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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

December 18

We may have our own particular services and means for pleasing Krishna’s devotees and Prabhupada. However, particularly during the Christmas marathon, there is an emphasis for everyone to get the opportunity to do a little bit more. It is available for anyone who wants to take part. Nobody is going to push anyone. However, all opportunities are there. If we actually feel the pushing from within, it is a great opportunity to become Prabhupada conscious and to really meditate on what is so dear to his heart. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity that we should not miss out on. Do not let this lifetime pass without at least once experiencing what it is like to taste a marathon for Srila Prabhupada’s pleasure. I say that from my heart and from my own direct realization and experience. I leave these words with you, and I invite you to please take advantage of Srila Prabhupada’s mercy. 
(Lectures from a disciple, Vol 3, Book Distribution, Pg 387, 2nd Paragraph)

December 17

If we want to receive the Lord's full protection, we must fully renounce our independence. Only fully surrendered souls receive the full protection of the Lord. A fully surrendered soul is one who gives body, mind, words and all twenty four hours in a day to Krishna. Such devotees conquer both time and Krishna. They transcend the material world because they have given everything they have, including themselves, to the Lord's service. Krishna says He becomes conquered by those who love Him fully.
Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, "Surrender is an ongoing process"" Pg 96 - 2nd and 3rd Paragraph

December 16

Surrender is an ongoing process. We should never foolishly think we have surrendered once and for all. Pride can become the greatest obstacle on our path. Surrender is not something that occurs at a particular point in time; it is a way of life. Krishna says, "As they surrender unto Me, I reward them accordingly." Surrender followed by Krishna's reciprocation is an ever-increasing process. A devotee therefore always seeks opportunities to increase his surrender. We are not free from material desires. We can pray to Krishna for shelter against them. If we think we surrendered five or ten or fifteen years ago, and that we have no further need to surrender, then it is likely that those desires will arise in the heart and we will become attracted to them. We need Krishna's constant protection. Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, "Surrender is an ongoing process", Pg 95 - 3rd Paragraph

December 15

  Those who have strong intelligence will understand that they do not want their anarthas. At the same time, we don't want to continously meditate on them. We can actually strengthen anarthas by meditating on them constantly.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, "Anarthas can choke the bhakti lata", Pg 453 - last Paragraph

December 14

Someone may be attracted to the process of devotional service because he thinks he'll be relieved from suffering. Most of us find that practicing devotional service does not relieve our suffering, or it produces other kinds of suffering.
Sometimes people are disappointed by this and even give up their devotional service in frustration. Of course, if even for a moment we receive the taste of Krsna's lotus feet, we will feel fully satisfied and our sufferings will pale in comparison. We will not be able to forget the taste of devotional service ever again. The trick is, then, to get even a minute taste of real Krishna conciousness. We will be more open to receiving the taste of devotional service if we clear the heart of anarthas.
Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, "Anarthas can choke the bhakti lata", Pg 452 - last Paragraph

December 13

This is the science of learning how to see attachments in the heart. For those who are not spiritually advanced, the
attachments are difficult to see. Devotional association is invaluable.
Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, "How can we see our attachments?", Pg 452 - 4th Paragraph

December 12

Even if the fault is pointed out by someone we do not respect, a devotee should become expert at taking gold from a filthy place. Even a nondevotee can help us. Krishna can use nondevotees to teach us as easily as He can use devotees.
Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, "How can we see our attachments?", Pg 451 - 4th Paragraph

December 11

The tendency to find fault in others is quite deep. It means we take our faults and blame them on others. Or, we are so
busy looking for faults in others that we do not have time to look for them in ourselves. We become too absorbed in seeing
others' faults.
Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, "How can we see our attachments?", Pg 451 - 3rd Paragraph

December 10

Often we cannot see our anarthas ourselves. This is why it is important to associate with other devotees. What we cannot see is often obvious to other devotees; the other devotees act as a mirror to reflect our attachments. We have probably all experienced periods where we like what we see in ourselves, but often, when our words and behaviors are reflected back  to us in the association of devotees, we see ourselves differently. We have probably also all had the experience of seeing our chief attachments - attachments to which we are usually blind-- in others. Ultimately we have to make ourselves susceptible or open to hearing from others if we wish to clear our hearts
Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, "How can we see our attachments?", Pg 451 - 2nd Paragraph

December 6

We shouldn't think that full engagement in devotional service means we should never rest. We may rest as required to keep ourselves fit for service. But we should not respond to the mind's demands that we become, through sleep or some other form of sense gratification, less absorbed in devotion.
Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, Sadhana, Pg 406 , 1st paragraph
