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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

May 6

Krishna conscious preachers have to awaken the voluntary spirit of surrender in others by both preaching and example. Srila Prabhupada did not expect the managers to manage as if ISKCON were a corporation. What he really expected was that devotees would be taught and encouraged to chant sixteen rounds, rise early, attend mangala-arati, and attend the Srimad-Bhagavatam class.
LFD VOL 2, Pg 347, 6 Paragraph

May 5

If you really want Prabhupada’s mercy, take up some responsibility in his mission. But we should not take on so much responsibility that we are forced to sacrifice our sadhana. Prabhupada did not want that either. We have to be convinced that if we are Krishna conscious, everything will somehow get done. Prabhupada wanted us to take up the burden of love he gave us, but not at the expense of our spiritual lives.
LFD VOL 2, Pg 342, 1st Paragraph Onwards

May 4

Srila Prabhupäda gave us the holy name. He gave us the association of Vaisnavas. He gave many wonderful things. But Prabhupada’s gift to the world is his institution. He asked his followers to please maintain it after he was gone. This is the burden of love he left for us, and any devotee who has the great fortune to share in this burden will receive sweet nectar: Srila Prabhupada’s mercy.
LFD VOL 2, Pg 341, 2nd Paragraph

May 3

When Krishna sees devotees serving in a mood of personal sacrifice, it is natural for Him to reciprocate and give those devotees internal happiness and satisfaction. The devotees then become inspired to make further sacrifice while at the same time feeling more and more humble. Such devotees are qualified to give others shelter.
LFD Vol 2, Pg 340, 3rd Paragraph

May 2

What it takes to be an effective spiritual leader cannot be trained; we may learn so many management techniques, but if we are absorbed only in the techniques but have no spiritual substance, we cannot give shelter to others. Caring for devotees has to be based on genuine feeling; it is not a show. No one feels sheltered under someone who is simply making a show of caring.
LFD Vol 2, Pg 340, 2nd Paragraph

April 16

The internal way of spreading Krishna consciousness is to first experience it ourselves and then to give it to others by our own example. Externally, we may make so many arrangements to spread Krishna consciousness, but internally, we have to know that the most effective way to spread Krishna consciousness is to be Krishna conscious ourselves. This is how Srila Prabhupäda established the Krishna consciousness movement: the substance (his Krishna consciousness) first, and then the form or organization. When he gave Krishna consciousness to others and they became attracted to it, their own desire to do something for Krishna was awakened in their hearts.
LFD Vol 2, Pg 337, 1st and 2nd Paragraph

April 15

We are strict with others because we want them to follow our plans. When we see discrepancies in their behavior, we are also quick to point them out. But when devotees think of others’ welfare, they are actually thinking about how to inspire them to serve Krishna lovingly. Without offering inspiration, it is difficult to get others to follow our direction.
LFD Vol 2, Pg 336, 2nd Paragraph

April 14

Some people think that Krishna consciousness is utopian—completely perfect. Then if they see faults, they want to reject everything, as if everything in Krishna consciousness is faulty. But we should know that there are faults even in the spiritual world. Do not be like flies going to the stool; rather, be like bees and go for the nectar.
LFD Vol 2, Pg 335, Last Paragraph

April 13

 If we want to come to the stage of devotional service, we have to hold on tightly to the Vaisnavas’ instructions by constant remembrance and constant endeavor to apply them. Only then will we find the spiritual strength to allow ourselves to be rescued.
LFD Vol 2, Pg 48, Last Paragraph

April 12

If you see two advanced Vaishnavas seemingly opposed to one another, consider it leela; don’t become an aparadhi by taking one side over another. And if both are aparadhis and are offending one another by their behavior, then it is still best not to get involved. Simply taking sides and even starting a defensive movement is not the way to resolve problems. We do not solve problems by numbers or by creating a vox populi. Rather, we should resolve problems from the spiritual platform. That is, we should seek Krishna conscious solutions. Therefore we should look for people who have the most Krishna conscious influence on all parties and place the dispute in their hands.
LFD Vol 2 pg 43, last paragraph
