educate people to accept Krsna as the perfect leader in all fields of activity, and if people take to it seriously they will be happy in this life and after quitting this body he goes back to home, back to Godhead. There is no difficulty in understanding this philosophy in full brain and it is the urgent necessity that it be spread all over the world. Therefore the best service to human society is to educate them after the principle of the Gita, otherwise they are losing the chance of perfection in the human life and going down again to the circle of birth and death and transmigration in different species of life numbering 8,400,000.

Letter to Dr. Ghosh, 29 March, 1974

March 28

The difference between animal society and human society is that a human being, whoever he may be, he can, if he is taught, if he is given training, if he is educated, he can understand his real position, that he is not this body, but he is pure consciousness; he is spirit soul. But in the animal society, however a big animal may be, either he may be a lion or a tiger or an elephant or any other big animal, he cannot be taught about the constitution of the soul, although he has got the soul also. A lower animal, he has also got the consciousness. He has got also a soul. But unfortunately he hasn't got the facility, the bodily facility or developed intelligence by which he can understand that, what he is. So that is the difference between animal and human being. So in the human society, if they do not care to understand this factual position of his soul or consciousness, then he is no better than the animal.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 2.46-47, New York, 28 March, 1966

March 27

When people does not surrender to Krsna, they manufacture so many Krsnas. So many rascals to surrender there. That is adharmasya. Dharma means to surrender to Krsna, but instead of surrendering to Krsna, they want to surrender to cats, dogs, this, that, so many things. That is adharma.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 4.7, Bombay, March 27, 1974

March 26

Atma means this body, atma means this mind, and atma means the soul. Three things, they are called atma. So Krsna's either body or mind or the soul, there is no difference. Krsna's body is avyaya. Our body is vyaya, it deteriorates, changes.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 4.6, Bombay, March 26, 1974
