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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

June 6

Prabhupada describes the devotees as valuable jewels. If we have a valuable jewel in our hand, we will hold it tightly so we do not lose it. Similarly, the Supreme Lord holds His devotees tightly in His hand because He considers them valuable. The Lord promises to always give protection especially to those devotees who have no desire other than to satisfy Him. Devotees consider devotion to the Lord the most valuable possession they could have, and therefore they are always striving to attain it.

LFD Vol 2 Pg 259, 2nd Paragraph

June 4

If we really want to give Krishna pleasure, then we should think about what He likes the most. Whenever there is an object of service and a person, we should wonder what would most please that person. Service to Krishna, service to Lord Caitanya, and service to the devotees are synonymous, because the object of the service is to satisfy the beloved. By satisfying those persons, we too become satisfied.

LFD Vol 2 Pg 249, The Lord's merciful glance, 1st Paragraph

June 3

Sometimes we are conditional in our attempts to practice bhakti. We may only want to do a particular service, and if that service is not available to us, we say there is no service at all. We think if we do a service not of our choosing that we will not get credit or be recognized. We think we will not be able to maintain our enthusiasm unless our service is recognized. This is utsaha-mayi, false or immature enthusiasm.

LFD Vol 2 Pg 248, The Lord's merciful glance, 4th Paragraph

June 2

Vaisnavas always keep themselves back, wanting to see others recognized and receive the Lord’s mercy. Recognizing the nice service others are performing makes everyone want to become more Krishna conscious. When one becomes so inspired, then the heart fills with attraction for Krishna and bhakti begins to manifest.

LFD Vol 2 Pg 248, The Lord's merciful glance, 3rd Paragraph

June 1

We may accept the external dress of renunciation and do something to atone for our sinful activities, but unless the sinful seed of desire in the heart is uprooted, we will still be subject to Yamaraja’s punishment. So instead of practicing renunciation or atonement, we must aspire to attain devotion to Krishna.

LFD Vol 2 Pg 246, The Lord's merciful glance, 3rd Paragraph

May 31

Caitanya Mahaprabhu descended to give us the quickest way to go back to Godhead. He gave the example of a silversmith who uses a small hammer in his work. He must tap that hammer on the silver many, many times, and the work is tedious, but that is the only way to work carefully and precisely, analyzing his work after each strike. The process given by Caitanya Mahaprabhu is not like the silversmith, Srila Prabhupada said, but rather the blacksmith, who takes his hammer and in one blow quickly finishes his work. Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not wait for each living entity to gradually evolve through the performance of pious activities; he gave a quick and powerful method by which each living entity could become a self realized lover of God.
LFD Vol 2 Pg 244, The Lord's merciful glance, Last Paragraph

May 30

Lord Caitanya came to reveal, through the chanting of the holy name, the spiritual world and the mood in which the residents of that world render devotional service. He also made devotional service to Krishna attractive by showing His own absorption in it and especially in thoughts of Krishna in the mood of the gopis. When devotees saw Lord Caitanya’s ecstasy, they themselves would cry. Making Krishna attractive was Lord Caitanya’s mercy.

LFD Vol 2 Pg 244, The Lord's merciful glance, Paragraph 1

May 29

That the Lord allows Himself to become subordinate to His devotee is not a fault but an ornament. Actually, it is His most beautiful ornament; it is what makes Him so attractive. Srila Prabhupäda says, “Why become one with God when you can conquer Him?” Impersonalists want to become one with God, but if you love Krishna, you can become greater than Him.
LFD Vol 2, Pg 275, 2nd Paragraph

May 28

Along with seeing Krishna as time, devotees see Him as the destroyer of everything. At the same time, they know that when they use their time properly in devotional service, time becomes an asset for their progressive advancement. A devotee thinks, “Krishna has given me so much time in this life, but it will go by quickly. If I don’t use my time to serve Him, then I will have wasted my life and will be destroyed by time."
LFD Vol2, Pg 272, 4th paragraph

May 19

We all want to experience real love. Krishna is that reservoir of loving relationships. But He will also allow us to look for that love elsewhere as a demonstration of His love. As the Lord in the heart, He will do this, knowing that love must be spontaneous and must be based upon our own minute independence. The fact that we cannot be fully satisfied without loving Him is also His kindness. Having already come in contact with Him, our experiences will bring us to that realization because Krishna will not forget that we called out His name with some faith. We may forget, but He will not forget.

Collected Letters, Volume 5
