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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

July 22

In Bhagavad-gita you will find confirmation of the fact that this Hatha Yoga system is not so easy process as you have been led to believe by various "masters''. To do actual Hatha Yoga one must not live in the city, but he must go to a sacred spot, and completely freed from all attachments and all material desires and disturbances, he must concentrate his mind upon the Lord within his heart. This process is not completed in just six months time, but it extends over many, many lifetimes.

Letter to Martin Malles, 22 July, 1969

July 21

Now Arjuna is facing the problem. What is this problem? Suppose you bring all my friends, my relatives, my sons, grandsons, my father-in-law, brother-in-law, friends, my animals... Because there were soldiers, senayor ubhayor api, there were animals also. Horses, elephants. They are also within the membership. According to Vedic conception, the animals, they are also members of your family. Because they are giving service. Not that one section of the members of my family I give protection, and the other section, I take everything from them and then cut throat. This is not civilization. You keep your sons, wife, daughters, cows, dogs, they are animals, asses, domestic animals, horses, elephants. If you are rich, you can keep elephants also. Either family-wise or state-wise, it does not mean that you give protection to some members and cut throat of the others. Oh, how horrible it is. So all of them were present now. And the problem is that he has to kill them, Arjuna. It is fight, it is a family fight.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 1.26-27, London, July21, 1973

July 20

In the Vaikuntha world there cannot be any fight. So because Krsna wanted to exercise His fighting spirit, He sent His devotee. He became enemy and He fought. So you have to understand Krsna in that way, as Hrsikesa. He knows that unless Arjuna becomes affected family-wise, how Bhagavad-gita will be there? Therefore although Gudakesa, Arjuna, is above darkness, still, by the will of Krsna, Hrsikesa, he played just like ordinary man, affected with his family affection. Therefore Krsna in the next verse says, "My dear Partha, now you wanted to see with whom you have to fight. Now, here is Bhisma, Drona, and many other kings. All the descendants of Kuru dynasty, your Dhrtarastra's sons. Now you see very nicely and be prepared to fight with them." So this is the explanation of Hrsikesa and Gudakesa.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 1.24-25, London, 20 July, 1973

July 19

Vidhi marg and raga marg are already explained in the TLC. Neophyte devotees who are trained under rules and regulations is called vidhi marg. When by execution of the vidhi marg one comes to spontaneous service of the Lord that is called raga marg.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, 19 July, 1970

July 18

Krsna says, bhoktaram yajna-tapasam sarva-loka-mahesvaram: [Bg. 5.29] "I am the proprietor, I am the enjoyer." This is the Krsna's position. He never falls down that position. Krsna is enjoyer. He keeps always that position. He never falls down. He never comes to the position of being enjoyed. That is not possible. If you want to bring Krsna on the position of being enjoyed, then you are defeated. Being enjoyed means keeping Krsna in front. I want to get some profit of sense gratification. That is our unnatural position. Krsna will never agree. Krsna will never agree. Krsna cannot be enjoyed. He is always enjoyer. He is always the proprietor. So krsna bhuliya jiva means when we forget this position of Krsna, that He is the Supreme Enjoyer, He is the supreme proprietor... This is called forgetfulness. As soon as I think that "I am enjoyer, I am proprietor," this is my fallen stage. Krsna bhuliya jiva bhoga vancha kare. Then japatiya dhare, maya, immediately maya captures.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 1.21-22, London, 18 July, 1973

July 17

This collecting is also preaching. But not only collection, but expenditure must also be stabilized and scrutinized. Nothing should be spent extravagantly.

Letter to Gopala Krishna das, 17 July, 1975

July 16

If you have taken a wife for grhastha life, why are you neglecting? That is not Vaisnava. Vaisnava means he is very much responsible, and if he is householder, then he must be responsible. I cannot give sannyasa to any devotee who has not proven himself to be responsible in all respects. Better you prove yourself first by being ideal householder and forget all this nonsense.

Letter to Mahatma, 16 July, 1972

July 15

Regarding your question - What does it mean: "We are all originally Krsna conscious entities.'' - We are always with Krsna. Where is not Krsna present? So how you can say that we were before? You are always with Krsna and when we forget this fact we are far, far away from Him. In the Isopanisad it is clearly stated that tad dure tad vantike "He is very away, but He is very near as well.'' (Iso. mantra 5). So this forgetfulness is our falldown. It can take place at any moment, and we can counteract this forgetfulness immediately rising to the platform of Krsna consciousness.

Letter to Upendra, 15 July, 1970

July 14

I have heard from Bhakti das that that University in San Diego where I spoke is willing to have me there, so unless you are able to arrange something there at Berkeley or San Francisco, I shall probably teach at San Diego. Accredited or not accredited, it doesn't matter, I simply want to present this great philosophy to serious students who will understand it and deliver the world from the present-day ignorance of misinformation.

Letter to Rsabhadeva, 14 July, 1972

July 13

You have not quoted any authority for all your statements. So it is more or less dogmatic. If different men put different dogmatic views about religion and its essentials who is to be accepted and who is not be? Therefore the approach shall be and must be authoritative, scientific and universal. Your delineations do not conform to all these necessary things. That is my main contention. If you have time to discuss on it, I shall be glad to substantiate my contentions as far as possible. My basis of arguments will be Bhagavad-gita which is the most authoritative, scientific and universal.

Letter to Raja Sahib, 13 July, 1947
