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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

July 2

Krsna is so attractive that if anyone only once has fully applied his mind in thinking of Krsna and surrendering, then he becomes immediately saved from all miserable condition of this material life. So that is our perfection of life. Somehow or other, we surrender to the lotus feet of Krsna. So here it is stressed, sakrt. Sakrt means "only once." So if so much profit is there simply once thinking of Krsna, then we can imagine, those who are always engaged in thinking of Krsna by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, what is their position. They are very safe.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.1.19, Denver, 2 July, 1975

July 1

Wherever I shall be from now on I want the Bhagavata Seminar to go on. In San Diego, I spoke at one such seminar on "Hinduism'' which attracted many scholarly persons from all over the United States. So I am thinking that if we arrange similar seminar programs in the future, wherever I am speaking at the time, that will be a great success. So I am coming to New Vrindaban for the Janmastami celebration by end of August from Europe, so if you can arrange and advertise widely for such Bhagavata Dharma seminar or festival, I shall speak for minimum 7 days on the subject matter of Bhagavata Dharma. You may invite all the intelligent class of men, like students, professors, philosophers, scientists, educationists, like that, and they can pay some fee and we shall give them all facilities for living, and they shall attend our classes daily for some set period and take away immense benefit.

Letter to Rupanuga, 1 July, 1970

June 30

This movement is meant for intelligent class of men, those who have reason and logic to understand things in a civilized way, and who are open-hearted to receive things as they are.

Letter to Kirtanananda, 30 June, 1968

June 29

I thank you for your appreciation that you accept me on the superhuman platform and this will compel you to believe in God.

Letter to Rayarama, 29 June, 1969

June 28

One gentleman has written me that Marx said, "Religion is the opium of the people." That means the Communists are very adamant against God consciousness because they think that religion has spoiled the whole social atmosphere. Religion might have been misused, but that does not mean that religion should be avoided. Real religion should be taken. Simply because religion has not been properly executed by the so-called priests, that does not mean religion should be rejected. If my eye is giving me some kind of trouble on account of a cataract, that doesn't mean my eye should be plucked out. The cataract should be removed. So that is the idea of the Krsna consciousness movement - to remove the cataract from people's religious vision.

Replies to a Questionnaire from Bhavan's Journal, June 28, 1976

June 27

When I speak Krsna, it means God. God has got many names according to different religious system. But the real name is Kristo [pronounced "Kreesto"]. And you will be glad to understand that this Kristo, it is a Greek word, and it is a perverted pronunciation of Krsna, this Greek word. The meaning of Kristo in Sanskrit dictionary and the Greek dictionary always the same, about this word. And from this Kristo the word has got Christo or Christ. So even in Christian world the God's name is there. Jesus the Christ or Jesus the son of Kristo, or Krsna.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 3.27, Melbourne, June 27, 1974

June 26

You have intelligence, there is no doubt. Human being must have intelligence. But that intelligence is given to him for getting out of the clutches of birth, death, old age and disease. He's not utilizing that intelligence for that purpose, therefore duskrtina. Intelligence he has got. We don't say that modern world, they are unintelligent, fools. No, they have got intelligence. But the intelligence is being utilized for duskarya, which he should not have done. Duskarya. Karya and duskarya - work and bad work.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita, Ch. 16, New Vrindaban, 26 June, 1976

June 25

So far your road-show is concerned, we are not meant for giving performances, we are simple kirtana men. There must always be kirtana going on wherever we travel, and nothing else.

Letter to Kirtanananda, 25 June, 1972

June 24

From your book Soviet Studies of India I understand that academician Mr. A. P. Baranrikov completed a great translation, working the matter of Tulsidas's Ramayana into Russian. Srimad-Bhagavatam is the ripe, mature fruit of the Vedic knowledge, and Tulsidas's Ramayana (Ramacharitmanasa) is but a partial representative of Srimad-Bhagavatam. The real Ramayana is Valmiki's Ramayana. Tulsidas was a devotee of Lord Rama and he has given his thoughts in his book Ramayana. But the real original thoughts and ideas are in Srimad-Bhagavatam.

Letter to Professor Kotovsky, 24 June, 1971

June 23

If anyone accepts that God is greater than everyone and nobody is equal to Him, then we welcome such statement. And if he is sober and intelligent then he will try to learn from Vedic literature how God is greater than everyone and nobody is equal to Him. This knowledge is very clearly defined beginning from the Bhagavad-gita. So if you meet such persons who are staunch Christians you can humbly put this argument before them for consideration. But if somebody is dogmatic and blind follower, then avoid discussing with him. Better spend that time for enlightening a person who is innocent. Do not try to enter into the details of New Testament, but simply say that we agree on the principle that God is great.

Letter to Tosana Krsna, 23 June, 1970
