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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

January 9

The criteria upon which we base our discrimination are the standards set by guru, sadhu and sastra. We are conditioned and therefore not yet able to hear from supersoul directly. We must learn to use our intelligence to disciminate on the basis of what we have heard from these three sources. We must come to understand the spiritual master's instructions along with the instructions of the sastra and sadhus. We should not place our faith in the mind but in these three authorities.
LFD Vol 1, What is real criterion for making proper decisions in our conditioned position?, Pg 66, last paragraph.

January 8

Srila Prabhupada gave us a mission to fulfill in this world. That mission is simply to execute his order. Therefore, it is a far more important meditation for his disciples to think of his order than to imagine their lives with him in the spiritual world. When we are ready, the spiritual master will reveal more to us about our mutual identities in the spiritual world. We qualify ourselves for that revelation by following his orders in the here and now.  Srila Prabhupada never spoke about his relationship with Srila Bhaktisiddhanta in the spiritual world, nor did he speak to his disciples about our relationship with him in Goloka. We should understand that Srila Prabhupada did not speak about such things for a reason; Prabhupada wanted us to live with him by mediatation on the instructions he gave us in this world.
LFD Vol 1, Is relationship between guru and disciple eternal?, Pg 64-65, last paragraphs.

January 7

The Srimad Bhagavatam explains that Krishna as caitya-guru helps to surrender to Him. Caitya-guru means the Lord in the heart. However, before we are able to perceive the Lord's dictations, we must purify our existence. To purify our existence, we must accept some discipline by which our hearts can become cleansed. The example is of Lord Brahma practising meditation upon hearing the syllables "ta-pa". The result of Brahma's obedient austerity was that the Lord personally revealed Himself to him and showed him the expanse of the Vaikuntha planets. Because Brahma accepted his guru's discipline, everything was revealed to Him:tene brahma hrda ya adi-kavaye. The point to note is that although Lord Brahma agreed to become disciplined, he did not perform whimsical austerities. The auterities he chose to practise were based upon a superior dictation. The spiritual master is the external manifestation of Supersoul, and he instructs us consistently with the dictations of caitya-guru. By accepting guru's discipline and purifying our existence, we can learn to contact the Lord in the heart. We conquer the mind not by whimsical activity but by engaging in the Lord's service under our guru's direction.
LFD Vol 1, How does the disciple become disciplined?, Pg 63, several paragraphs.

January 6

We must start with obedience, because without obedience it is not possible to understand the guru's instructions. The spiritual master expects the disciple to maintain an attitude of obedience. He doesn't want the disciple to concoct his own set of instructions to follow. The spiritual master has already given the instructions. We may or may not understand the import of the instructions, but if we carry them out in pure faith, we can realize everything in Krishna conciousness
LFD Vol 1, How should we serve the spiritual master?, Pg 61, 2nd Paragraph

January 5

We should always strive to associate with Krishna through the spiritual master's instructions. This is how we see Krishna in everything. Prabhupada showed us this by his own example. Why do we appreciate Srila Prabhupada so much? It is not because he was a resident of the spiritual world or that he was always talking with Krishna or that he was talking intimately with the gopis, because how would we asssume to have the eyes to see such things in first place? We cannot project our lack of vision on the spiritual world. We don't need to. Srila Prabhupada showed us his greatest glory, something we could see. Anyone with eyes can see that Srila Prabhupada was fully dedicated to following the order of his spiritual master. Prabhupada did not show us the example of looking behind every bush in Vrindavana for Krishna; he taught us to see Krishna in the orders of guru.
LFD Vol 1, How do we actually associate with Krsna?, Pg 60, 1st Paragraph

January 2

I am very pleased by the sacrifices made by those devotees who selflessly go out to the conditioned souls to induce them to take one of Srila Prabhupada's books. When I look and see how many thousands of people, whose lives have been changed from despair to hope by reading Srila Prabhupada's books, it makes me feel so proud of Srila Prabhupada, and so fortunate to have the opportunity to serve him. We must give as many people as possible this opportunity to have Srila Prabhupada's association.

Collected Letters: Volume 2, Preaching and Book Distribution.

January 1

You'll find that so much shelter is already there when you remember my instructions. I've asked you to please distribute Srila Prabhupada's books, and have given so many other supporting instructions in my lectures. You should understand that those instructions are just as much directed to you as those given directly to you. And by acting upon them, you will gain the strength that you need to continue with your service in book distribution.

Collected Letters: Volume 2 Preaching and Book Distribution

December 31

I was very happy to return from the Soviet Union to find your name on the list of top distributors in every North American newsletter published since I left United States in early July. I want to tell you how much this inspires me in my preaching. By your steady endeavor to distribute Srila Prabhupada's books, I'm reminded that I must remain steady in my endeavor to encourage others to take up this most important mission. In this way, you are helping me in my service to Srila Prabhupada.

Collected Letters: Volume 2, Preaching and Book Distribution. 

December 30

Sometimes people will become disturbed, no matter how we deal with them, because they are already disturbed! Our mere presence is a threat to their sense gratification, especially when we expose how much people have exploited religious practices to justify their own sense gratification. So we should not be intimidated by their disturbance. However, if we don't provoke them by restraining from strong preaching, and by that tactic they willingly take a book, that is much better, than provoking them, and they end up walking away emptyhanded.

Collected Letters: Volume 2 Preaching and Book Distribution

December 29

I remember when I was doing fulltime book distribution, there was a time when we felt that we even had to distribute on Sundays for a few hours, no matter what, just so that we wouldn't lose momentum from taking one day a week off. It's not that I'm recommending that this policy be adopted. It's important to get at least one full day for rest and extra study when performing fulltime book distribution. However, in principle, a dedicated book distributor should know that any time not spent on Sankirtan should be used to increase his determination and enthusiasm for Sankirtan. That service requires that kind of resolute determination.
