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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

March 10

Srila Prabhupada once told some devotees who were taking second initiation that if a mother holds her baby on her lap and that child passes stool, she will immediately overlook it. A mother is tolerant with a young child. But if the mother is holding a nine-year old on her lap and the child passes stool, the mother is not so tolerant. Prabhupada gave this example to show the responsibility of growing up in Krishna consciousness and taking brahminical initiation.
LFD Vol 2 Pg 380 2nd Paragraph

March 9

From personal observation, I see that children generally remain in Krishnaa consciousness because of the affection they have received from their parents. Sometimes parents have to discipline their children out of love. Sometimes reprimand is necessary. But the children have to see our love. Otherwise, they will never see our discipline or reprimands for what they are—attempts to guide them for their own good.
LFD Vol 2 Pg 375 2nd Paragraph

March 8

It is useless trying independently to destroy ignorance and lust in the heart. But ignorance, lust, fruitive activities, all doubts, and material bondage are destroyed by the mercy of the Lord in the course of cultivating devotional service. The endeavor of karmis and jnanis does not yield such results.
LFD Vol 2 Pg 366 last Paragraph

March 7

Our acaryas do not accept offering the fruits of our prescribed duties as a bona fide item of sadhana-bhakti. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura’s commentary to the sixty-first text of Brahma-samhita supports this view. He writes that offering our activities in varnasrama-dharma is gauna-bhakti, subsidiary devotional activity. Such activities are not directly bhakti, although they may be conducive to our performance of devotional service. The Bhagavatam purport to text 11.25.23 states: Ordinary work performed as an offering to God, without desire for the result, is understood to be in the mode of goodness, whereas activities of devotional service—such as chanting and hearing the glories of the Lord—are transcendental forms of work beyond the modes of nature.
LFD Vol 2 Pg 364 last Paragraph

March 6

Krishna uses the phrase, abhyasa-yoga. Abhyasa-yoga refers to the regulated practice of fixing the mind exclusively on Krishna. A benefit of fixing the mind at the lotus feet of Nanda Maharaja’s divine son is that we become fearless in this world and no longer worry about the outcome of our present activities.
LFD Vol 2 Pg 363 Paragraph 5

February 28

I'm very anxious to see that the devotees living outside the temple do not simply remain as “guests”, who visit the temple whenever there is a visiting sannyasi. Of course, in the beginning, that is understandable. But the more that one hears about Krishna, the more one's desire to serve Him should become aroused.

Collected Letters: Volume 2 

February 27

Don't become discouraged if your service sometimes becomes difficult. There will be so many tests. If you remain steady, despite all obstacles, continuing to chant 16 rounds daily, regularly hearing lectures from more advanced devotees, following the four regulative principles, and remaining fixed in service, you will advance in Krishna consciousness. This will satisfy me very much.

Collected Letters: Volume 2 

February 26

Srila Prabhupada has explained that in all temples both pancaratrika vidhi and bhagavat vidhi must go on side by side. When there is both preaching and Deity worship going on, then the temple is well-balanced. Without preaching, and especially book distribution, there is no meaning to temple life. You should not be proud of the fact that you are distributing books. Better to be a sincere potwasher, always meditating on service to the lotus feet of the Deity, then to be a proud book distributor, always meditating on one's own honor. But the fact is that when the book distribution is going on in a sincere way, the whole community benefits.

Collected Letters: Volume 2 

February 25

The point is that Krishna consciousness is the only sense of reality. It is the only real security. Everything else is just a illusory conception of security and happiness, which simply cannot last. Why Krishna is doing this, we may not be able to completely understand, but ultimately must see it as an opportunity to become more attached to Krishna, our only shelter.

Collected Letters, vol. 2

February 24

Krishna has a plan for each and every one of us. We must simply always be prepared to continue to serve Him, glorify Him, and remember Him, while accepting His plan. If you always remember this, you will certainly be succesful in all of your endeavors. There is always success in Krishna consciousness.

Collected Letters, Vol. 2
