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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

May 24

Our mind is attracted by so many things, especially in the material world. When yoga system was advised to Arjuna that "You concentrate your mind upon Me," Arjuna flatly declined, "My dear Krsna, I cannot concentrate my mind in any particular thing." But he said that "I have got my mind on You." That is different thing. "But if you ask me to concentrate, it is very difficult for me."

Lecture on Bhagavad-Gita 7.1, Fiji, 24 May 1975

May 23

A few days ago I received one letter from you in which you desired to send me one manuscript for Nimai Sannyas drama, written by some Mr. Chatterji. Generally these dramas are sentimentalism. Those who are devotees of Lord Caitanya, they do not discuss much about the Lord's renouncing the householder life, but there are certain persons who floodlight the renouncement of Lord Caitanya in a materialistic sentimental way. I have seen such drama, written by Mr. Diliproy, and that was nearly nonsense. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu decided to accept this renounced order of life in a moment, and the business was finished in a day. But these people, in order to create a scene, they adulterate the Lord's renouncement in so many ways.

Letter to Gurudasa, 23 May, 1968

May 22

Unless you become industrious, laborious, you cannot enjoy even this material world.

Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam 1.5.1-4, New Vrindaban, May 22, 1969

May 21

I am very pleased to learn from you your system of filing of all life members to insure that they receive all our literatures. Our life members in India must be kept alive. This literature will keep them alive, plus kirtana.

Letter to Yadubara, 21 May, 1972

May 20

Everyone should act yajna. Yajna means work to satisfy the Supreme Lord. That is called yajna. If we do not do that, then we shall be obliged. Otherwise... "Otherwise" means the act which is done for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord, that is immune from all reaction, but anything which is not done for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord, that will oblige me in so many bondage of obligation, and I will have to repay that after many, many continuation of this repetition of births and deaths. That is the secret of life.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 3.8-13, New York, May 20, 1966

May 19

As far as machines are concerned, it is better to avoid using them as far as possible.

Letter to Hamsaduta dasa, 19 May, 1975

May 18

So atonement is concerned, here it is said, prayascittani cirnani narayana-paranmukham. You can have some atonement, but if you are bereft of Krsna consciousness, so this purification will not be complete. How? Rajendra sura-kumbham ivapagah. According to Vedic civilization, a pot in which wine was kept, it is impure forever. It is impure forever. You cannot use for any other purpose. It is so abominable. If you think that "This bottle contained wine. Now wine is finished. Wash it, then it becomes pure," then according to Vedic civilization wine is so impure that even the pot in which wine was kept, it will never become pure. These examples outsider cannot understand, but it is said in the sastra.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.1.18, Honolulu, May 18, 1976

May 17

Without accepting the principle of inconceivable power, no one can understand God. God is not so cheap that any so-called yogi can become God. Such imitation gods are for rascals and fools. Those who are intelligent will test whether or not such a person has inconceivable power. We accept Krsna as God because He has demonstrated His inconceivable power. As a child, Krsna lifted a big hill. And Lord Rama, an incarnation of Krsna, constructed a bridge without pillars by floating stones on water. So one should not accept God cheaply.

The Twelfth Morning Walk: Symptoms of God, May 17, 1973, Cheviot Hills Park, Los Angeles

May 16

Regarding your second question, "Where in our scriptures is there mention of Lord Jesus Christ as recognized and what is the purport?'' - We do not find in the scriptures Lord Jesus Christ's name. There is mention of Lord Buddha's name which is described in our Srimad-Bhagavatam. So far we are concerned, we have all our obeisances for Lord Jesus Christ because His whole life was devoted to the service of the Lord.

Letter to Gurudasa, 16 May, 1970

May 15

Krsna has so many forms, and which ever form you worship it is all the same, but you should worship that form which you like most.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, 15 May, 1970
