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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

May 14

Krsna is the creator of everything, bad or good. Actually, "bad and good" is a material creation. Krsna's creation is good; God is good. What you think is bad is good for God. Therefore, we cannot understand Krsna. He is doing something that in our consideration may be bad, but for Him there is no such thing as good or bad. For example, Krsna married sixteen thousand wives. Some people may criticize, "Ah, He is so mad after women." But they do not see the whole picture. Krsna's power is so great that He expanded Himself into sixteen thousand different husbands.

The Tenth Morning Walk, May 14, 1973, Recorded in Cheviot Hills Park, Los Angeles

May 13

You must construct something wonderful. Otherwise, it will be a discredit to you American boys. That will exalt the position of America in India. And in every temple food distribution must go on profusely with American food supplies. Have the Americans given us the food supplies, is there any tangible donation? Or is it simply promises? If we can supply some proof they have given us such and such amount of foodstuffs, some document, that will help us in all parts of the world as propaganda.

Letter to Gurudasa, 13 May, 1972

May 12

God must be equal to everyone. He is neither envious to anyone nor friendly to anyone. This is general. But there is special significance. Ye tu bhajanti mam bhaktya: "Persons who are engaged in devotional service with love and faith," tesu te mayi [BG 9.29], "I have got a special intimate relation with him."

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 12.13-14, Bombay, May 12, 1974

May 11

In India bhadra means gentleman and abhadra means uncivilized man. So sometimes he does like gentlemen and sometimes like foolish rascal. Kvacin nivartate 'bhadrat kvacic carati tat punah [SB 6.1.10]. After coming from the prison house, jail, he decides, "No more I shall commit. I shall now become gentleman." But as soon as his friends, criminals, again mix with them, he again commits the same sinful activity. So in this condition, atonement, if he cannot change his character, so what is the use of this atonement? Prayascittam atho 'partham [SB 6.1.10]. Apartham means useless. If he cannot change his character, change his mind, then the punishment or prayascittam is apartha, useless.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.1.10, Honolulu, May 11, 1976

May 10

Sometimes under the garb of chanting people take to the habit of laziness, which is not required at all. Execution of devotional service is prescribed first with enthusiasm and patience. One can execute this transcendental activities staying as he is, but he must follow and try to apply in practical life the instructions as they are given in the Bhagavad-gita or Srimad-Bhagavatam, received through the proper channel.

Letter to Dayananda, 10 May 1968

May 9

Side by side increase our spiritual consciousness by attending to the temple routine work, Deity worship sankirtana, attending class. The idea is we must have the necessities of our life as far as possible independently. But we should not be business minded. Our main business is to develop our dormant Krsna Consciousness. Side by side we may take to such enterprises as will maintain us very nicely.

Letter to Jayapataka and Bhavananda, 9 May, 1973

May 8

Actually, the kingdom belonged to Bhismadeva. But he promised... His father wanted to marry Satyavati. At that time his father was old enough. Bhismadeva was grown-up boy, twenty, twenty-two years. But nature, his father wanted to marry again. Bhismadeva is the son of mother Ganges. Bhismadeva's father married the predominating deity mother Ganges, of the Ganges water. So she was very beautiful. So she agreed to marry Bhismadeva's father on one condition. What is that condition? That all the children that will be begotten, they will be thrown in the Ganges water. This was the condition. If the king agreed, then she would marry. So when a man becomes mad after woman... So he agreed, "Yes, I shall throw all the children. Never mind. (laughter) Come on." Maya-mohita. Maya-sukhaya bharam udvahato vimudhan [SB 7.9.43]. This whole world, rascal world, they are captivated by this woman. Woman is captivated by man, man is captivated by woman. This is the tie here in this material world.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.8.46, Los Angeles, May 8, 1973

May 7

In the present age respect for Deductive Process is dwindling whereas respect for Inductive Process is increasing although we know so far the Inductive research is concerned the process has not been successful. The conclusion is that we have lost our faith in the traditional Vedic knowledge handed down from the Guru to Chela or from the father to the son, although such system of Deductive Knowledge from the authority is the most perfect form of knowledge. The ultimate truth which is far beyond the reach of our imperfect senses can never be known by such inductive research work. The imperfect senses could not even measure the distance of the physical product The Sun or the Innumerable stars in front of us - and what such imperfect senses can make a research in the Mantras which are purely spiritual affairs. We have to accept the Mantra and its potency from the Vedic source and follow the practice and principles only to arrive at reality of truth.

Letter to Sri Padampat Ji, 7 May, 1957

May 6

I am very glad that Janaki is busy decorating the temple; this is what I want, that every disciple should always remain busy in some work for Krishna. We shall not allow to remain vacant our mind, and if the mind is always filled up with Krishna Consciousness activities, there is no chance of Maya to sit on the mind and force us to act under her spell. Maharaja Ambarisa he did like that and in spite of his becoming a responsible emperor of the world, he was a great devotee of Lord Krishna, and he successfully winned the challenge of a great yogi, Durvasa.

Letter to Mukunda, 6 May, 1968

May 5

My Dear Jayananda,
Please accept my blessings.
I am feeling very intensely your separation. In 1967 you joined me in San Francisco. You were driving my car and chanting Hare Krsna. You were the first man to give me some contribution ($5000) for printing my Bhagavad-gita. After that, you have rendered very favorable service to Krsna in different ways. I so hope at the time of your death you were remembering Krsna and as such, you have been promoted to the eternal association of Krsna. If not, if you had any tinge of material desire, you have gone to the celestial kingdom to live with the demigods for many thousands of years and enjoy the most opulent life of material existence. From there you can promote yourself to the spiritual world. But even if one fails to promote himself to the spiritual world, at that time he comes down again on the surface of this globe and takes birth in a big family like a yogis' or a brahmanas' or an aristocratic family, where there is again chance of reviving Krsna Consciousness. But as you were hearing Krsna-kirtana, I am sure that you were directly promoted to Krsna-loka.

Letter to Jayananda, 5 May, 1977
