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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

February 12

Sometimes we think that the Krishna consciousness movement is transcendental and that we don’t have to conform to the standards of human morality. That is not what Srila Prabhupada taught. He taught us to approach these qualifications by engaging in bhakti-yoga, especially hearing of the Lord’s pastimes and qualities. Srila Prabhupada taught us at initiation to accept four vows. If we think about it, what is so transcendental about these vows? They are simply principles meant to elevate us to the human status. We agree not to become intoxicated or to eat meat. These things are the standards of human life. Naturally we also take a vow to chant at least sixteen rounds a day. It’s understood that by chanting our rounds every day, we will gain strength to follow the regulative principles.
Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, Pg 344-345 last paragraph onwards.

February 11

The ability to inspire others comes from purity. Wherever there is real Krishna consciousness, we will find an awakening of spiritual desire. Desire is the natural and eternal companion of the soul. Therefore, it is natural for every living entity to want to do something. We simply have to steer them in the proper direction, pointing them always toward Krishna. Therefore we have to preach purely. There is no greater force than pure preaching.
Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, Pg 335 1st paragraph.

February 10

Our enthusiasm is often awakened by some outside impetus. Srila Prabhupada said, “Purity is the force.” It is not a stick that will push us, but a pure example. If we actually hear  the message of Krishna consciousness presented purely, we begin to desire bhakti to grow in our own hearts. What happens when that desire begins to grow? We decide we want to act for Krishna’s pleasure. Then we simply need direction. But the actual impetus comes from the heart’s inspiration to do something for Krishna. We cannot be forced and be practicing bhakti.
Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, Pg 334 2nd paragraph.

February 9

Prabhupada tells the story of the wedding party that rowed all night only to find in the morning that they were in the same place. This is because they had forgotten to pull in the anchor. If we are too much addicted to sense gratification, despite good instructions we will not be able to progress. To give up material attachments takes work. If we are not willing to do that work, then we are lazy and inert, and Bhaktivinoda Thakura says that those two states lead to inactivity. Enthusiasm is the opposite of inactivity. “When utsaha is generated, laziness and inertia cannot remain.”
Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, Pg 327 2nd paragraph onwards.

February 8

When we are in a position to petition the Lord, what should we ask of Him? The science of Krishna consciousness is based on knowing what to ask for. To learn this science, we can examine the examples of the great Vaisnavas. What have the pure Vaisnavas asked for when they were in the Lord’s presence? Elevated Vaisnavas ask to hear and chant about Krishna.
They ask for devotion. They ask for service. They are not interested in material boons given either by Krishna or His pure devotees. When Khatvanga Maharaja found that he had only a moment to live and was faced with asking a benediction, he remembered his time in the material world and rejected the idea of asking for anything material. Instead he prayed to remember Krishna at the time of death. If we are similarly interested, we will get Krishna’s mercy.
Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, Pg 325-326 last paragraph onwards.

February 7

There are exceptional cases where persons achieved devotion through the Lord’s direct mercy, but whether it’s the Lord’s mercy of the mercy of the pure devotee, mercy is required for the development of bhakti.The other part of the formula is that we have to become qualified receptacles for the mercy. We have to seek mercy by hearing the divine instructions on how to please Krishna. By hearing those instructions and acting upon them, we become qualified for further mercy.The Bhagavatam also explains that by serving devotees who are free of vice, we are rendering a great service. By that service, our attraction to hearing and chanting Krishna-katha will increase.Therefore the Bhagavatam states that both hearing and Vaisnava seva must be there.
Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, Pg 324-325 last paragraph onwards.

February 4

There is never a cause to blame Krishna for our suffering. We must see it as a result of our own sins in the past. But an expert devotee can turn any apparent reversal into something positive, if he has firm faith that, in this reversal, the Lord has a plan for his ultimate interest.
Collected Letters: Volume 2 

February 3

You ask how to get over the illusion of pride. Of course, pride does not go away so quickly, but if we want to work on decreasing it, then we must simply voluntarily accept the role as a servant of Krishna. Note that becoming just a “servant” is not sufficient. We must become Krishna's servant by becoming the servant of Vaisnavas. 

Collected Letters: Volume 2

February 2

You ask how does one sever a friendship with someone when you know it's not good association. My best recommendation is that you should make every effort to be good association for that “friend”. If they're really your friend then they'll accept that good association and then they'll become good themselves. If they don't like that good association, then they'll become exposed, and a natural disinclination to continue associating with you will automatically follow. 

Collected Letters: Volume 2

February 1

As soon as the thought of becoming a grhastha starts to linger within the mind of a serious bramachari, then that in itself is a pretty good indication that householder life is most likely the direction that he will need to move in. This does not make the bramachari any less serious because he is contemplating householder life.

Collected Letters: Volume 2 
