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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

June 22

Regarding your proposed marriage, Yes, I think the girl whom you have spoken about is suitable match for you. So with permission of her parents you can marry her.

Letter to Krsna das, 22 June, 1970

June 21

Regarding your question how to carry your Deities to different places with you, you should of course always carry them personally if at all possible in a small box or cabinet for the purpose. Then when you come to another temple you may place Them on the altar with the other Deities. That is nice.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, 21 June, 1970

June 20

There are two ways, as I have already explained, that if you like you can become free from this bondage of material body. If you like. And if you don't like you can continue your material way of life, changing different material bodies. Changing different material body is described here: mrtyu-samsara-vartmani. Mrtyu. Because with any body, material body, either cat's body, a dog's body or human being's body or demigod's body or even Brahma's body, you have to die. There is no escape. Therefore it is called mrtyu-samsara-vartmani. And another path is, aprapya mam, this mrtyu-samsara-vartmani means you don't get Krsna. Krsna says aprapya, not getting mam, Me. Two alternatives. Either you get Krsna and go back to home, back to Godhead, this is one path. And the other path that you remain in this material world and repeatedly get a body and die again, get again another body.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 9.3, Toronto, 20 June, 1976

June 19

To know the Absolute Truth is not possible by our present senses. That is also another fact. Because at the present moment we have got materially affected... Not material senses. Our senses are originally spiritual, but it is covered by material contamination. Therefore the process is to purify, to purify the coverings of our material existence. And that is also recommended -simply by service attitude. Sevonmukhe hi jihvadau svayam eva sphuraty adah [Brs. 1.2.234]. The whole thing depends on our surrendering process and engage ourselves in the service of the Lord. Then gradually, the Lord reveals to the devotee. That is the process.

Letter to Purusottama, 19 June, 1968

June 18

Make many palatable things such as Jhuri, Dhal-mot, Jalebis, Rauta and many other nice dishes. You can keep a nice stock of these things, so that when a big man comes you can give him a nice plate of free prasada. In this way, our temple will become very popular, because everyone will know that if they come to our temple, they will receive very nice prasada. For the other guests, continue to sell the prasada daily. This is very nice program. Make all the prasadam very first class.

Letter to Dhananjaya and Aksayananda Swami, 18 June, 1975

June 17

In the battlefield Bhismadeva also wounded very severely Krishna. He was a great devotee of Krishna. And Lord Krishna accepted those arrows piercing His body as if somebody is worshiping with soft rose flowers. That is Krishna's transcendental body. But those who are materialists, they are cheated by Krishna that He is wounded. The materialists will think that Krishna was wounded, but one who knows what is Krishna, knows also that He is worshiped by the arrows. So in the battlefield, neither Krishna was wounded, neither Bhismadeva.. died due to the injuries out of the wounds. He decided to pass away at that time, therefore he died. These things will be more and more clear when you understand Krishna by revelation.

Letter to Sacisuta, 17 June, 1968

June 16

One makes his advancement in Krsna consciousness by voluntarily giving up his attachment to material nature, or maya. Such renunciation is called tapasya. But we are not very willing to perform austerities without good reason; therefore any man with a good scientific and philosophical mind, like your good self, must first appreciate what transcendental knowledge is. If you get knowledge, automatically tapasya will follow, and then you make your advancement in spiritual life. So to get knowledge is the first item for anyone who is hoping to find the perfection of his life. Therefore I advise you to read our books daily as far as possible and try to understand the subject matter from different angles of vision by discussing it frequently with the devotees at the New York temple. In this way you will gradually become convinced, and by your sincere attitude and devotional service you will make progress.

Letter to Bob Cohen, 16 June, 1972

June 15

According to Bhagavad-gita we have simply to tolerate all these temporary appearances and disappearance [of happiness and misery], our main function being to make steady progress in Krsna consciousness.

Letter to Rupanuga, 15 June, 1970

June 14

The difficulty is that the people in this country, they want to continue their practice of sense gratification, and at the same time they want to become transcendentally advanced. This is quite contradictory. One can advance in transcendental life by process of negativing the general practice of materialistic life. The exact adjustment is in Vaisnava philosophy, which is called Yukta Vairagya, means that we should simply accept the bare necessities of our material part of life, and try to save time for spiritual advancement.

Letter to Hayagriva, 14 June, 1968

June 13

We have created all kinds of religious formula. So Krsna says that "You give up all kinds of religious formula." But what is to be done? Sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja [Bg. 18.66]. "You just surrender unto Me." That means that surrendering unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the real religion of the living entity. Not that I like a particular type of faith, that is my religion. Religion means when one is trained how to surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is called religion.

Lecture on Bhagavat-Gita 4.7, Montreal, 13 June, 1968
