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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

July 11

Our constitutional nature is that we can choose to serve either Krishna, or we can serve Krishna's illusory energy. That's our choice. But that's the limit. There are no other options. We may look for other options, but they just don't exist. 

Kiev Sunday Feast Lecture - November 15, 2009

July 10

The characteristic of that which is spiritual, is eternal, full of knowledge, and full of pleasure. And the characteristic of that which is material is that it's temporary, full of ignorance and it's filled with suffering. Asat acit nirananda. Minsk, Belarus - November 4, 2009.

June 30

I have your letter which I received during my last visit to Moscow, and I have noted the contents with pleasure. This pleasure was aroused from reading that both of you are now serving Srila Prabhupada's mission, by assisting the devotees in Moscow with the many responsible tasks that lie on their shoulders. I'm very anxious to see that the devotees living outside the temple do not simply remain as “guests”, who visit the temple whenever there is a visiting sannyasi. Of course, in the beginning, that is understandable. But the more that one hears about Krishna, the more one's desire to serve Him should become aroused.

Collected Letters: Volume 2 

June 29

Sometimes devotees are very eager to jump immediately into the confidential subject matters, but if the adhikara (qualification) is not there, they will not be able to come closer to Krishna. Bhaktivinoda Thakura says that it is like the person who tries to get the ripest fruit on the top of the tree by jumping. You can jump as much as you want, but the fruit is out of reach at the top of the tree. If you want to get to that ripe fruit, you have to climb the tree. Similarly, sometimes people want to get the confidential subject matter, but they do not want to climb the tree. As Prabhupada said, one must first deserve and then desire. We have to show Krishna that we really want confidential knowledge of Him. We have to hanker for it and qualify ourselves. That should be our bhajana and sadhana.
LFD Vol 3, Becoming recognized as a servant of the Lord, Pg 74, 4th paragraph.

June 27

A pure devotee prays to always remember the Lord. We may not be so advanced to say to Krishna, “Do whatever You have to do to make me Your devotee.” However, we can pray, “Please, let me always remember You." That is the greatest benediction.
LFD Vol 3, Becoming recognized as a servant of the Lord, Pg 71, 3rd paragraph.

June 27

Thus, Lord Nityananda does the cleaning and the preparation work to make one qualified to establish his relationship with Lord Caitanya. Even the offenders were delivered by the mercy of Lord Nityananda. When Lord Nitynanda petitions Lord Caitanya, “Please, bestow Your mercy upon them,” Lord Caitanya cannot refuse when He sees Nityananda begging with tears in His eyes, saying, “You have come to deliver the most fallen".
Even for those who have no faith, Lord Nityananda is so merciful that by His method of distribution, He awakens that faith in Gauranga. With tears in His eyes, He falls on the ground begging, “Please, simply take this name.” He is not asking for anything else.
LFD Vol 3, Establishing Our relationship with Lord, Pg 69, 3rd paragraph onwards.

June 25

Bhaktivinoda Thakura explains that sometimes when one realizes the futility of material existence, because of prolonged endeavors to fulfill his desires, he realizes the futility of materialistic life. After prolonged endeavor to fulfill his desires, he either does not get them fulfilled or they do get fulfilled, but he realizes that that fulfillment of the desires cannot satisfy him. At that point, some detachment is awakened within his heart, and then by good fortune, if he gets an opportunity to associate with a devotee of Krishna and he hears from Krishna that the highest goal is to attain devotional service and the lotus feet of Krishna,
then he gains some faith in devotional service.
LFD Vol 3, Establishing Our relationship with Lord, Pg 67, 4th paragraph.

June 24

Sometimes it is seen that the sadhakas are engaged in devotional service, and after prolonged sadhana they give it up because they lose their faith. Bhaktivinoda Thakura says that patience is required. To have patience means that a devotee must have firm faith that he will get Krishna’s mercy—either now, one year from now, a hundred years from now, or a hundred lifetimes from now. With this faith that someday he will get Krishna’s mercy, he continues to serve Him.
LFD Vol 3, Establishing Our relationship with Lord, Pg 65, last paragraph."\

June 23

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura describes in his Bhaktyaloka that there are the karmi, jnani and bhakta. They are all looking for some result from their sacrifices. For one who is engaged in karmayoga, he is looking for the fruit of his sacrifice; he wants some result. The jnani is also looking for some fruitive sacrifice; he wants liberation. The devotee is also looking for some fruit, but the fruit he is looking for is Krishna’s pleasure.
LFD Vol 3, Establishing Our relationship with Lord, Pg 65, last paragraph.

June 22

Tolerance means more than simply tolerating criticism or material obstacles. Bhaktivinoda Thakur gives the example of tree. The nature of the tree is that even if somebody comes to cut it down, it will always give fruit and shade to that person. Not only does it tolerate someone who is coming to cut it down, still it bestows its fruits for the benefit of that person.
A spotless Heart - Kharkov - November 12, 2001
