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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

May 18

In the marketplace of the holy name, the most valuable commodity is faith; not material wealth, which is most valuable to mundane investors. But the analogy works in the same way. An investor who wishes to invest his wealth looks for a solid investment which will hopefully give him a good return. In the same way, one who has some faith in pure devotional service and the holy names, but also wants to increase it, has to be willing to invest his/ her faith in that person who invokes faith in pure devotional service and the pure holy names. The more faith invested, if it’s a genuinely solid investment, the more we’ll get in return.

Collected Letters (Volume 5) 

May 17

Thank you for your letter and for sharing your experiences with your godbrothers and godsisters. I was very happy to read your letter. Even though you described internal struggles, you gave evidence that you are faithful and hopeful with the process of Krishna consciousness. That is important to me, and I’m grateful to you for your efforts. We must never lose hope, even in the face of adversity.

Collected Letters, Volume 5

May 16

Srila Prabhupada gives the example, that for a devotee, death and entrance into the spiritual world are just like lightning and illumination. It happens simultaneously. There's never any fear for a devotee who engages himself fully in hearing and chanting about Krsna.

Collected Letters: Volume 2

May 15

Accepting shelter does not necessarily mean that we have someone we always go to with our problems. But we do require shelter if we want to know how to deal with our own problems. That shelter can
come in the form of Vaisnava association, the strength of the holy name, through reading Srila Prabhupada’s books, or by remembering the guru’s instructions. The symptom we manifest if we have shelter is
that we are able to face adversity without disturbance and can go on serving Krishna without material considerations under the shelter of the holy name.
LFD Vol 2, Pg 357,2nd Paragraph

May 14

The Bhagavatam explains that a brahmana who gains knowledge but does not use it to benefit others is like a clay pot with a crack in it. If you fill a cracked pot with water, the water will leak out. If we fill ourselves with knowledge by hearing, our knowledge will leave us if we do not repeat what we have heard.
LFD Vol 2, Pg 356, 3rd Paragraph

May 13

The nama-hatta leader should also discipline himself to make tangible plans for the welfare of his dependents. For instance, Krishna instructed Uddhava and Uddhava then instructed Vidura. When Vidura understood in his discussions with Uddhava that Krishna had been thinking of him, he was overwhelmed by love of God. We feel sheltered when we know someone is thinking of our welfare.
LFD Vol 2, Pg 354,4th Paragraph

May 12

Sometimes we use others’ experiences to preach, telling everyone what their maya is. But if the troubled persons are sincere, they probably already recognize their own maya. What they need to hear is about yogamaya, the Lord’s internal potency. To the degree that they become attracted to Krishna, to that degree they will become inspired.
LFD Vol 2, Pg 352,4th Paragraph

May 11

Preachers can be “forceful” by their purity, causing others to want to surrender to Krishna. Although we may think of another’s welfare, we cannot justify any mistreatment of that person. If we preach without attachment, and if a person does not accept what we are offering, we have to be detached enough to accept that and not justify forcing the person to bend to our will. Preachers feel responsible for others’ welfare, but they also control their own anger, envy, lust, greed, and their attachment to the results of their preaching. Only then can the preachers truly think of others’ welfare.
LFD Vol 2, Pg 351, last Paragraph

May 10

Prabhupada compared Krishna consciousness to an infectious disease. When a person has a contagious infection, others can catch it. Similarly, when we have the infectious disease of taste for hearing and chanting, others around us will also become infected and the disease will spread. This is what empowerment is. Empowerment has nothing to do with having a big position.
LFD Vol 2, Pg 351, 2 Paragraph

May 7

Devotees personally experience that when they practice one-pointed devotional service, Krishna takes better care of them than they can take care of themselves. Krishna gives us everything we need to help us be satisfied in any condition of life. Without His grace, we can never be satisfied, even if we appear to have everything we need. Krishna is actually the source of our satisfaction.
LFD Vol 2, Pg 347, 4 Paragraph
