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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

May 4

Regarding your need for a warm beverage to drink while you are working, milk is the best. Take hot milk with little sugar, stir it very nicely, and drink it when it is warm sufficiently, tolerable by you, and with bubbles on the surface. That is the best hot beverage available in the world. You can also prepare some halevah. That is also very nice for a cold country. Add to it some raisins, almonds, etc.

Letter to Sivananda, 4 May, 1969

May 3

All the presidents of our centers should see that all the members are strictly observing the brahminical standards, such as rising early, cleansing at least twice daily, reading profusely, attending arati, like that. You begin immediately this process. That is the main work of GBC.

Letter to Rupanuga, 3 May, 1972

May 2

Your list of achievements by college course, Yoga club and programs in general is very impressive, particularly that you have a regular four credit college course at Fordham University wherein the students are required to read some of my books. The idea of employing an interested professor and making him the co-teacher seems to be a major break-through in our attempts to teach at the colleges. I am very happy about this.

Letter to Pancaratna, 2 May, 1974

May 1

The impression of Lord Caitanya's feet which you brought from India may be kept in a picture, not that it is worshiped as a deity. Keep it as a picture.

Letter to Jayatirtha, 1 May, 1974

April 30

At present many of our students are young boys, they are learning gradually and the process is so effective, certain, and authorized that if they stick to it they will come to the right point, as you say, of loving. But that love is not material, that is our point, so it may not be judged on the on the false sentimental platform of ordinary mundane dealings. So to say they are not loving, that maybe true from the materialists point of view - they have given up affection for family, friends, wife, country, race, like that, all based upon the bodily concept of life or flickering sense-gratification - they have become little detached from Maya's love, or lust, and they want Krishna's love, or endless, full, rewarding love, but they have not yet developed to that point, that's all.

Letter to Lynne Ludwig, 30 April, 1973

April 29

I am not a Ph.D., yet I can challenge the scientists. Why? Because I know Krsna, the Absolute Truth. Yasmin sthito na duhkhena gurunapi vicalyate: "If one is situated in Krsna consciousness, then even in the greatest calamities he will not be disturbed." (Bg. 6.22) Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.5.22) declares, avicyuto 'rthah kavibhir nirupito yad uttamasloka-gunanuvarnanam: "Great personalities have decided that Krsna consciousness is the perfection of life." This kind of knowledge is required. Not that we do some research, come up with a theory, and after fifteen years say, "No, no, it is not right - it is another thing." That is not science; that is child's play.

The Fourth Morning Walk: the shores of the Pacific Ocean, Near Los Angeles April, 29, 1973

April 28

So far we are concerned we are trying to train first class men. How much great responsibility we have to follow regulative principles, chant the beads, live with personal character etc. Regulative principles means to especially execute devotional service in terms of the revealed scriptures under the direction of the spiritual master. By fulfilling the regulative principles you come to the platform of spontaneous love for Krsna. Spontaneous love for Krsna is there already but is covered by the influence of Maya.

Letter to Rupanuga Maharaja, 28 April, 1974

April 27

So far as the visas are concerned, from Delhi arrangements must be made that at least 400 of my foreign disciples must remain in India to propagate the Krishna Consciousness Movement. They are my good assistants and they are missionaries also. So many Christian missionaries are working in this country. Why not Krishna Conscious missionaries? They should be given special consideration. As a missionary I was given special consideration in your country, similarly you all should be given special consideration here.

Letter to Gurudasa, 27 April, 1971

April 26

I shall always pray to Krishna that you may come out a successful and eminent scholar so that your writings and thoughts may be seriously taken by the mundane wranglers. Our only business is to present Krishna Consciousness to the ignorant mass of people, and if such people agree to hear in consideration of our important position in the material world, it is a great opportunity to place our submission, and thereby our mission is fulfilled. Acaryas in the disciplic succession of Lord Caitanya teach us that we shall try to place the message of Lord Caitanya very humbly to the people in general and that will make us successful in our service to the Lord.
Letter to Janardana, 26 April, 1968

April 25

You have got a very big responsibility to give your daughters a good Krishna conscious atmosphere for developing into nice devotees. If you also take up these sinful activities and neglect the principles of Krishna Consciousness, then that is a great misfortune. Your first consideration must be to see that your children become Krishna conscious, and if your husband will not take his responsibility, then what can be done? Simply you must keep to the principles, and pray to Krishna to help you.

Letter to Caitanya Dasi, 25 April, 1973
