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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

December 28

Maya may put so many doubts and worthless arguments into our minds, but if we continue the chanting, the curing process will go on, never mind the doubts, and gradually we will get a taste of that sweet nectar of Krishna Nama Sankirtan. That is the process; and you may explain it to all your friends, so they may understand the nature of their doubts and skepticism, and be benefited.

Collected Letters: Volume 2  Preaching and book distribution.

December 27

"I am happy to hear that you continued to chant despite so many doubts and skepticism. That is the process. Even if there may be doubts and skepticism, if one continues the chanting process, the doubts will all disappear, and real knowledge will be revealed by the Grace of Krishna."

December 26

Srila Prabhupada always emphasized that if we want to cure our diseased condition, we must constantly glorify the holy name, pastimes, and instructions of the Lord. The difficulty is that we have no taste for this constant chanting. Without this spontaneous attraction for chanting, we must voluntarily place ourselves in an environment which will push us in the direction of glorifying the Lord. Book distribution has the unique quality of providing this environment. Granted, sometimes we can become ritualistic in our efforts to sell Krishna conscious literature, and it may seem that we are failing to expand upon the glories of the Lord. But because our efforts are aimed at service to the Vaisnavas, by directly assisting them in spreading the Lord's glories, ultimately we are expanding the Lord's glories. Gradually we can become cured from our diseased condition and begin to develop more and more of an attraction to speak about the Lord in every circumstance.

Collected Letters: Volume 2, Preaching and Book  Distribution.

December 25

Ignorance is the root cause of sinful life. If we pull up weeds from the garden but do not get the root, then the plant will grow back. If we do not remove the root of ignorance from our heart, then the sinful desires will grow back. Prahlada Maharaja prays, "Please appear in our hearts and drive away our ignorance so that by Your mercy we may become fearless in the struggle for existence in this material world." This is the only way to become fearless; ignorance must be completely driven out by the Lord's mercy. Krishna, who is situated within the heart, destroys material desires in the core of the heart of that person who develops the desire to hear about His transcedental pastimes.
Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, attachments and material desire, Pg 467-468 last paragraph

December 24

Sometimes a devotee offers this prayer without being aware of its import. He may begin to see the Lord's response - his attachments being destroyed. He may wonder why all these things are happening to him. He may even renege on his prayer, deciding he's not ready for such mercy. He plans to restate the prayer when he's older and can enjoy his senses less. Prahlada Maharaja preached on these exact points to his classmates. He told them to become Krishna concious while they are young. By the time we are old, these attachments are going to be very difficult to remove.
Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, attachments and material desire, Pg 467 2nd paragraph

December 23

Until the Lord actually kills these internal demons, we will be harrassed. Therefore we should offer our respectful obeisances to Lord Nrsimhadeva and beg Him for His mercy. Any devotee aspiring to be free of material desires should offer his respectful prayers to Lord Nrsimhadeva just as Prahalada did in this verse. Do not be afraid of the pain that these demons' removal will cause. We want to rip these demons out of the heart. They are so deep rooted that it will not be easy. We are attached to them. When we use the word "rip", we imply that their removal will not be easy - not because the Lord lacks strength to do it, but because we are so attached that we will try to hold onto our desires. We may even be afraid to offer the prayer. What if the Lord hears us and we lose what we think is dear?
Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, attachments and material desire, Pg 466-67 last paragraph

December 22

Devotees are always attacked by demons (of sinful desires born out of nescience), and we should not expect that our desires will disappear instantly. If we take shelter in our materialistic desires, we cannot expect to be protected from them. We must pray to the Lord constantly for freedom. Only Krishna can protect us. Krishna assures us that He will protect any devotee who surenders to Him.
Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, attachments and material desire, Pg 465-66

December 21

  Srila Prabhupada always placed great emphasis on the importance of establishing this Krishna consciousness movement on the authority of his books. He not only spoke about that, but he also demonstrated by his own example, as shown by the amount of time he dedicated every day for translating. Wherever Srila Prabhupada would go, not only would he lecture, not only would he take care of managerial affairs, not only would he take personal care of the devotees, but he was also translating books.

December 20

Thus, for anyone who has not experienced a taste of what it is like to push and push for Prabhupada, book distribution opportunities are available for your benefit. Take advantage of them. Do not let this lifetime pass without at least once experiencing this taste of pushing for Prabhupada. Prabhupada is not a miserly person. That same taste that he gave to his direct followers is just as accessible for many generations to come. At the same time, it is also a mystery; it cannot be experienced unless that desire has been awakened within the heart to do something that really pleases Prabhupada.
(Lectures from a disciple, Vol 3, Book Distribution, Pg 387, 1st Paragraph)

December 19

I was present during Srila Prabhupada’s manifest presence before he departed from this world in 1977. Because I had already been a member of the Krishna consciousness movement for five years prior to his departure, I personally witnessed his very strong, compelling desire to see that his books were distributed throughout the world. I felt pushed by simply hearing that desire. Although I felt pushed during those years, I have no feelings of regret whatsoever. In fact, it has helped me to more fully understand the personality of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, his motivations, his purpose, and his purity. It also enabled me to experience a very sweet taste that comes from making personal sacrifices for the pleasure of a pure devotee of the Lord. It is a taste that is incomparable to any other pleasure that one may aspire for or experience in this world.
(Lectures from a disciple, Vol 3, Book Distribution, Pg 378, 3rd Paragraph)
