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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

February 23

Even the nondevotees suffer anxiety. But they have other methods to give themselves relief: temporary sense gratification and intoxication. Devotees seek relief in Krishna consciousness; they give up lower tastes to attain something higher. But why do we struggle to find shelter? It is because the mind tells us that there is shelter elsewhere. We still do not have faith in taking shelter in Krishna consciousness. Although we faithfully perform our sadhana out of a sense of obligation, and this is a good beginning, we have to go beyond mere obligation.
LFD Vol 2, Pg 363, 4 paragraph onward

February 22

Although Prabhupada gave us the priorities of health, then sadhana, then preaching, he did not mean that we should devote our whole life to caring for health. He meant that if we are ill we should seek healing. We should not use curable ill health as an excuse to not engage in Krishna consciousness. Rather, we should endeavor to improve our health, understanding that our body is Krishna’s body. Then we must perform sadhana, and then preach. That is how to balance life.
LFD Vol 2, Pg 362, last paragraph

February 21

Srila Prabhupada did not start preaching immediately in his life either. Rather, he underwent many difficulties in his business, and he often said that it took him years to fulfill his spiritual master’s order that he preach in the English language. Still, he was always preparing to perform this service, and meditation on his guru’s order became his daily meditation and thus part of his sadhana. Srila Prabhupäda was nitya-siddha, a devotee who came from the spiritual world to teach by his own example how to give up household life and dedicate one’s life fully to the Lord’s service. Sometimes the nitya-siddhas descend to teach many things—how to live as surrendered householders among them.
LFD Vol 2, Pg 362, Paragraph 4

February 20

Those who have become too absorbed in material activities and have lost their ability to practice sadhana should seek the association of devotees who can inspire them to take it up again. This is the proper way to balance life. If we balance material life with proper sadhana, then it will be natural to preach as we have time—and such preaching will be real preaching, not false preaching.
LFD Vol 2, Pg 362, Paragraph 3

February 19

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura states that householders have the right to maintain themselves through performance of their prescribed duties. But if someone voluntarily offers something to reciprocate what we have given, we may accept it. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura also explains that householders can join the nama-hatta. But they should earn an honest livelihood, and when it comes time to distribute the holy name or to preach, they should not do it as a way to “get rice and milk.” They should earn their livelihood first, and then distribute the holy name and Krishna conscious literature after that.
LFD Vol 2, Pg 360, last paragraph onwards

February 18

Life’s desires should never be directed toward sense gratification.One should desire only a healthy life, or self-preservation, since a human being is meant for inquiry about the Absolute Truth. Nothing else should be the goal of one’s works. Devotees do not find physical maintenance inspiring. Still, they can take care of themselves and their families if they have the vision that such maintenance serves a spiritual purpose. Life passes quickly; we should not allow ourselves to waste time.
LFD Vol 2, Pg 360, Paragraph 5

February 17

We should try to be conscious of these standards of cleanliness. If we touch something, drink something, and want to
chant on our beads, we should first wash our hands. We should never touch something as sacred as our beads with unclean hands. We should also always bathe after becoming contaminated, such as after evacuation. Sometimes that may be difficult, but such situations should be rare.
Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, Pg 352, 2nd paragraph.

February 16

Aside from personal cleanliness, Prabhupada said a brahmana should always leave a place cleaner than he found it. He should clean up after himself, and not be afraid to clean up after others. He certainly shouldn’t leave his mess for others to clean up. Sometimes we have seen devotees who think like this: “I’m a book distributor, let the less important dishwashers wash my plate.” We should all clean.
Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, Pg 351, 4th paragraph.

February 14

Lord Narayana told the four Kumaras that a wrong act committed by servants leads people to blame their master, just as a spot of white leprosy on any part of the body spoils the entire skin. Krishna specifically states that a wrong act performed by someone who claims to be a servant will immediately make the people blame the master. We are trying to glorify Srila Prabhupada, but if we don’t behave in the way that Srila Prabhupada expected, then people will blame Srila Prabhupada for our bad behavior.
Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, Pg 349 last paragraph.

February 13

The best way a devotee can show mercy is to distribute the message of Godhead throughout society. In this way, he will always be acting for the enlightenment of human society. A devotee is one who distributes Krishna’s mercy. We often say that the spiritual master is merciful because he distributes the Lord’s mercy just as a rain-cloud distributes water from the ocean. A rain cloud does not carry its own water, but takes water from the ocean. In the same way, a devotee carries the Lord’s mercy and shares it with others.
Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, Pg 348 last paragraph onwards.
